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I've fallen in love with this name again. In a perfect world, I'd use the nickname Miri - however it much to close to my niece's nickname, Mira. (Mira and Miri sound like badly named twins)I'm looking for a middle name. I was thinking of Judith, as that is my aunt. Another was Joy.Also, are Miriam and Mercy too close for sisters? Too religious sounding?
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I also love the name Miriam, it's so pretty. I do think Miriam and Mercy sound too similar for sisters. I like Miriam Joy as a combo. I also like Miriam Faith, Miriam Katherine, Miriam Pearl, Miriam Nancy, Miriam Tabitha and Miriam Sadie.
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No, I think those two names would sound really sweet if you names two sisters that.
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I love the Miriam. It's very beautiful. I really love the combo Miriam Judith, too. Not too fond of Miriam and Mercy as a sibset, though, because I'm personally not that into matching initials.
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Miriam is lovely, however I'm constantly reminded of the TV show "There's Something About Miriam". However, I don't think others would associate Miriam with this television show.Miriam and Mercy are a little bit too close, but its a nice sibset overall.For Mns I like:Miriam Ruby
Miriam Lenora
Miriam Elodia
Miriam Anais
Miriam Isadora
Miriam NerissaLet me know what you think!
Bethanie... achieving beyond expectations...
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Miriam is very nice. I used to not care for it, but it actually has a sweet name, and I do adore Miri as a nickname, but I agree that it wouldn't work with Mira around. However, if you used Miri as just an occasional nickname in your household only, it may just work.I like the idea of honoring, so I suggest Miriam Elizabeth, but I'm not sure how you would feel about that.Miriam Ivy sounds wonderful to me right now.I don't like the sound of Mercy, and Miriam and Mercy don't work for me. Miriam & Helen on the other hand sound lovely to me : )

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Miriam Elizabeth is lovely.A bit long, but lovely. I'd use Judith more to honor my father than my aunt - he was very close to his sister. I've never understood why he didn't name my sister or me after her.Miriam and Helen are lovely, thanks!
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Miriam is very pretty, and you could use Mimi for short. I like Miriam Joy better than Miriam Judith, but they're both very pretty. =]"You use your money to buy privacy because during most of your life you aren't allowed to be normal." -Johnny Depp
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Yay!I love Miriam, and Miriam Joy is beautiful. Yay!I don't think Mercy and Miriam are too close or too religious sounding.-- Sarah
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I think it's absolutely gorgeous, but I do prefer Mariam. Of course, I bet that'd be misread as Marian a lot, but oh! Mariam sounds lovely to me. :)Miriam Judith and Miriam Joy both sound fabulous. I also wouldn't say no to Mimi, Mamie, or Mitzi (if she was the right kind of girl) as nicknames; much as I love Miri, it would be rather close to Mira, assuming that they'll see quite a bit of each other.I like Miriam and Mercy together. They both feel very quiet and a bit down-home to me. As for them sounding too religious, if I were to make the stereotyped assumption, I would say that they sound religious in different ways--Jewish versus Puritan. (When I hear Mercy, I think of the book The Witch of Blackbird Pond, which had sisters Mercy and Judith. Isn't that a great pair? :) But the religion in them isn't the whole of them, and--well, I really like them, both separately and together. I'd even like Mercy Miriam as a combo! :DArray

...And then he said, "You're independent, aren't you?"
"Yes," said Laura.A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
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Thanks.Mercy Miriam is a bit much for me. I think Mitzi would be an adorable nickname - in fact, I adore it. (The only problem is my aunt had a dog named Mitzi) Mimi is out of the question, though - that is what the grandkids call my mom. :-D Mercy and Judith is lovely. I was curious about the streotype - Christian vs. Jewish. I'm glad you see them as quiet and down-home, though.I really think that Mitzi (if she was like her mother) and Mercy would be perfect. Now if Mercy was like me, though...she'd have the same issues with her names as I did mine.
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Miriam and Mercy sound fine together.I like Miriam Joy much better than Miriam Judith.Leslie, lucky mommy to Scott (2000), Delaney (2002), and Larissa (2005)
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