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I've always liked the name Anne. I think the simplicity of it makes it more beautiful. I've really been liking it more the past few months. Like it suddenly jumped into my Top 5 even. I would seriously consider using it for a daughter (if I got to daughter #2 ever).I'm shocked that it only ranked #499 in 2008! Anna ranked #26, Annie ranked #392, and Ann #830. I much prefer Anne to Anna, and I do love Annie as a nickname but not a full name. I dislike the spelling without the e. It just looks so much nicer, classier, and balanced with that e on there, plus it always makes me think of Anne of Green Gables which I loved as a child and think is a great namesake.So what are your thoughts on Anne? Do you prefer Anna, Annie, or Ann over it?Playing around with combos my favorites are Anne Harriet and Anne Georgina, but in real life I would love to use the combo Anne Rosalie. What do you think of Anne Rosalie? Do you have any favorite Anne combos?
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I totally agree. I love Anne over all the others and it's mostly because of Anne of Green Gables. I quite like Anne Rosalie but I also like Anne:
Delia or Delilah
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I love Anne and Ann, and prefer them to Anna - which is nice, but could get confused with Hannah. Anne Harriet and Anne Georgina are both good combos - not really a fan of Rosalie.
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I love Anne - only spelled with the E. I do slightly prefer Anna, though. I also like Annie, but only as an occasional nickname.Anne Rosalie is one of my top Anne combos. I love it! (Anna Rosalie is currently my favorite Anna combo.)These are the Anne combos on my long list (favorites are bolded)...Anne Beatrice, Anne Beatrix, Anne Bryony, Anne Camellia (this is my top Anne combo), Anne Camille, Anne Cecilia, Anne Cecily, Anne Charlotte, Anne Clarimonde, Anne Clementine, Anne Clothilde, Anne Colette, Anne Cordelia, Anne Corisande, Anne Cressida, Anne Delphine, Anne Delphinia, Anne Dorothea, Anne Drusilla, Anne Dulcinea, Anne Eleanora, Anne Eleonora, Anne Emeline, Anne Emmeline, Anne Eugenia, Anne Eugenie, Anne Fortunata, Anne Genevieve, Anne Georgina, Anne Geraldine, Anne Ginevra, Anne Gisèle, Anne Gwendolen, Anne Harriet, Anne Helene, Anne Hesper, Anne Isadora, Anne Josephine, Anne Juliet, Anne Julietta, Anne Kalamela, Anne Lavender, Anne Lenore, Anne Leonora, Anne Lilac, Anne Lilias, Anne Lilibet, Anne Lisbet, Anne Lorelei, Anne Louisa, Anne Louise, Anne Lucille, Anne Marguerite, Anne Maribel, Anne Marigold, Anne Marisol, Anne Mathilde, Anne Melisande, Anne Midori, Anne Millicent, Anne Philippa, Anne Rosabel, Anne Rosalie, Anne Rosalind, Anne Roselil, Anne Rosemary, Anne Rosemonde, Anne Rosetta, Anne Rosewen, Anne Rowena, Anne Swanhilde, Anne Tallulah, Anne Tehani, Anne Therese, Anne Victoria, Anne Violet, Anne Violetta, Anne Violette, Anne Virginie, Anne Winifred

This message was edited 8/5/2009, 2:59 PM

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I see the appeal in Anne, but I find it to be a little boring. It's definitely better as a first name than a middle name though, and I definitely agree about the terminal e. I like Anna enough to use, and I also like the German pronunciation of Anne (which is AHN-eh, as far as I can tell). I'm loving the combo Anne Beatrix, pronounced the German way.I also like Annie, and while I wouldn't use it as a given name, it's a nice nickname for Anne. Anne is difficult to come up with middle names for. I like middle names that have the accent on the second syllable -- for example, Anne Camille, Anne Victoria, Anne Sophia
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I think that it's gorgeous. Much better than Anna, Ann, or Annie. Anne Rosalie is very pretty.
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I also think it looks much more refined and classy with the e on the end. It looks so elegant, where I find Ann plain, unfinished and kind of frumpy. Strange what an extra letter can do!It has grown on me recently, but my favourite girls name is Anna, so there's still no contest for me. I like Annie as a nickname, but don't think I'd ever use it as a full name. Out of your combos, my favourite is Anne Rosalie, sweet and simple ♥ I know Margaret is your top choice for a girl. Anne Margaret is my partner's mother name and she goes by Annie. I kind of like it!
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I like Anne, but I love Anna. Still Anne does hold a special spot in my favorite names since my Aunt is named Anne - with the e. I agree there is something about the simple-ness that makes it beautiful.I also like the nickname Annie for either Anne or Anna, it's sweet. =]
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Anne is okay. It's so similar to the words 'and' and 'an' that it doesn't really do a lot for me. Anna is a bit different and that's why I prefer it to Anne even though it's still a tad plain for my tastes (my dh chose our dd's name, I didn't). Anne with an 'e' looks lovely and there wouldn't be many little Annes in Kindergarten with her. I love the nick, Annie. So darling.Combos: I like Anne Georgina and especially Anne Rosalie. Anne works with a variety of names. In fact, it's such a staple that you could get very creative with the mn: Anne Bianca, Anne Callista, Anne Corinna, Anne Demetria, Anne Jessenia, Anne Marigold, Anne Ophelia, Anne Penelope, Anne Rosalind, Anne Theodora, Anne Willow, etc.

This message was edited 8/5/2009, 11:58 AM

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I like this spelling (no E) the best, since it's my mother's name.ETA Sorry, I should have had more to say. I think of Ann as being very sweet, simple and straightforward (again, like my mom). Anne Rosalie is pretty; I like it more because Rosalie is a fave of mine. For myself, my Ann combos:Ann Cecelia nn Ancie (courtesy of Array :-) )
Ann Charlotte
Ann Lyonesse
Ann Mireille
Ann StarlingAnd as a mn:Charity Ann
Honey Ann
Nalani Ann
Pearl Ann

This message was edited 8/5/2009, 11:19 AM

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It's been growing on me. I like it better than Ann or Annie and Anna's a bit too popular for my tastes, though I like its internationality and I'd use it as a mn for honouring purposes, since it's my mother's name.
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Anne over Anna, Annie, AnnI agree with you, it's so classy and beautiful. I also love it more than the other three you brought up. =) I'd also use it on a daughter if I didn't have a bad association to cloud it. =/Anne Rosalie has a weird flow to me. I'd use Anne Rosalia or Anne Rosemary over it any day. I tend to like flowery and feminine names with Anne, since it's so short and simple. Here are some ideas:Anne Azalea
Anne Ophelia
Anne Idonea
Anne Aurelia
Anne Cordelia
Anne Cornelia
Anne Violetta
Anne Victoria
Anne Fiorenza
Anne Fiammetta
Anne Luciana
Anne Lucinda
Anne Mireia
Anne Mirjana
Anne Luljeta
Anne Polyhymnia
Anne Dorothea
Anne Morwenna
Anne Georgiana
Anne Viviana
Anne Ariadne

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hehMy friend's mother's name is Ann, and her sibset is Ann, Annie, and Anna. Not even kidding.Brothers are Fred and Frank, fwiw.
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That's insane. So it's like they have no nickname
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I like these:Anne Ophelia
Anne Fiorenza
Anne Georgiana - I like Anne Georgina, so why didn't I think of this?
Anne Fionnuala :) I love it when I see other people mention this name around here-- I love it!
Anne Margaretha - Made me think of Anne Marguerite, which I like even more!See, I really like the flow of Anne Rosalie. I like where the emphasis falls. Perhaps I'm odd in that because several people have mentioned Anne Rosalia or Anna Rosalie sounding much better.
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I have always loved:Anne Brigitte
Anne Katherine (an instance in which I prefer Katherine with a K)
Anne Magdalene
Anne Sophie (after my favorite violinist, Anne-Sophie Mutter)Anne is lovely.
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I love Anne Sophie.
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All of those combos are nice, but I think Anne Sophie is especially sweet. I agree that Catherine needs to be Katherine following Anne. I've discovered this too with names paired with Catherine/Katherine. Some look or feel better with one or the other. It's really very interesting.
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I like Anne Brigitte too.
I have a friend named Anna Katherine. Anne Katherine is good. I think Anne Catherine is very Tudor-heavy in a GP sort of way.
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To me, Anne is generic. Although it is not widely used as a first name nowadays, as you pointed out, because it was so widely used, very extensively used, for centuries and centuries, it can't escape a generic image for me. I feel the same way about Mary and Jane, but Anne to me is also plain and boring-sounding, and they're not.I prefer Anne to Ann and very much dislike Annie. I prefer Anna to Anne, because it's not quite so plain and generic.
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If I had to use on for a real kid I would use Anna. I love Anne, but I hate Ann and if I named a kid Anne they would probably get mistaken for Ann constantly. Anne reminds me of Anne of Green Gables and Anne Boleyn. I like Annie as a nn.
Anne Harriet is okay/good, although I don't really like the sound of it. The only reason I like it is because it reminds me of Harriet Tubman. Anne Georgina looks good but I don't like the sound. Annd Rosalie is great. I also like Anne Liora, Anne Hermione, and Anne Eliana (or Oriana or something with a similar syllable pattern.)
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Oh, I really liek Anne Hermione!
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I dislike Anne and prefer Anna, overall, but I agree that adding the "e" at the end of the name gives a sense of classiness.I like both Anne Harriet and Anne Georgina but am not a fan of Anne Rosalie. A few other suggestions:Anne Margaret
Anne Josephine
Anne Cordelia
Anne Camilla
Anne Gretchen
Anne Elodie
Anne Jacqueline
Anne Helena
Anne Felicity
Anne Georgette
Anne Magdalene
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There's a childrens book called 'Anne is Elegant' in which the child Anna is told that Anne is classier. I love Anne. Anne Cordelia is my favourite.
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Ditto on Anne Cordelia.
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I love Anne Margaret. Hypothetically only though, because Margaret would be daughter #1's name. Rosalie would honor my great-aunt, which is why I would use that combo over others I like.Anne Josephine and Anne Felicity are very nice too!
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I agree with you. Ann looks so unfinished to me. Ann and Annie are family names in my family - I'd use Anne and use Annie. I used to prefer Anna when Ann/Anne was popular common here amongst my parent's generation(Ann being more common) but have swung around to Anne now. I know a few Anns/Annes my age (most of them are actually Anne Marie). I think Annette was quite popular in my generation too.Anne reminds me of Anne Shirley too - though she hated Anne. What about Anne Cordelia:) I love Anne Rosalie by the way. And Anne would be great with Margaret and Ben.
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Wouldn't Benjamin, Margaret, and Anne be awesome?! I think I'm getting ahead of myself with that, though. :PIt is funny how Ann/Anne used to be more common and now Anna is so much more common. It must be because more frilly names are popular these days, and I guess elaborating things with -a makes them such.Yes, Anne Shirley did hate Anne. But I always think of "Anne with an E!" :)
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I like Anne. She is simple and pretty. I prefer Anna because I have a tendency to love names with A on the end. I can't help it I suppose. Anne Rosalie is pretty. I would like Anne Rosalia even more but there I go with the A thing again.
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I kind of so that too. If it was Anna then I'd say it should be Anna Rosalie, but for Anne the mn seems to need 4 syllables for some reason, so Anne Rosalia has a better flow.
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I think that Anne is a beautiful classic name. I prefer Anna just a tiny bit more, but Anne is a wonderful name. Anne Rosalie is my favorite of your combos.
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