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Shannon (for a boy)
What are people's thoughts on Shannon, for a boy, and what are some possible middle name ideas.
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It's ok. There was 1 in my high school. It's not so common these days on young children, so the gender thing with the trend of it being more on girls would be less of an issue, resulting in it being easier to bring back to the boys at this point perhaps. Something clearly masculine would probably be good in order to avoid any confusionCarl
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I strongly dislike the name. For either gender. It just sounds unattractive to me. I would definitely assume a Shannon was a girl, though.
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It wasn't uncommon for boys in Australia in the 70s. As in, top 100 material. don't know. It bores me on both males and females. If I saw a younger Shannon (< 30) I'd assume female but in general I find it fairly unisex. I still wouldn't use it on a boy today.
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I think it was on my list once for a boy, but I took it off since it seems pretty likely it will one day be my surname. It feels pretty dated. I think because of the Sh- beginning (the only "high" ranking sh names are Sean and Shane and they're both dropping). The ending is similar to a bunch of trendy boys names (and basically no girls names, though people do occasionally use Cannon for a girl).
(And now that I've thought about this, I kind of wonder how it got so popular for girls. I guess most people don't look at it like this though).I think it could work, it's just dated feeling for either gender.-Shannon Archer
Shannon Audley
Shannon Cobalt
Shannon Connor
Shannon Dacre
Shannon David
Shannon Dominic
Shannon Edward
Shannon Grey
Shannon Henry
Shannon Hugo
Shannon Jace
Shannon Jacob
Shannon Jude
Shannon Leo
Shannon Matthew
Shannon Micah
Shannon Patrick
Shannon Paul
Shannon Rex
Shannon Robert
Shannon Theodore
Shannon Thomas
Shannon Tyler
Shannon Walter
Shannon Wesley
Shannon Zephyr
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My ex-boyfriend is a Shannon, and he was born at the height of Shannon's popularity for girls. He was embarrassed by his name and frequently said he hated it. Based on his experience, I wouldn't recommend it for a boy even if if I thought it sounded masculine...which I don't. My Shannon's name was Shannon Gary, but no Shannon boy combo really sounds right to me. A sort of amusing story...
It was common for him to get mail addressed to Ms. Shannon HisLastName, and we once ended up on a junk mailing list as "Mr. Alison MyLastName and Ms. Shannon HisLastName." Years later, long after we had broken up and were no longer living together, I was pregnant and getting the usual pregnancy junk mail when, about halfway through my pregnancy, it started coming addressed to "Mrs. Shannon MyLastName." Like I had made an honest woman out of him at last. :)

This message was edited 7/10/2012, 11:36 AM

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The lead singer of Blind Melon was named Shannon. I think it could work.Shannon James
Shannon Davis
Shannon Ira
Shannon Michael
Shannon Oliver
Shannon Milo
Shannon Miles
Shannon David
Shannon Jacob
Shannon Edward
Shannon Paul
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I think it's too feminine-sounding for a boy. And I don't like it anyway, boy or girl, because it's faux Irish. I knew someone whose daughter was named Shannon and she said it was because of her Irish ancestry and it was so bogus because Shannon is not used as a personal name in Ireland, so why couldn't she use a real Irish name if that's what she wanted?
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no go...It has been done, but it never really caught on and it is now firmly a girls' name. Shannon on a boy seems dated, even more so than Shannon, which is very much a seventies/eighties name.
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I think Shannon on either gender feels pretty dated too. I'm 26 and for the longest time the only one younger than me I'd ever encountered was about 3 years younger. But I now know of 16 year old and 3 year old Shannons, which I think is interesting.
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I've known one male Shannon, but am not sure what his middle name was. I think it's okay on a boy, though since Shannon is my name it's hard for me to think objectively about it. I actually was trying to come up with combos and nothing seemed quite right. Shannon Michael and Shannon Brian are okay.
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I didn't read your post before I made mine. So I just wanted to make it clear that I don't really dislike Shannon, it has a pretty sound, and as I said, I do think it's feminine-sounding. In regard to the woman I referred to, I just objected to the specific reason she gave for using Shannon--to reflect her Irish heritage. If that's not the reason for its use, as no doubt it isn't in the majority of cases, I think the name is fine.
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Nah, doesn't bother me, I agree with you on the faux-Irish thing. Drives me crazy when people want an "Irish" name "so we named our daughter Bailey!" :/ My parents didn't name me Shannon because of the river or anything, they actually heard it because my Grandpa worked for a company called Shannon-Kline and thought it just sounded pretty.
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I prefer it on a boy but the only Shannon's I've met (although very few) are girls.Shannon James
Shannon Clancy
Shannon Riley
Shannon Tyrone
Shannon William
Shannon Craig
Shannon Brian
Shannon Kennedy
Shannon Brendan
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