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Make Triplets - 1930s!
Names randomly selected from the 1930s Top 100. Choose one name from each list to make sets of triplets.1. Beverly, Carole, Clifford, Earl, Ernest, Esther, Floyd, Irene, Katherine, Ray
2. Albert, Alfred, Evelyn, Jean, Martha, Marvin, Norman, Russell, Sylvia, Tommy
3. Don, Dorothy, Emma, Frank, Frederick, Gordon, Lucille, Marilyn, Sandra, VincentOur only limits are the ones we place on ourselves.
—Cordelia, 2012
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Katherine Esther
Evelyn Sylvia
Frederick Vincent
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Katherine Esther
Evelyn Sylvia
Frederick Vincent
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Katherine Esther
Evelyn Sylvia
Frederick Vincent
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1. Beverly, Evelyn, & Marilyn
2. Carole, Albert, & Sandra
3. Clifford, Norman, & Vincent
4. Earl, Marvin, & Gordon
5. Ernest, Alfred, & Frank
6. Esther, Martha, & Dorothy
7. Floyd, Jean, & Don
8. Irene, Sylvia, & Lucille
9. Katherine, Russell, & Emma
10. Ray, Tommy, & Frederick
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Ernest, Martha, Frederick
Esther, Evelyn, Emma
Katherine, Russell, Vincent
Ray, Sylvia, Lucille
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Beverly, Norman & Lucille
Carole, Martha & Sandra
Clifford, Russell & Gordon
Earl, Albert & Vincent
Ernest, Alfred & Dorothy
Esther, Sylvia & Frederick
Floyd, Evelyn & Don
Irene, Tommy & Marilyn
Katherine, Marvin & Frank
Ray, Jean & Emma
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Beverly, Norman, DorothyCarole, Evelyn, LucilleClifford, Russell, GordonEarl, Alfred, MarilynErnest, Martha, FrederickEsther, Albert, SandraFloyd, Jean, DonIrene, Marvin, VincentKatherine, Sylvia, EmmaRay, Tommy, Frank
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Esther, Martha, and Dorothy
Irene, Evelyn, and Gordon
Katherine, Russell, and Vincent
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Irene, Marvin, and Vincent
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Katherine, Albert, & Emma
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Example!Beverly, Jean, Frank
Carole, Alfred, Vincent
Clifford, Marvin, Lucille
Earl, Russell, Marilyn
Ernest, Albert, Sandra
Esther, Sylvia, Dorothy
Floyd, Tommy, Don
Irene, Martha, Frederick
Katherine, Evelyn, Gordon
Ray, Norman, Emma (Couldn't separate the trio)

This message was edited 9/29/2019, 3:18 PM

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