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[Opinions] Morgan
I've posted about this name in the past, but I love it so much I felt it deserved another bout of discussion. :) So, what's your opinion of Morgan on a boy? Yes, I prefer this name as strictly masculine. However, sadly, there are many female Morgans running around, at least here in the U.S. Do you think a little boy Morgan would get teased in school for having a so-called girl name? Here are my top 5 Morgan combos. Could you please perhaps make some more lovely Morgan combos? Also, what do you think of the ones I have here? Morgan Alasdair
Morgan Everett
Morgan Aubrey - So sexually ambiguous, but I can't help but love it!
Morgan Ambrose
Morgan EliasTIA!
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I like it! There is (or was, I haven't seen him in ages) a boy n my school named Morgan and just the other day I heard a mother talking with her son Morgan (about 1 or 2 years old).
I only like Morgan for a boy, and I don't like it on a female at all. Morgan also makes me think of Derek Morgan in Criminal Minds. Kids are mean and they will tease each other for all kinds of things - your name, the color of your shirt, your haircolor, how you talk etc. I got teased by an older girl for my name (Nicole), but the thing is that her name is Nicole too. That just shows that she really just wanted something to tease me about.My favorite of your combos is Morgan Ambrose and Morgan Elias. I wouldn't use Aubrey if you are already worrying about him being teased. IF he ends up being teased he can always choose to go by his middle name, and Aubrey wouldn't exactly help in that situation..More suggestion:Morgan Theo
Morgan Ryuu
Morgan Isaac
Morgan Dante
Morgan Keane
Morgan Oliver
Morgan Gideon
Morgan Rufus
Morgan Jack
Morgan Felix
Morgan Maxim
Morgan Dimitri
Morgan Joseph
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Oh wow, your teasing situation was pretty ridiculous. Another Nicole teasing a Nicole for being a Nicole? Yeah, that totally makes sense. Haha. Thanks for the combos. I like Morgan Dante
Morgan Oliver
Morgan Jack
Morgan Joseph
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Eh I know several Morgans of both genders. I straight up do not like the name, it contains all overpowering vowels and sounds like a grumble besides, but I don't think of it as more feminine or masculine. I don't think he'd be teased.
I know more girl Aubreys than boy Aubreys though.I like your Alasdair, Everett, and Ambrose the most. Ambrose enhances the pensive side of it, Alasdair brightens it, and Everett, I dunno, maybe it's not that great, it's just aesthetically A-OK.Ummmmmmm.
Morgan Tiberius
Morgan Berthold
Morgan Fritz
Morgan Fitzmorgan
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The somewhat harsher sound of Morgan is why I feel it's more of a masculine name than feminine. It's why I'm so puzzled it has become so popular for girls. I feel like Morgana is a much better feminine alternative than Morgan. :) I was just messing around with Morgan Aubrey. It's completely unusable here in the U.S. but I still adore it. I like Morgan Tiberius. :)lol at Morgan Fitzmorgan!
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Oh I think it's totally usable! The only context in which it might not be usable is if you consider eligibility for Boy-Or-Girl games on things like birth announcements or role lists as a factor in usability.
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Yay :)Love, love, love Morgan on a boy. Way too harsh sounding on a girl, so handsome on a boy. Great name, and one that the boys really need to reclaim. It's possible, but I've seen kids with the most popular run of the mill names being teased. It depends very much on the child, more than the name. Even kids called James or Daniel can be teased. (Of course some names just beg for teasing and seem cruel, but as Morgan is not one of those, thats subject for another post)Morgan Alasdair is so handsome. Two thumbs up. Morgan Everett is nice too.The others are nms, especially Morgan Aubrey..Aubrey always makes me think of someone with a cold trying to say Audrey. Would rather see it on a boy though.Morgan Addison (very ambiguous :)
Morgan Elijah
Morgan Matthias (love the alliteration)
Morgan Isaiah
Morgan Ezra
Morgan Elliot
Morgan Arthur
Morgan Jasper
Morgan Patrick
Morgan Schuyler
Morgan Henry
Morgan Atticus
Morgan Felix
Morgan Josiah

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I LOVE Morgan on a boy and detest it on a girl! I know a couple male Morgans and am also reminded of Morgan Freeman so I think it works perfectly fine on a boy. I imagine there have to be a least a few male Morgans out there since it hasn't been ranked below 500 in the past 10 years.I REALLY like Morgan Alasdair!! -may have to steal that one for myself :) I have Morgan Isaiah as my current combo. Morgan Aubrey is nice and though I've been really liking Aubrey on a boy lately I'm not sure I'd pair the 2 together.
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I know what you mean about Morgan Aubrey. I think it's such a handsome combo, but I don't think it could ever work, at least here in the U.S. But I still like it. :)
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Though Morgan can still work for a boy, I strongly prefer it on girls. Sorry.
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It's okay. To each their own. :)
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Like you, I consider Morgan to be a masculine name and it is my number one for a son as of now. I only know one male Morgan and several female Morgans. My favorite Morgan combo is Morgan Edward Aurelius (Edward is honoring). Of yours, I really like Morgan Alasdair and Morgan Everett.Other Morgan combos:
Morgan Arthur
Morgan Aurelius
Morgan Daniel
Morgan Edward
Morgan Henry
Morgan Patrick
Morgan Rhys
Morgan Silas
Morgan Thaddeus
Morgan Tycho
Morgan Wesley
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I'm glad you're considering it for a boy. It sounds masculine to me despite being common for girls these days. I'm actually not fond of it for girls because it sounds too masculine and sturdy like Gordon. A boy named Morgan would probably know girls with his name, but I don't think he'd be teased. There are a lot of people who probably know that Morgan is used for males as well. Most people in the U.S. have at least heard of Morgan Freeman, I think, so that helps some. I like all of your Morgan combos. I'd avoid Morgan Aubrey though since it's sexually ambiguous as you mentioned. It's too bad because the names go together well. People might think he was a girl based on the name alone considering that Aubrey is now in the top 100 for girls in the U.S.Morgan Ambrose and Morgan Elias are really handsome. I like Morgan Alasdair and Morgan Everett quite a bit too.Some more ideas:
Morgan Silas
Morgan Evander
Morgan Xavier
Morgan Samuel
Morgan Alaric
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Thank you!I like all of those combos actually. :)
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I love Morgan! I like it equally on boys and girls, although for girls I prefer Morgana and Morgen. I don't think a Morgan would be said to have a "girl" name; I know just as many male Morgans as female. Okay, maybe a few more female, but not that many.I absolutely love Morgan Alasdair. Use it!! :P
Morgan Everett is good.
Morgan Aubrey: I agree, and the names go together well too. This combo made me think of Morgan Auberon...
Morgan Ambrose is pretty good. But I think I'd prefer Morgan Emrys or Morgan Ambrosius.
Morgan Elias is great. The names fit perfectly.I also like:
Morgan Aurelilus
Morgan Valentine
Morgan Gawain
Morgan Emmanuel
Morgan Antony
Morgan Gareth
Morgan Astrophel
Morgan Gideon
Morgan Alder
Morgan Conall
Morgan Gundhram
Morgan Hyperion
Morgan Taliesin
Morgan Jericho

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I don't care what kids would say: Morgan is amazing on boys! All of your combos are wonderful (BTW, I prefer Aubrey as a masculine name as well).Here are some combos from my PNL that are (I think) similar to yours: Morgan Alexander -- a somewhat more common name, but I like the flow
Morgan Algernon -- the fact that they both end in N sort of bothers me, but it's so cool and old-fashioned
Morgan Astor
Morgan Conrad -- although I think Conrad Morgan flows better
Morgan Constantin / Constantine
Morgan Evander
Morgan Felix
Morgan Gabriel
Morgan Galahad
Morgan Gilbert -- I like Gilbert with the French pronunciation, which I think goes nicely with Morgan
Morgan Graham
Morgan Horatio
Morgan Isaac
Morgan Leander
Morgan Lysander
Morgan Octavian
Morgan Oliver / Olivier
Morgan Paris -- now that's sexually ambiguous!

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Yay, I'm glad someone likes both Morgan and Aubrey on boys! :D I like a lot of your combos. My favorites areMorgan Alexander
Morgan Algernon
Morgan Conrad - I love Conrad, and I never thought about this combo before. It's awesome! :)
Morgan Constantine
Morgan Evander - One of my favorite combos is Evander Morgan, but I love it switched around too.
Morgan Lysander
Morgan Oliver
Morgan Percival
Morgan Victor
Morgan WesleyI love your sexually ambiguous combos too just because of how fun they are! :)
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I love Morgan for a boy. I don't think he would get teased too badly. I went to school with a male Morgan, and nobody ever mentioned anything. I love Morgan Alasdair! Very handsome.
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Thanks. :)
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Somewhere along the line I just got used to it as a girl name. Similarity to Megan probably helped a lot. So I think it sounds effeminate, or at least affectedly "dark," on a man or boy. It's not such a strong impression that I'd hate it, but I definitely don't like it. I don't think a boy Morgan would be teased at all - unless two conditions were met 1. his playmates/schoolmates were already very familiar with female peers named Morgan and 2. he was the sort of boy that people tease. So what, right?Aubrey isn't gender ambiguous to me. Morgan is more so. I think all the combos sound good, but I'd worry about making wordlike initials with the first 2 being MA or ME. MAD, MEH, etc.
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Oooh, good point. I didn't even think about the initials. I'll have to watch out for that.
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