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I totally wear my heart on my shirtsleeve where Boris is concerned. I just love the name. I like saying it, I like looking at it. I'd be thrilled if I could pin it on a child someday--and I don't even want children. But I can't seem to pair it with a decent middle name. So far the only vague ideas I have are:Boris Franz (Thanks, Idony!)
Boris Jeremiah
Boris PavelAny middle name suggestions? I'd prefer not match it up with something Russian, Bulgarian, etc.; I'd rather balance it with something less Slavic to even out the stereotypical baggage. Insults are tentatively welcome. :-)
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It reminds me 100% of Boris Johnson, and I have an incredible soft spot for him, despite the fact that he's a checklist of things I hate (Old Etonian, Tory, complete snob who has never thought before speaking). I suppose that makes the name a guilty pleasure, though it isn't actually a favourite.I love faerielights' suggestion of Boris Aaron ... Can't do better than that :-)
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Boris Aaron is sounding good to me, too. I'm finding that either one or two syllable middle names go the best, and I do like the name Aaron quite a bit on its own. Lol, I had no idea who Boris Johnson is, but he looks like a...character. :-)
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I too am a fan of the name Boris. You never really hear it here in Australia. Come to think of it, I don't know that I've ever seen or heard of a Boris, in my day to day life. Out of the combos you have my fave is Boris Jeremiah. I also like:Boris Lev
Boris Maxim
Boris Dimitri
Boris Luka
Boris Mikhail
Boris Milan
Boris Nikolai
Boris Valentin
Boris Viktor
Boris Yuri
Boris Angel
Boris Emil
Boris Gavrail
Boris Marko
Boris Yordan
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I've never met a Boris before, either. My mother is the only person I know who has actually known one in real life, and that was back when she was in high school. I like Boris Lev a lot--maybe because I like the name Borislav, too. :-) The shorter middle names are tending to sound good with it to me. Maybe their length just leaves them with less style to clash with Boris. Boris Emil is a great one, too. I love Emil, and I never thought to pair them together. Boris Valentin is pretty awesome. I have to say that I think Valentin is a name with a lot of punch to it. I think that combo makes a nice impact. Boris Maxim is another from your suggestions that is sounding pretty good to me, too. The length is good, and the M names follow Boris pretty well, IMO. Thanks! :-)
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I can't say I love the sound of Boris, but I'd love to meet a little Boris. :) I would say pair it with a more common name, to balance things out, but you've got a point--it doesn't sound quite 'right' with most mn's. :-/ Part of the problem (for me, at least) is that it sounds like you're calling someone "boorish" when you say a combo--like Boris Charles = boorish Charles. :(
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BoorishI hear that quite often, too. Idony suggested Boris Ishmael, which I like very much--but I have to pause before I say it. :-D Anticipating an "Ish" coming up in the next name makes the Boris/boorish thing all the worse for me!
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Aw, but Boris Nikolai is tight. : )I like Adelle's Boris Walter quite a bit, but it's time for me to think up some.Boris Aaron
Boris John
Boris CiaranGrr, this is a frustrating one, isn't it?
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Frustrating is exactly the word for it.It's funny that I could come up with a thousand combos for William, another name that I love, but I can think of about three for Boris that kinda sorta sound alright. I guess it's just a difficult name. Boris Aaron is a nice one. I like Aaron a lot in its own right, actually. I tend to be into biblical names quite a bit. I think they're in a good neutral territory that works well if you want to avoid that kind of stereotypical ethnic name overkill. :-)
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I have to confess I came up with the suggestions the other night by typing Boris into wikipedia and taking the middle names from the guys on there. They were mostly Russian politicans/ scientists.Ok, here goes:
Boris Everard
Boris Emeric
Boris Lucian
Boris Vincent
Boris Dominic
Boris Josiah
Boris Edgar
Boris Harold
Boris Noel
Boris Aloysius- Very hard to say, but I wanted to put it anyway
Boris Joachim
Boris Ishmael
Boris Edmund
Boris Hector
Boris Oscar/ Oskar

This message was edited 3/6/2007, 5:08 PM

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Lol!Maybe you've discovered a good system--check out what names other people have, and work from there. :-)Of your suggestions I like very much:Boris Emeric
Boris Dominic --Dominic is a new favorite-ish of mine
Boris Joachim
Boris Ishmael --though I'm not very good at saying it, apparently. It took a second of conscious effort to not say Borish Ishmael the first time
Boris Oscar / Oskar --I like both spellings about equally for now
Boris Edgar --I think Edgar is pretty cool, a bit of an unexpected ending to an Ed- name. Related to its ending: I went through a phase where I like the name Ansgar, though I'm thinking I've passed out of that one.

This message was edited 3/6/2007, 5:01 PM

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I got Boris Franz from Boris Becker. I hope that doesn't put you off!Glad you liked some of the combos, I didn't think of the "sh" factor with Ishmael. It is still rather nice though.
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Boris BeckerI noticed his name cruising Wikipedia for Borises, too. I don't mind that. I only vaguely know who he is, so I can easily ignore him. :-)

This message was edited 3/6/2007, 6:04 PM

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Ha!Your close makes me really wish I had something insulting to say, but nope, the worst I have is that Pavel sounds like jewelry to me. I don't love Franz, but it works well in the middle and flows. Boris Jeremiah doesn't flow well to me. I don't love Boris, but compared to the bazillion Aidans out there, it is a breath of fresh air.Boris Karl (heh)
Boris Paul
Boris Victor
Boris Walter
Boris CharlesI'm not on my combo game tonight, I'm afraid.
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Boris victor is good. Also like Boris Hector, Hector was my Father's middle name.
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Jeremiah doesn't flow to me, either. Meh. It's too bad because I really like the name itself, just not when it's followed by what keeps feeling to me like an unfollowable name.I think Boris Franz is my favorite so far. Maybe one-syllable is the way to go. Victor is good, too--thank you!
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