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Linda or Erika (more)
Linda and Erika are among my favorites at the moment. Do they seem very dated to you? Linda was definitely more popular. I love the way it sounds, it reminds me of linden trees! I also like Erika a lot and the nickname Eri.Linda or Erika and why?
Would you prefer Erica over Erika?
Which associations do you get from both names? What are the first things that come to mind? (colors, objects, people etc.)Thanks!
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Erika/ EricaI definitely prefer Erika over Linda. Linda strikes me as dated and stodgily middle aged. Erika could be practically any age. Perhaps because of its Nordic roots and Eric the red, I picture Erika as a confident, bold, powerful woman with red hair and a statuesque figure. Someone who could have been a battle maiden in an earlier time. Erica seems a little more genteel, and Erika has more of a punk-rock stride. I like both for different reasons, and both have strong personalities.
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Linda -definitely dated
Erika -just a littleI prefer Erika, but I'm not to wild about either. I like Erica better than Erika.
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Linda is extremely dated. Erika does not seem dated to me.When I can separate Linda from how dated it is, I prefer it to Erika. But in the real world, you can't do that. That's why if I had to choose between them, I'd use Erika.My sister is named Linda and I had a teenage friend named Erica so the names remind me of them. Linda is good-natured, sweet, and funny. Erika is fun to be around, and basically a nice person, but how flirty she is with guys can be annoying.I prefer the spelling Erica.

This message was edited 4/12/2017, 12:43 PM

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I prefer Erica. It seems light and summery but historically solid, by association with Eric, and the heather association is nice. It doesn't feel as dated as Linda as it's never been popular here - I've only ever met one, and I think she was from Hong Kong. Erika is fine too, but more Scandinavian and less heathery.Add me to the list of people who'd rather see Linden than Linda. It seems faddish & dated, and I imagine a grumpy elderly secretary with a perm she's had since the 80s.
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I prefer Erika over Linda, but I don't really have an Erika/Erica preference.
Linda feels a lot more dated, and is the name of one of my mum's friends, which means my main association for the name is a middle-aged mum of two (rather annoying, I must admit) kids. Erika feels a little cooler. Erika conjures up images, and I have no idea why, of a cool girl at a skate park. I'm split on the spelling - on the one hand, Erika can seem a bit of a "kreatyve" spelling, although not heavily so, but Erica also feels a little bland. Erika has a lot more character to it.
If I had to put a colour to each name, Linda would be a kind of warm orangey-brown, while Erika's a bright purple.
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I most definitely prefer Erica. Erica\Erika is still a highly usable name and isn't dated. It also sounds beautifulLinda on the other hand is borderline dated. I mean all the ones I've ever met were over well in their 50's or above, including this one who used to watch me and my two sisters. A lovely lady though. I guess the name SOUNDS fine (besides sounding dated and being dated) but I prefer the other name
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They both seem very dated to me, Erika a little less so. I much prefer Linden to Linda.
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Linda1. My initial impression of Linda is that it sounds like a middle-aged woman with a secretarial job (I get a similar impression from Nancy and Jeanine, except Linda seems friendlier or more easygoing).2. I think it could work for a child, but I'd prefer it as a NN, maybe for Rosalinda or something like that.3. lemons, yellow and green4. When imagining a child called Linda...she's sweet but maybe wishy-washy, likes botany (a quiet blonde girl who collects plants or pressed flowers).
Erika1. I think of the Erika I know: blonde, blue-eyed, statuesque, extroverted, late 20s2. I prefer the Erika spelling; it looks stronger or more complete to me3. red clay, deep blue4. Imagining a child called Erika...she's spunkier and more solemn than Linda, maybe a tad brattish; she likes music and her favorite school subject is math.
I'd pick Erika, if forced to choose; I like it more as a stand-alone name, probably because it seems younger or livelier.

This message was edited 4/12/2017, 9:09 AM

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I would much rather see someone named Linden than Linda!Belinda or Melinda maybe. Linda is just so dated in a bad way. I also may be biased in that I have never met a Linda that I got along well with. I do like Erika, and I like Eri even better. I would go with the Erica spelling if it were me though. Just familiarity. Linda - dusty faded and mold yellow. (sorry)
Erica - pale red of the old-west kind.
Erika - vibrant red and horses.
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Im not a fan of either but I would pick Linda out of the two.
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They both feel dated to me, though Linda may be close to cycling back into favor. Linda is quite airy, and it makes me think of gossipy, yet truly good hearted women. I do prefer Erica to Erika, though I have a wonderful friend Erikah and that spelling has grown on me. Ironically in spite of the beginning, this name is very grounded, earthy, and warm to me.I would choose Linda only because my brother is Aric.
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Linda does sound dated to me, but I think if I saw it used on a kid, it wouldn't really be too difficult to readjust my perspective on it. Something like Lina, Linnea, or even Linnet looks more modern, but Linda is close enough to those names in its look that seeing it used on someone younger might be enough to make it feel more modern. It's sort of an olive green color to me and one of my first associations is cigarette smoke.Erika is my name. I like it. I do not like Erica. I feel strongly that the 'k' gives the name much more personality. It's spikey and energetic. A 'c' is soft and mundane. I am not an objective source on this name. The nickname Eri (which I felt made more sense written as Airie) is cool when you are in middle school, but not past then.
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I love Linda for the meaning & connotation, even essence of prettiness & beauty; I also like Belinda almost like an imperative formulation of these attributes - i.e. everything about "Belinda" is the epitome of this definition.I am indifferent to the various spelling choices.I have little association with the name Erica (Erika), but the only magic behind any name would be your special preference for it. I hope you endear your child with it.
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I was at school with a very dear Erica, so that's how I always see it in my head. Her nn was Egg or Eggs, which was the closest her elder sister could get to Erica when they were tiny, but don't let that put you off. Her mn was Joy.Linda actually is pretty. More so than Lindsey, for instance. But I'd be more likely to use Lindsey (with an e because I was always under the impression that Lindsay was male and therefore Lindsey was female) or even Lyndall, which is a pretty rare name overall (Lime-Tree Valley) but still quite well known here in South Africa because it was used for the heroine of Story of an African Farm, aka The First South African Novel. I've personally known three, if you count one mn. And too many Linda people to count!Associations, then.Erica: happiness, intelligence, fortitude, outdoor stuff and sport. Blue and white with touches of brown.
Linda: pretty, friendly, quiet, unmemorable. For Lyndall, add horses.
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