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[Games] Violetta's Game of Life - Round 10
Round 10 - adoption10 years later...You’ve begun to miss having small children in the house. Your oldest daughter and the twins are away at college. Where are they? What are they studying? Your 15 year old son has become very moody. How are you dealing with that? Then the girls are 10 and 12. What are they like?The house feels so empty now that you decide to adopt a young child (0-5). Is it a boy or a girl? What country are they from? What is their name? How old are they? What do your children think of them? The child brought a pet with them. What kind of animal is it, and what is it’s name?DH:
Adopted child:Grandmother:
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DG-Ma: Ophelia Margaret Bride (70)DH: Andrew Nikolai James (46, Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, University Proffessor: 90,000)
DW: Larissa May Campbell (44, Blonde Hair, Brown Eyes, Stay-At-Home-Mom)DD: Juliet Christine (21, Blue Eyes, Blonde Hair)
DS/DS: Noah Campbell / Luca Andrew (18, blue eyes, brown hair)
DS: Miles Henry (15, brown eyes, brown hair)
DD: Rose Ophelia (12, Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes)
DD: Sofie Lark (10, Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes)
AS: Adam Benjamin (1, Blonde Hair, Brown Eyes)Wow, the past ten years just slipped away. Andrew and I like the quietness of life now, but we missed all of the babies and teeny children! With our first kids off at college, our third son in teenager-mood city, and our girls going into 'Mom and Dad aren't cool' phase, (though both still enjoy talking to us while at home- it's just us being with them in public- I think this is rather funny) we decided to adopt a child! Adam Benjamin is the most adorable one-year-old we could ever ask to adopt. He is from Germany, and is wonderful and healthy! We are really happy to have him in our family. He brought along a pet cat, Sasha, which was perfect, since Rose and Sofie have been wanting a pet. The kids get along great with him, everyone is adjusting wonderfully! Adam is bright, happy, and very curious. He likes walking like a big boy.

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10 years later...You’ve begun to miss having small children in the house. Your oldest daughter and the twins are away at college. Where are they? What are they studying? Your 15 year old son has become very moody. How are you dealing with that? Then the girls are 10 and 12. What are they like?The house feels so empty now that you decide to adopt a young child (0-5). Is it a boy or a girl? What country are they from? What is their name? How old are they? What do your children think of them? The child brought a pet with them. What kind of animal is it, and what is it’s name?DH: Vladislav Zelenko, 67
DW: Bethanie Lu, 51DD: Louisa Maeve, 21
DS/DS: Evander Ruben and Felix Andrew, 18.
DS: Casimir Alexei, 15.
DD: Ludmila Svetlana, 12.
DD: Mara Valkyrie, 10.
Adopted child: Aune Evelina.Grandmother: SvetlanaNanna” , 102 DECEASED.Ever since my mother in law, Svetlana, died, I’ve felt like I’ve really started to age. My 50th Birthday party reminded me that my days in a rocking chair will come sooner than I think. Vlad and I have missed having smaller children in the house now that all the kids have grown up, so we adopted a little Finnish girl, Aune Evelina, who is three years old. We both agreed that Aune could bring her pet poodle, Lulu, with her to fill Tumi’s void. The kids are happy to have another sister, but I can tell that it will take some getting used to.

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DH: Christopher Damien Sinclair, "Chris", 50
DW: Rosabella Naomi Harrison Sinclair, "Rose", 45
DD: Sophia Grace, "Rosie", 19
DS/DS: Lawrence Christopher, "Law" / Theodore Harrison, "Theo" (18)
DS: Henry Gabriel, "Gabriel", 15
DD: Charlotte Liliana, "Lottie", 12
DD: Claire Willow, 10
DD: Esperanza Maria, 5
DMother: Liliana Susannah, "Lily", 70Rosie is off in college now, studying to become a vet. Theo is studying to become a medical doctor and Law is going for a Law degree, I can just imagine the kind of jokes he gets becuase of his name.
Gabriel is now 15 and has become distrubingly moody. It could partly be because the twins and Rosie are gone but I think it is something more then that. He stills loves to sit quietly in the backyard until birds come to land on him, I think he he more comfortable alone then he is with other people.
Lottie, 12, and Claire, 10, are beautiful and popular. Unlike their sister Rosie they are very social and love hanging out with each other.

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DH: Jack Elliot Tennyson, 43
DW: Kate Elizabeth Tennyson, 42
DD: Emma Isabelle, 21
DS/DS: Alec Leighton / Hayden Jack, 18
DS: Liam Henry, 15
DD: Ava Kate, 12
DD: Lily Marie, 10
AS: Finn Joseph, 2
DDog: Charlie

DGrandmother: Katherine Marie "Kate"A lot can change in ten years! With Emma, Alec, and Hayden all away at college, and our youngest three growing up quickly, Jack and I both found that we missed having younger children in the house. So we decided to adopt a baby boy from Ireland. After a very long process, we were finally able to bring home Finn Joseph, who is two years old and absolutely adorable. He has light brown hair and blue eyes. He is completely inseparable from his pet puppy Charlie, so we took the dog in as well. Everyone in the family loves Finn, especially Ava and Lily, since their older siblings are usually out of the house.Currently, Emma is studying abroad in Italy through Cal Poly's program. She's following in her father's footsteps and is looking to become an architect. The twins both stayed in Boston: right now Hayden is at Wentworth and is studying industrial design, while Alec is attending Northeastern and majoring in music (of course).Liam, at fifteen, has hit the typical teenage rebellious stage. We hardly see him outside of his room, where he and his friends hang out and blast music (actually, I wouldn't call it music) from the speakers. His grades are gradually declining, and it seems that anything sets him off these days. Jack and I have tried grounding him, but that hasn't worked so far. We've been thinking about threatening to not allow him to get his license when he turns sixteen.Ava and Lily, now twelve and ten, respectively, are wonderful girls. They both excel in school and in sports. Ava plays for a club soccer team, while Lily just began swimming. Lily, like Alec, has developed an ear for music. She wants her brother to teach her to play the guitar.

This message was edited 4/24/2006, 5:35 PM

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DH: Luke Jonathan Silva, 47
DW: Jennifer Nicole Silva "Jen", 45
DD: Elisabeth Grace, 21
DS/DS: Grant Luke / Cade O'Brien, 18
DS: Jude Henry, 15
DD: Nathalie Cristina, 12
DD: Faith Alexandra, 10
Adopted DD: Monica Adriana, 10 monthsDGrandmother: Cristina MarieWith no more small children in the house, Luke and I discovered that we missed the joys of having a little one around. From hearing their little voices and watching their toddling steps, to reading bedtime stories and playing games, we found that we missed it all. So, because of that, we decided to adopt a beautiful ten-month-old girl from Mexico. Monica Adriana is an absolute angel with brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes. Her favorite companion at the orphange she was at was a puppy dog named Alondra, so we brought her along to join the family as well. Monica is a joy to have in our house, and the kids who are still at home love having her around. Jude, Nathalie, and Faith all are wonderful with the baby, and the girls, Faith, especially, love having a baby sister. It's funny because Jude, now fifteen, is going through that typical moody teenager time, and although we'd been through it briefly before with our other boys, he seems to have it worse. But what's interesting is that we didn't know really how to deal with it until Monica came to live with us. Monica just has a way of lighting up the room with her smile, and even Jude can't resist picking her up when she raises her arms or playing with her with she wants some attention. She seems to have a way with him and knows just what to do when he isn't in the best of moods.Nathalie, who is now twelve, and Faith, now ten, are as wonderful as ever. Both girls are phenomenal students who excel in school and are known to be at or near the top of their class. Nathalie is very involved with gymnastics, which she absolutely loves. She's competed in so many different meets and often places in the medal spots. She has medals decorating her entire bedroom :) Faith, on the other hand, is much more interested in music; she loves singing and is enrolled in private lessons, and also sings in the choir at church.

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This message was edited 4/24/2006, 3:21 PM

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AdoptionMissing the joys and perils of keeping children under five (playing with them, reading them stories, tripping over them, etc.), and with Violet, Larson and Alister away at university, Ray and Daisy decided to adopt. After a long and involved process, they were eventually matched with Angus Lachlan, who "arrived on the market", so it were, after his only living relative, his grandfather, died after a large duck fell on his head in Inverness. Angus is 4, and has a pet fish called Mushulu.Violet, Larson and Alister have all managed to go to universities at different ends of the country. Violet is at the University of Portsmouth, studying Archeology, though Daisy and Ray suspect she only went there because that's were her boyfriend Matt was going. Larson is at Edingburgh, doing Engineering (just like his father) and has been dating a young man called Pete for some time. Alister has stayed near home, and the London Meteropolitan University, doing English Literature and Dramatic Arts. He's not in a serious relationship, but has been seeing a young woman, Amanda, who likes to dress up as a man. So, they're perfect for eachother really.Back home, Reggie has been acting like a complete sod. It's way beyong the barely-communication, music-pumping-out-of-bedroom stage. He's actually hiring the house out to his over-sexed couple friends while Daisy and Ray are at work. He doesn't share any of the profits, either. Daisy has given him an ultimum; stop misbehaving or share a room with his grandmother. Ray thinks this is a little harsh, but Daisy's determined.Lara and Soho are quite good friends, despite the gap. United in their hatred for Reggie, they spend most of the time in their shared bedroom, dreaming up ways to torture him.LN: Valentine-Driver
DH: Raymond James "Ray"
DW: Daisy FleurDD: Violet Sofia
DS/DS: Larson Raymond / Alister Fletcher
DS: Reginald Harry "Reggie"
DD: Lara Jaqueline Ada
DD: Soho Zanthia
Adopted child: Angus Lachlan
DFish: MushuluGrandmother: Ada Felicia
- MariaPro-Sissy-Names.
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DH: Alexander James
DW: Elisabeth MaeDD: Anne Elisabeth "Nan"
DS/DS: Harry Alexander / James Taylor
DS: Charlie Robert
DD: Valentine Juliet
DD: Maria Katherine
Adopted child: Isabelle Rosalie 5
Dog: HarleyGrandmother Juliet KatherineNan is now at Manchester Univeristy for a degree in Art and Design as she has kept a flair for the subject. Harry is at Cambridge doing Chemistry and is hoping to become an engineer. James is taking a year out before univeristy where he will study medicine and is practicing medicine abroad in Africa. Charlie is at the difficult age but after two boys already that is nothing new. Valentine is very studious and is just about into everything from ballet to running. Maria is a loud child and very sociable like Harry. She often has fall outs with her friends but on the whole is doing well. They decide to adopt Isabelle Rosalie a five year old who is also British. The girls love having a little sister. Also along with Isabelle came Harley a gorgeous cocker spaniel who is very excitable.
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