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Esther questions
What kind of person do you imagine when you hear Esther?What would you think of a baby named Esther?Nicknames? What names/combos would you use if you had to honor an Esther (if you were naming an actual baby)?What Esther combos do you like (not naming an actual baby)?
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Someone very gentle and strong.I thought my friend's baby seemed like an Esther the first time I held her. Alas, she was named Brittani.I don't like any NNs for it.I could make it doubly honoring and go for Esther Azalea.
Or Esther Melanie, Esther Luciana, Esther Talya, Esther Noemi, Esther Nedelya, Esther Avdotya, Esther Odelia, Esther Alana seem pretty.I think I also like it with D names -
Esther Dalia
Esther Delara
Esther Demetria
Esther Drusilla
Esther Daniela
Esther Deepti
Esther Dipali
Esther Doveva
Esther DoveOr N names
Esther Niobe
Esther Nasrin
Esther Nandita
Esther Nadine
Esther Niamh
Esther Nimue
Esther Ninlil

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This message was edited 11/15/2021, 9:23 PM

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Esther is a nice enough name. Bookish and frank. I'd be happy about a baby or student Esther.Tess is the obvious nickname IMO.I guess I could use Tess to honor Esther lol.I know a Mary Esther double name that is kinda nice...
Sarah Esther is nice
Vera EstherEsther Penelope
Esther Cleo
Esther Cora
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Esther is an older lady who can't sit still. She is funny and sharp minded.
It suits a baby too. I think it is back (at least where I'm from).
As for nicknames, probably Terra or Essie?
If I where naming after someone I'd use Estera or Esther and a personal middle name.
Esther Ingeborg
Esther Simone
Esther Sofia
Esther Vårin

This message was edited 11/14/2021, 11:53 AM

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I love Terra, by itself or as a nickname for Esther. I didn't think of that.
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Esther is one of my favorite names. I've actually always liked it, even as a little girl, primarily because of Meet Me In St. Louis and my enduring love for Judy Garland. I will say, though, that despite that movie taking place in the Midwest, Esther holds a very "East Coast" image for me as an American, particularly the New York or Boston area. Basically, a place where the ending R would likely not be pronounced.I would be delighted to meet a baby Esther - the youngest Esther I've ever met in real life would likely be retired now. :-PWhile I don't think Esther necessarily needs a nickname, but Essie is the first one that comes to mind. Someone else said Tess, though, and that one intrigues me.I would genuinely consider "Esther Josephine" for a real daughter. Other possible Esther combos:Esther Olympia
Esther Charlotte
Esther Alexandra
Esther Marguerite
Esther Madrigal
Esther Madeleine
Esther Aveline
Esther Scarlett
Esther Violet
Esther Juliet / Esther Juliette
Esther Jasmine
Esther Yasmine
Esther Serena
Esther Selena
Esther Gabrielle
Esther Autumn
Esther Lillian
Esther Valerie
Esther Valentine
Esther Anastasia
Esther Nymphaea

This message was edited 11/13/2021, 6:59 PM

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Esther is my 2x great grandmother’s name and I love it. I imagine a strong woman who tackles everything head on and won’t take nonsense from anyone. I would love to meet a baby Esther.I like the nn Essie but I could also see myself using the nn T.Esther Olivia
Esther Ruth
Esther Agnes
Esther Florence
Esther Amelia
Esther Rosemary
Esther Carys
Esther Verity
Esther Sorrel
Esther River
Esther Geraldine
Esther Mhairi
Esther Adela
Esther Geranium
Esther Sophronia
Esther Jamesina
Esther Nevada
Esther Dorinda
Esther Candelaria
Esther Oswaldina
Esther Calypso
Esther Galadriel
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I picture a young woman who's calm, collective, and has a good future, but who is not very fun.I would think that the baby came from a religious or traditional family who doesn't really like to try anything new. I think she would she would grow up to be a kind and smart person.I like some of the nicknames that others have suggested. I don't like Essie or Estie. I'd call her Es, Tess or Tessy. But Terry is also there...and strangely enough, I keep wanting to use Seth, which is a boy name. Esth is an anagram of Seth. I like that.Esther and it's variants are not very feminine to me, so that might also be why I like Seth as a diminutive for Esther. It doesn't help my impression that Esther and her variants rhyme with Lester, Chester, Kester, Dexter, Vector and Hector, all masculine. I think that this name is only considered girly by the general population because of the TH sound in the middle, and because Esther from the Bible was a female.If she had been given a different name, perhaps Esther would've been given to boys first, and then parents would've been angry that An Excellent Boy Name was being Ruined By Trendy Parents. LolI don't have any Esther to honor.For an actual daughter: Esther Esmée, Esther Hermione, Esther Mariah, Esther Julianne/Julianna, Nikola EstherOnes I just like: Esther Renesmé, Esther Sophia, Esther Madeline, Zenobia Esther, and Kezia Esther.
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What kind of person do you imagine when you hear Esther? A nun.What would you think of a baby named Esther? I'd think they were probably born to a wealthy family, a little pretentious.Nicknames? Essie, Terri at a push.What names/combos would you use if you had to honor an Esther (if you were naming an actual baby)? Vivian Esther Marie, Tabitha Esther Jane, Natalie EstherWhat Esther combos do you like (not naming an actual baby)? I really don't like Esther.
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I think Esther is a very attractive name. It's crisp and brisk and uncomplicated. I don't like it enough to use it but I do like it.It has a strong Jewish vibe to me as well, so likely I'd expect siblings with names like Benjamin, Aaron, Rachel and Rebecca? But Esther works just as well with lots of other ethnicities too, unlike things like Miriam and Hadassah and Moshe.Esther Kathleen?Esther Michelle?Lauren Esther?Noelle Esther (Christmas Star, might be neat on a Xmastime baby.)
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I'd love to see a baby Esther; but I wouldn't enjoy a baby Hester. The names are so close, and yet so different - Hester is hissy, and Esther is warm and welcoming.Esther, in my mind, is a coper. She might not always win, but she gives life her best shot every time.No need for a nickname; maybe Star?Getting family names to go with Esther is quite a task!
Esther Mary
Esther Anne Olivia
Esther FlorenceOther combos:
Esther Isobel
Esther Antoinette
Esther Margaret
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I think of an elderly Jewish woman, because that’s my great grandmother, and why my first name is Esther. I really, really hate the fact that my first name is Esther. I go by my middle name, but everything official is stained by this ugly name. To me it’s one of the most overtly ugly names out there. It belongs is a class with Beulah and Bertha. My other great grandmother was Ethel. I’m glad nobody really liked her so I didn’t get stuck with Ethel, which is even worse than Esther.Estie is a cute nickname I must admit.

This message was edited 11/13/2021, 3:54 AM

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I love the name Esther and actually have a niece with this name. I think it’s gorgeous, the meaning is sweet and the biblical character of the same name is a great story.I obviously think of my niece when I hear the name and she is a really smart, sweet young lady. If I met a baby Esther I’d be super happy, because it’s a lovely name. Essie is a cute nn for Esther, my niece gets called Essie. If I was honouring an Esther, I’d actually use Hadassah instead, because of the biblical link. There are so many names that work with Esther, but I’m not going to list them all!
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I really like Hadassah -- especially good middle name material. My grandma's name was Esther and she was Catholic, but the other side of my family is Jewish so Hadassah could be an interesting name to combine both sides of the family.
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Hi !!!I prefer the form Ester but I answer as well as in my mind the names sound similar.1) I figure a Esther / Ester as a teenager or in her 20s. She is tall and slim with black hair and blue / light blue / grey eyes. She looks very delicate. 2) I'd love meeting a baby called Esther / Ester. That's one of my favourite names.3) I would not use nicknames for it but Tessa would be ok.4) for an actual baby I would choose the form Ester (but you can use them with Esther as well)Ester Afërdita
Ester Afina
Ester Alma
Ester Calliope
Ester Colomba
Ester Delfina
Ester Diamante
Ester Diana
Ester Fedora
Ester Gaja
Ester Gelsomina
Ester Lavanda
Ester Letizia
Ester Melania
Ester Nadia
Ester Natalia
Ester Nives
Ester Novella
Ester Olga
Ester Olimpia
Ester Shalom

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These are my favorites of your combos:
Ester Afërdita
Ester Calliope
Ester Gaja (or Esther Gaia)
Esther Polydora
Esther Ophelia
Esther MayaAnd I also like:
Ester Alma
Ester Delfina
Ester Diana
Ester Fedora (or Feodora)
Ester Nadia
Ester Viola
Ester Yllka
Esther Blossom
Esther Cleo
Esther Freyja
Esther Oksana
Esther Titania
Esther Octavia
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Can I just say that I appreciate how much you branch out with the names you suggest for combos! Most of this site (myself included) is guilty of suggesting the same names over and over again (mostly English ones, with a few odd Latinate and biblical ones thrown in) and yours are a breath of fresh air :) thanks for introducing me to Afërdita!
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Thank you!
Your are very kind!
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An Esther would be quiet and studious, wear a lot of burgundy, and have great hair, black and glossy, with butterfly hair clips because she's vintage that way. It's not a very babyish name, which would make it fun and surprising on a baby.
Can't she just be Esther? I hate Essie. Ooh, maybe Estée. That's fun and dramatic.
I'd happily use Esther Marigold. Esther Shoshannah is nice too.
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Esther is lovely Esther Susannah
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