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[Games] Amoret’s April CAF (3 of 7)
2)🌷SO: D2
SO: CH(N)(K) DD:
DS: Rosemary Fanny Celia Blanche Sally Christine Patricia Beryl Clarice Zipporah Agatha Peggy Cornelia Bessie Shirley Dinah Priscilla Blythe Dorothy Thursa Augusta Prudence Edna Barbara Temperance Euphemia Queenie Betty Thomasina Roderick Ferdinand Cecil Leslie Ambrose Gerald Quentin Clark Malcolm Amos Roger Godfrey Claude Marvin Archibald Valentine Gregory Clifford Melvin Augustus Harold Donald Montague Wallace Bernard Herbert Edgar Montgomery
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf
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SO: Archer Landon Erikson-Smythe
SO: Chyna Hannelore Erikson-Smythe (nee Nielson)DD: Agatha Blythe Erikson-Smythe
DS: Ambrose Valentine Erikson-Smythe
DD/DD: Blanche Zipporah Erikson-Smythe/ Barbara Christine Erikson-Smyhte “Ari”
DS: Bernard Amos Erikson-Smythe “Ernie”
DS: Claude Leslie Erikson-SmytheArcher & Chyna Erikson-Smythe: Agatha, Ambrose, Blanche, Ari, Ernie, & Claude
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N: Ellis-Sullivan
DH: Gary Roscoe
DW: Elizabeth NicoletteD1: Emmett Acer
SO: Francesca Rosalie Smyth Hartford
DD/DD/DD: Vivienne Olivia / Genevieve Amalia / Emmeline Sophia D2: Everett Archer
SO: Carianne Heather Noble Kovac
DD: Shirley Dinah
DS: Roderick Archibald
DD/DD: Priscilla Thursa / Patricia Celia
DS: Clark Quentin
DS: Malcolm Wallace D3: Sienna Ivy
D4: Sylvie Calla
D5: Wesley Asher
D6: Wilder Aidan
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LN: Edwards-Smith
DH: Gavin Roger Edwards-Smith
DW: Erica Natalie (Johnson) Edwards-Smith
DS1: Landon Roscoe Edwards-Smith
DD2: Savannah Aida Edwards Smith
D3: Rosalie "Rosa" Violet Edwards-Smith
DS4: Caleb Ethan Edwards-Smith
DD5: Zelie April Edwards-Smith
DD6: Maeva Terra Edwards-Smith----
DS1: Landon Roscoe Edwards-Smith
DH: Fernando Ricardo Salvador-Fuerta
DD/DD/DD: Cecily Aurelia Smuerta, Rosalie Francesca Smuerta, Arabella Valentina Smuerta
DD2: Savannah Aida (Edwards-Smith) Knight
DH: Callum Henry Knight
DD: Sally Barbara Knight
DS: Marvin Cecil Knight
DD/DD: Agatha Priscilla Knight and Cornelia Patricia Knight
DS: Gregory Ambrose Knight
DS: Roger Augustus Knight
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DH: Gregory Russell South
DW: Estelle Norah Eames
DD1: Violet Posy Eames-South
DD2: Wren Juniper Eames-South
DS3: Leon Huxley Eames-South
DS4: Wilder August Eames-South
DS5: Rosa Lark Eames-South
DD6: Fox Caleb Eames-SouthGregory & Estelle
Violet | Wren | Leon | Wilder | Rosa | Fox***SO: Violet Posy Holmes nee Eames-South
SO: Felix Ridley Holmes
DD/DD/DD: Aurora Beatrix Holmes / Vivienne Cecily Holmes / Coralie Adelaide HolmesViolet & Felix
Aurora | Vivienne | Coralie*SO: Wren Juniper Knowles nee Eames-South
SO: Corbin Hendrik Knowles
DD: Clarice Blythe Knowles
DS: Edgar Wallace Knowles
DD/DD: Prudence Dorothy Knowles / Temperance Rosemary Knowles

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DH: Greyson Riley Sawyer
DW: Emma Nicole EvansDD: Violet Alba (Evans-Sawyer) Harrison
-DH: Francis Rowan Harrison
--DD/DD/DD: Valentina Elora Harrison & Sophia Isabella Harrison & Vivienne Aurora HarrisonDS: August Milo Evans-Sawyer
-DW: Chiara Helena Nausicaa (Kellogg) Evans-Sawyer
--DD: Agatha Christine Evans-Sawyer
--DS: Roger Claude Evans-Sawyer
--DD/DD: Betty Temperance Evans-Sawyer & Celia Queenie Evans-Sawyer
--DS: Gregory Ambrose Evans-Sawyer
--DS: Edgar Wallace Evans-Sawyer
DS: Beckett Parker Evans-Sawyer
DD: Ivy Wren Evans-Sawyer
DS: Ethan Zane Evans-Sawyer
DS: Archer Atlas Evans-Sawyer
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LN: East-StoneH: Gustav Reuben
W: Edelweiss NaomiD: Fern Maeva
D: Sylvie Lark
S: Caleb Zane
D: Juniper Twyla
D: Ivy April
D: Violet Lumi***D: Fern Maeva
-H: Felix Ronan Stellan
--D/D/D: Coralie Penelope / Persephone Clementine / Azalea Vivienne***D: Sylvie Lark
-H: Clark Hezekiah Nettles
--D: Agatha Rosemary
--S: Clark Ambrose
--D/D: Zipporah Thomasina / Temperance Cornelia
--S: Quentin Malcolm
--S: Montgomery 'Monty' Wallace
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LN: Emmett-Smith
DH: Gabriel Rex
DW: Esme Neriah
D1: Eden Rosa
S1: Asher Fox
D2: Fern Posy
D3: Ivy Autumn
D4: Wren Olive
S2: Koa Zane
D1: Eden Rosa
DH: Felix Raphael Hayes
DD/DD/DD: Annabella Genevieve “Annie” / Beatrix Vivienne “Bea” / Clementine Olivia “Clemmy”
S1: Asher Fox Emmett-Smith
DW: Cleo Hannah (Kendall)
DD: Zipporah Queenie “Ora”
DS: Amos Valentine
DD/DD: Bessie Priscilla / Peggy Dinah
DS: Edgar Montgomery
DS: Bernard Ambrose
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DH: Gabriel Ryan Ennis-Spencer
DW: Elizabeth Nora Ennis-Spencer "Ellie"DS: August Wilder Ennis-Spencer
DD: Sylvie Wren Ennis-Spencer
DS: Caleb Asher Ennis-Spencer
DS: Everett Gray Ennis-Spencer
DS: Leon Beckett Ennis-Spencer
DD: Ivy Sienna Ennis-Spencer--
DS: August Wilder Ennis-Spencer
DW: Freya Rose Holt Ennis-SpencerDD/DD/DD: Adelaide Emmeline Ennis-Spencer "Addie" / Arabella Rosalie Ennis-Spencer "Bella" / Aurora Genevieve Ennis-Spencer "Rory"--
DD: Sylvie Wren Ennis-Spencer Kramer
DH: Charles Henry Kramer "Charlie"DD: Blythe Rosemary Kramer
DS: Quentin Claude Kramer
DD/DD: Cornelia Temperance Kramer "Neely" / Euphemia Prudence Kramer "Phemie"
DS: Clark Wallace Kramer
DS: Montgomery Edgar Kramer "Monty"
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The Esmond-Skov Family!The Esmond-Skov FamilyH: Gregory Robert Esmond, "Greg"
W: Edith Nathalie Skov, "Ditte"D1 / D2: Lumi Autumn (Esmond-Skov) Hepburn / Lark April (Esmond-Skov) Knight
S1: Gray Emmett Esmond-Skov
D3: Fern Zelie Esmond-Skov
D4: Ivy Seren Esmond-Skov
S2: Atlas Beckett Esmond-Skov
_______________________________D1: Lumi
H: Finlay Roland Hepburn, "Fin"D1 / D2 / D3: Aurora Penelope Hepburn, "Rory" / Francesca Rosalie Hepburn, "Frankie" / Olivia Beatrix Hepburn, "Livvy"
_______________________________D2: Lark
H: Christopher Henry Nelson KnightD1: Celia Christine Knight, "C.C."
S1: Amos Malcolm Knight
D2 / D3: Agatha Prudence Knight / Augusta Rosemary Knight, "August"
S2: Edgar Montgomery Knight
S3: Clark Valentine Knight
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DH: Gideon Robert Ellington-Steger
DW: Eileen Nichole [Reahle] Ellington-StegerD1: Arlo Wren [Ellington-Steger] Harbour
S1: Everett Rafe Ellington-Steger
S2: Callum Wesley Ellington-Steger
D2: Savannah Violet Ellington-Steger
D3: Fern Harlow Ellington-Steger
D4: Maeva Olive Ellington-Steger
Gideon & Eileen || Arlo, Everett, Callum, Savannah, Fern and Maeva***D1: Arlo Wren [Ellington-Steger] Harbour
H: Flint Royston HarbourDD/DD/DD: Delilah Cecily Harbour / Coralie Genevieve Harbour / Amabel Elora Harbour
Flint & Arlo || Delilah, Coralie and Amabel***S1: Everett Rafe Ellington-Steger
W: Charlotte Hailey [Nellis] Ellington-Steger DD: Agatha Priscilla Ellington-Steger
DS: Quentin Ambrose Ellington-Steger
DD/DD: Prudence Cornelia Ellington-Steger / Temperance Augusta Ellington-Steger
DS: Archibald Melvin Ellington-Steger
DS: Roderick Godfrey Ellington-Steger Everett & Charlotte || Agatha, Quentin, Prudence, Temperance, Archibald and Roderick
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DH: Griffin Richard Evan-Scott “Griffin”
DW: Eleanora Nicole [Langley] Evan-Scott “Ella”DS1: Aidan Callum Evan-Scott “Aidan”
DD2: Savannah Olive Evan-Scott “Savannah”
DS3: Milo Wesley Evan-Scott “Milo”
DD4: Ivy Wren Evan-Scott “Ivy”
DS5: Landon Emmett Evan-Scott “Landon”
DD6: Eira Violet Evan-Scott “Eira”Griffin & Ella Evan-Scott: Aidan, Savannah, Milo, Ivy, Landon, & Eira
DD1: Aidan Callum Evan-Scott “Aidan”
DW: Faith Rebecca (Smythe-Hendrix) Evan-Scott “Faith”DD/DD/DD: Coralie Sophia Evan-Scott “Cora” / Emmeline Felicity Evan-Scott “Emmy”/ Annabella Beatrix Evan-Scott “Anna”Aidan & Faith Evan-Scott: Cora, Emmy, & Anna
DD: Savannah Olive (Evan-Scott) King “Savannah”
DH: Colton Henry Nolan King “Cole”DD: Christine Augusta King “Christa”
DS: Harold Malcolm King “Harry”
DD/DD: Rosemary Cornelia King “Rose” / Clarice Thomasina King “Claire”
DS: Quentin Donald King “Quinn”
DS: Archibald Gregory King “Archie”Savannah & Cole King: Christa, Harry, Rose, Claire, Quinn, & Archie
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H: Graham Rudolph
W: Esta NoelleS: Ethan Gray
D: Juniper Lark
S: Atlas Wesley
S: August Rafe
S: Callum Beckett
D: Sylvie RosaGraham & Esta; Ethan, Juniper, Atlas, August (Gus), Callum (Cal), and Sylvie.*S: Ethan Gray
SO: Felicity Rae D/D/D: Francesca Adelaide, Penelope Sophia, & Vivienne Beatrix Ethan & Felicity; Francesca (Frankie), Penelope (Nell), and Vivienne (Viv).**D: Juniper Lark
W: Catherine Hilda D: Dinah Temperance
S: Quentin Amos
D/D: Rosemary Celia & Zipporah Christine
S: Archibald Harold
S: Montgomery Edgar Juniper (June) & Catherine (Cate); Dinah, Quentin, Rosemary (Rose), Zipporah (Z), Archibald (Archie), and Montgomery (Monty).
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DH: Gordon Rawley Schmidt
DW: Electra Nevis EpperleyDS1: Leon Roscoe Highfield, born Epperley-Schmidt
- DH: Frederick Rafe Highfield
-- DD/DD/DD: Valentina Beatrix Highfield & Olivia Rosalie Highfield & Isabella Delilah HighfieldDD1: Zelie Harlow Epperley-Schmidt
- DH: Clark Hawthorn Nouveau Kimbell
-- DD: Betty Rosemary Kimbell
-- DS: Melvin Montgomery Kimbell
-- DD/DD: Sally Agatha Kimbell & Blythe Priscilla Kimbell
-- DS: Wallace Ambrose Kimbell
-- DS: Gregory Cecil KimbellDS2: Atlas Parker Epperley-Schmidt
DD2: Calla Juniper Epperley-Schmidt
DD3: Hebe Autumn Epperley-Schmidt
DD4: Eira Violet Epperley-Schmidt
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DH: Graham Robert Erskine
DW: Emelie Nova SarsgaardDD: Sylvie Fern (Erskine-Sarsgaard) Holloway
-DH: Felix Raymond Sebastian Holloway
-DD/DD/DD: Rosalie Sophia Persephone Holloway, Ottilie Valentina Felicity Holloway & Adelaide Eleni Aurelia HollowayDD: Persephone "Posy" Maeva (Erskine-Sarsgaard) Kincaid
-DH: Charleton "Charlie" Henry Kincaid
-DD: Augusta "Auggie" Bessie Kincaid
-DS: Archibald "Archie" Melvin Kincaid
-DD/DD: Thomasina "Sina" Beryl Kincaid & Temperance "Penny" Agatha Kincaid
-DS: Montague "Monty" Cecil Kincaid
-DS: Quentin "Quinn" Clark Kincaid
DS: Montgomery "Monty" Atlas Erskine-Sarsgaard
DD: Juniper "Junie" Aida Erskine-Sarsgaard
DD: Caroline "Coco" Sienna Erskine-Sarsgaard
DS: August "Gus" Roscoe Erskine-Sarsgaard
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DH: Granville Roscoe "Gray" Elbridge-Smyth
DW: Elora Nadine HuxleyDS1: Nash Roscoe Elbridge-Smyth
DS2: Wilder Huxley Elbridge-Smyth
DD1: Autumn Zélie Elbridge-Smyth
DS3: Arlo Everett Elbridge-Smyth
DD2: Fern Maeva Elbridge-Smyth
DD3: Calla Eden Elbridge-Smyth***
DS1: Nash Roscoe Elbridge-Smyth
DW: Frederica Renata Smith-HughesDD/DD/DD: Rosalie Elora & Coralie Mabel & Alaia Clementine Elbridge-Smyth***
DS2: Wilder Huxley Elbridge-Smyth
DW: Calanthe Helen KirkDD: Francelia Beryl "Fanny" Elbridge-Kirk
DS: Malcolm Gerald Elbridge-Kirk
DD/DD: Augusta Blythe "Gussie" & Euphemia Blanche "Effie" Elbridge-Kirk
DS: Quentin Ambrose Elbridge-Kirk
DS: Clifford Roderick Elbridge-Kirk
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H: Grey Ridley Ellis-Shaw
W: Enya Nava [Fox] Ellis-ShawD1: Juniper Lumi Ellis-Shaw
D2: Twyla Autumn Ellis-Shaw
S1: August Gray Ellis-Shaw
S2: Landon Fox Ellis-Shaw
D3: Eira Fern Ellis-Shaw
S3: Huxley Aidan Ellis-Shaw⭐️D1: Juniper [Ellis-Shaw] Hayes
-H: Florian Reece Hayes-D/D/D: Rosalie Penelope Hayes/Delilah Persephone Hayes/Arabella Eleni Hayes⭐️D2: Twyla [Ellis-Shaw] Kavanagh
-H: Clyde Hiram Kavanagh-D: Euphemia Betty “Effie” Kavanagh
-S: Augustus Ferdinand “Gus” Kavanagh
-D/D: Peggy Dinah Kavanagh/Prudence Dorothy “Prue” Kavanagh
-S: Roger Montague Kavanagh
-S: Edgar Amos Kavanagh

This message was edited 4/9/2024, 9:36 PM

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LN: Egan-Samuels
DH: Gordon Ryan Egan-Samuels
DW: Erica Natalie Egan-SamuelsD1: Sienna Eira Egan-Samuels
S1: Emmett Asher Egan-Samuels
S2: Callum Parker Egan-Samuels
D2: Sylvie Calla Egan-Samuels
S4: Milo Grayson Egan-Samuels
S5: Wesley Everett Egan-SamuelsD1: Sienna Egan-Samuels
-SO: Frederick Robert Hamilton
—DD/DD/DD: Isabella Vivienne Hamilton/Adelaide Rosalie Hamilton/Francesca Sophia HamiltonS1: Emmett Asher Egan-Samuels
-SO: Cassandra Hailey Kingston
—DD: Celia Dorothy Egan-Samuels
—DS: Clark Ambrose Egan-Samuels
—DD/DD: Blythe Clarice Egan-Samuels and Beryl Zipporah Egan-Samuels
—DS: Quentin Montgomery Egan-Samuels
—DS: Claude Leslie Egan-Samuels
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DH: George Russell Eason
DW: Elisabeth Norah ShieldsDD: Sylvie Fern {Eason-Shields} Haley
— DH: Francis Ryan Haley
— DD: Cecily Clementine Haley [triplet]
— DD: Beatrix Penelope Haley [triplet]
— DD: Felicity Vivienne Haley [triplet]DS: August Wesley Eason-Shields
— DW: Charlotte Hannah {Kennedy} Eason-Shields
— DD: Shirley Beryl Eason-Shields
— DS: Quentin Claude Eason-Shields
— DD: Betty Cornelia Eason-Shields [twin]
— DD: Blythe Priscilla Eason-Shields [twin]
— DS: Malcolm Augustus Eason-Shields
— DS: Roger Montgomery Eason-ShieldsDD: Violet Seren Eason-Shields
DD: Juniper Autumn Eason-Shields
DS: Archer Callum Eason-Shields
DD: Eira Olive Eason-Shields
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SO: Leon Caleb Eller-Shea
SO: Cary Herod Neal-Keyes Eller-SheaDD: Dorothy Euphemia Eller-Shea
DS: Gregory Clifford Eller-Shea
DD/DD: Clarice Rosemary Eller-Shea & Queenie Prudence Eller-Shea
DS: Bernard Montague Eller-Shea
DS: Malcolm Roderick Eller-Shea
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LN: Evans-Shaw
DH: Gideon Ralph
DW: Emily MabelD1: Una Olive
-DH: Fabian Reginald Hunt
--DD/DD/DD: Olivia Cecily & Beatrix Amabel & Adelaide IsabellaD2: Rosa Seren
-DH: Christopher Hadrian Knight
--DD: Rosemary Christine
--DS: Roderick Gerald
--DD/DD: Celia Beryl & Blanche Patricia
--DS: Ferdinand Quentin
--DS: Ambrose Malcolm D3: Leon Aidan
D4: Ivy Alba
D5: Caleb Callum
D6: Violet Sienna
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Garrett Ross ❤️ Eden Nicole
Woody Aidan
August Caleb
Roscoe Milo
Emmett Callum
Parker Ethan “Park”
Juniper Rosa “Junebug” [Garrett & Eden || Woody, August, Roscoe, Emmett, Park, Junebug]🌷ELLIS-SMITH FAMILY
Woody Aidan ❤️ Freesia Rachelle (néé Hannah)
Coralie Clementine & Azalea Adelaide & Felicity Francesca [Woody & Freesia || Coralie & Azalea & Felicity ]
August Caleb ❤️ Cecily Hope (née Kendalford)
Rosemary Celia
Montgomery Cecil “Monty”
Blythe Agatha & Temperance Fanny
Valentine Donald
Claude Godfrey[August & Cecily || Rosemary, Monty, Blythe & Temperance, Valentine, Claude]
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DH: Gareth Rupert Ellmore-Starke
DW: Elinor "Elle" Naomi Ellmore-Starke D1: Azealia "Zelie" Juniper [Ellmore-Starke] Hawson
-DH: Fergus Ralph Stuart Hawson
-DD/DD/DD: Eleni "Laney" Isabella Rosalie Hawson / Alaia "Ally" Ottilie Vivienne Hawson / Elora "Lori" Persephone Coralie Hawson D2: Maeva Seren [Ellmore-Starke] Kirbie
-DH: Cillian Howell Kirbie
-DD: Blythe Euphemia Kirbie
-DS: Quentin Montague Kirbie
-DD/DD: Celia Dorothy Kirbie / Clarice Thursa Kirbie
-DS: Edgar "Eddie" Ambrose Kirbie
-DS: Roderick "Rod" Amos Kirbie D3: Huxley Asher Ellmore-Starke
D4: Lumina "Lumi" Violet Ellmore-Starke
D5: Callum Atlas Ellmore-Starke
D6: Roscoe "Ross" Oakley Ellmore-Starke
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DH: Grant Reamur Elliott-Smith
DW: Elizabeth Naomi Elliott-SmithDS1: Asher Zane Elliott-Smith
➢ DW: Fabiola Rachel Elliott-Smith (née Sandburg)
—➢ DD1: Aurora Vivienne Elliott-Smith | Twin
—➢ DD2: Adelaide Francesca Elliott-Smith | Twin
—➢ DD3: Annabella Cecily Elliott-Smith | TwinDD1: Wrenley "Wren" Rosa Nicholson (née Elliott-Smith)
➢ DH: Castiel Henry Nicholson
—➢ DD1: Augusta Queenie Nicholson
—➢ DS1: Gregory Wallace Nicholson
—➢ DD2: Barbara Priscilla Nicholson | Twin
—➢ DD3: Temperance Euphemia Nicholson | Twin
—➢ DS2: Malcolm Edgar Nicholson
—➢ DS3: Herbert Leslie Nicholson
DS2: Nash August Elliott-Smith
DD2: Violet Autumn Elliott-Smith
DS3: Callum Parker Elliott-Smith
DD3: Twyla Juniper Elliott-Smith
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LN: Escande-Smyth
DH: Gabriel Roger Escande
DW: Elizabeth Norma SmythDD1: Wren Olive Escande-Smyth
-DH: Finn Richard Samuel Hendricks
-DD1: Persephone Valentina Hendricks
-DD2: Aurora Cecily Hendricks
-DD3: Sophia Penelope HendricksDS1: Leon Everett Escande-Smyth
-DW: Charlotte Helena Kwan
-DD1: Shirley Blanche Escande-Smyth
-DS1: Augustus Herbert Escande-Smyth
-DD2/DD3: Augusta Betty Escande-Smyth/ Zipporah Dinah Escande-Smith
-DS2: Leslie Malcolm Escande-Smyth
-DS3: Valentine Bernard Escande-SmythDD2: Juniper Sylvie Escande-Smyth
DD3: Rosa Una Escande-Smyth
DS2: Roscoe August Escande-Smyth
DS3: Woodrow Asher "Woody" Escande-Smyth
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DH: Gregory Roman Eliot
DW: Edna Natalie SandersD1: Calla Wren Eliot-Sanders
- SO: Felix Richard Sebastian Hawkins
-- DD/DD/DD: Cecily Amabel Hawkins / Adelaide Felicity Hawkins / Clementine Rosalie HawkinsD2: Seren Juniper Eliot-Sanders
- SO: Charles Hamish Napier Kipling
-- DD: Dorothy Priscilla Kipling
-- DS: Cecil Montgomery Kipling
-- DD/DD: Rosemary Agatha Kipling / Augusta Temperance Kipling
-- DS: Quentin Archibald Kipling
-- DS: Ambrose Valentine KiplingD3: Lumi Fern Eliot-Sanders
D4: Atlas Beckett Eliot-Sanders
D5: Lark Sylvie Eliot-Sanders
D6: Asher Milo Eliot-Sanders
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H: Woodall Caleb "Woody" Exton-Sayles
W: Clarimond Henrietta KiplingD: Agatha Thomasina Exton-Sayles
S: Valentine Herbert Exton-Sayles
D/D: Cornelia Rosemary Exton-Sayles & Euphemia Clarice Exton-Sayles
S: Archibald Wallace Exton-Sayles
S: Godfrey Ambrose Exton-Sayles
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