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Years of your life Game- Part 7(61-70 years)
Tada! You're going into grandmother/grandfather age, your hair is probably turning grey, etc., etc., etc. So, you might get more grandkids now! We are getting closer to the end of our game! You no longer need to roll for children, engagements, adoptions, or marriages, you take the reins on that part. Let's keep going!Credit to Story for Year Game! Also, credit to braydenJ123!Here are the previous rounds:
Round one:
Round two:
Round three:
Round four:
Round five:
Round six: here's the die: you roll for children/grandchildren, roll this to determine how many there will be. Roll more than once if you want.
1: No children
2: One child
3: Two children
4: Three children
5: Four children
6: Five children, or more(up to 12)---And to determine genders, use this:
1: Boy
2: GirlYou decide whether any children are adopted or not. If they are, then use the name section to choose their name(s). You can also use the naming section for family and friends, including new family members(children and spouses).Or, you can use the naming section the entire time if you want, which is below.---You can use this to determine what any spouses look like first(for those unmarried), but if any children are adopted, then you can use this. You can add other things too(freckles, moles, etc.). Friends also count.---Hair texture:
1-4: Straight
5-8: Wavy
9-12: CurlyHair color(you can be specific with hair colors if you want to):
1-3: Blonde
4-7: Brown
8-9: Red
10-12: BlackEye color:
1-5: Brown
6-8: Blue
9-10: Grey/Hazel
11-12: Green---Roll a 10-sided dice to see who children look more like. Use this for each appearance category. If they have siblings, use this for them too.
1-5: They look more like mom
6-10: They look more like dad---Use this to create names!
1: A name from literature
2: A name from a culture other than your parents'
3: A word name
4: A nature name
5: A name currently not in the top US 1000
6: An old-fashioned name
7: A modern name
8: A saint's name
9: An invented name
10: A name currently in the US top 1000
11: A name associated with a color
12: An animal name or a name with an animal meaning.
13: A name from a song
14: A mythological name
15: A unisex name
16: A name from a popular book or movie(e.g, Harry Potter)
18: A classic name
19: A hippie name
20: A name that you really like---Let's begin!61-65 years1. You start exploring new religions and beliefs. Does this amount to anything? If you change your beliefs or start believing in something for the first time, how does your family react?
2. You're having a really bad time mentally. How do you try to get help?
3. You pick up a new hobby. What is it?
4. You fall ill with a disease. What is it? Will you be okay? How much does it impact your daily life?
5. You get a new pet. What is it? What do you name it?
6. Someone you love passes away. Who is it? How does it affect you?
7. You start advocating for a cause. What is the cause? How do you help?
8. You are in big financial trouble, aka, in debt. What happens? How do you try to get help? What do you do to solve the problem?
9. One of your family members/friends gets famous! What has changed? How do you feel? Are you still close to them?
10. A couple in your family divorced. Why? What happens next? What effect does it have on everyone else?
11. You get in a big fight with someone in your family. What's it over? What happens?
12. You witness a crime. What happened? How do you feel? What effects does it have on the community?
13. You start learning a new language. Which language is it? Do you stick to it?
14. You get into trouble with the law. What happened next? What did you do? What does your family think? How much trouble are you in?
15. Your family is in trouble! What kind of trouble? It can be anything; law, property rights, etc.
16. You become the matriarch/patriarch of the family! Are there any mixed feelings? At what cost do you get this position? For the sake of this game, you can become matriarch/patriarch for any very special reason, and you don't have to be old/have the most children.
17. You catch a family member of yours(preferably a child)looking at something or hearing something they shouldn't. What do you do about it? What did they do? What's the punishment?
18. A natural disaster happens where you live. What happens? Are ya'll okay? Is your home(if any)okay?
19. You and your family goes on vacation? Where did you go? Was it fun?
20. You or someone in your family entered a contest! Roll a 4 sided dice! If it’s a 1 or 4 you win! What was the contest? Did it require skill?
66-70 years1. Someone in your family dies. How does this affect you? Were you close to them? Was it an intermediate family or extended family? Who was it?
2. A friend/family member of yours is in the hospital! Are they okay? What happened?
3. A family member of yours is diagnosed with a serious illness or disease. What is it? How long will it take to recover? Or will it be a lifelong illness/disease? How do you handle this news?
4. You and your spouse separate. Roll a d4. If you roll a 1, you are separated physically, but not legally. If you roll a 2, ya'll get divorced. If you roll a 3, you separate legally. If you roll a 4, ya'll get back together. If you are not married, then roll again.
5. You attend a big family reounion! Did you plan it? How was it? Were you happy to see all of your family?
6. Someone in your family runs away! Who are they? Why'd they done it? What happened? Do you find them? Do they return?
7. Somebody temporarily moves in with ya'll! Who is it? Is it a relative, a friend, a college exchange student, or someone else? Is anybody happy with this? How does it go?
8. Somebody permanently moves in with ya'll! Is it a relative, a friend, a college exchange student, or someone else? Is anybody happy with this?
9. You are reading a lot more than you used to. What genres do you like? What's your favorite book?
10. You reconnect with someone. Who are they? What happened? What do you do?
11. You don't remember how to do something important! How important is it? How does it affect your life? What is it? Why don't you remember?
12. Someone in your family gets amnesia! How bad is it? Must they learn everything all over again? Or were they lucky? What don't they remember? How does it affect you? What happened?
13. You want to change something about yourself. Is it a big change, or a small change? What do you do? This can be about anything; from appearance to morning ritual to diet.
14. You get a promotion! What is it? Are you excited? Is this life changing for you?
15. You get fired/ made redundant! Why? Was it for no reason? What happens to you now?
16. You find out a devastating secret. What is it? What does it have to do with you? Are you in trouble?
17. You're worried you and your best friend might be drifting apart. What do you do to fix it? Is it successful?
18. You get to take part in a movie being filmed in your town! Are you excited? Who are you playing as? What do you do? What genre is the movie? Is it hard for you?
19. You get a new job! What is it? Are you excited? Are you good at it?
20. Your family gets a new pet! What is it? What do ya'll name it?Ready for the next one?“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.” - Andre Gide
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DH:[83]Gyles Keaton Blue[straight brown hair, brown eyes](dec.)
DW:[81]Madeline Kristen Breckenridge[curly black hair, green eyes]DD1:[63]Lavender Everly Blue[straight brown hair, brown eyes]
ExDH:[64]Willis John Brown[curly red hair, brown eyes]
DD1:[30]Sky Tracy Brown[wavy blonde hair, brown eyes]
DS1:[6]Lionel Harold Brown[wavy blonde hair, green eyes]
DD2:[29]Cassidy "Cassie" Briar Brown[curly brown hair, brown eyes]
DD1:[1]Theia Esme Blue[wavy black hair, grey eyes]
(you)DD2:[61]Raven Abigail Blue[straight brown hair, green eyes]
DH:[61]Adrian Bailey Osbourne[straight red hair, blue eyes]
DS1:[35]Alex James Osbourne[curly brown hair, brown eyes]
DW:[35]Medora Hermione Willmington[curly brown hair, blue eyes]
ADD1:[13]Alice "Poor Alice" Wren Osbourne[wavy blonde hair, blue eyes]
DD1:[34]Theodosia "Teddie" Constance Osbourne[curly brown hair, blue eyes]
DW:[32]Joyce Sylvia Sparks[wavy black hair, blue eyes]
ADS1:[5]Alban "Albie" Berthold Grünewald[wavy brown hair, brown eyes]
DD2/DS2:[33]Melody "Mel" Beatrix Osbourne & August "Auggie" Cornelius Osbourne[straight red hair, green eyes]
DD2:[33]Melody "Mel" Beatrix Osbourne[straight red hair, green eyes]
DH:[34]Thomas "Tommy" Morris Alder[wavy brown hair, blue eyes]

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Radclyffe familyYEAR 61 The family adopts a cat that one of Gareth’s co-workers couldn’t take with her when she moved. She’s a Siamese named Lulu who always tries to get outside the house, loves to run and slide on smooth/hard floors, and hates the mail carrier. YEAR 62 Ender start exploring Islam, which was your maternal grandparent’s religion, to understand it more. He’s not particularly interested in following a faith system, but is enjoying reading and researching more about it especially in light of the art of the Muslim world.YEAR 63 Gray, who takes after Gareth in his ability to tell an entertaining story, enters a writing contest and wins! His award was a $2000 scholarship and admission to a writer’s workshop with a well-known fiction author. His family is very proud of him, and Ender says he can’t wait to read his first book.YEAR 64 Maeve, Ender’s oldest sister, passes away from breast cancer. She’d been a major part of his life and a great help to him over the years, emotionally and practically, and her loss is a great one. His friend Meg continues to be someone he can lean on and talk to as he’s now the head of the Radclyffe family.YEAR 65 Ender takes up chess, a game that their daughter Betony is very good at, which makes sense given that she’s an engineering major.YEAR 66 Justus is in the hospital. He’s been having trouble breathing and the doctors discover he has a pulmonary embolism. He’s put on blood thinners. YEAR 67 Ender gets cast in a movie! He’s cast as an art instructor – of course – a small, pretty background part. He calls Nova to get some tips and has a grand time. YEAR 68 Ender decides to change something about himself. He grows his hair out more, enough that it curls behind his neck. Gareth thinks it’s super handsome and tells him he should’ve tried it out years ago!YEAR 69 Justus’ health is still poor, and has another pulmonary scare. Given that he lives alone, Ender and Gareth suggest that he come live with them so they can help him out and ensure someone’s around if he needs medical attention. It’s a bit weird for all of them at first, but Justus has his own space, and they become comfortable in each other’s company after a while.

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Year Sixty-One
I get a new pet, a male gold-banded dwarf tarantula I decide to name Tino.St John [dec.] and Kiarra [dec.] with Frank [dec.], Kayleigh [dec.], Rosalind [61], and Phoebe [58]
Rosalind [61] and Thaïs [63] (divorced) with Rodica [38] and Robin [30], and their pitty Zeus [dec.]
- Rodica [38] and Edmund [39]
- Robin [30] and Edith [30]
Rosalind [61] with her tarantula Tino [1]
Year Sixty-Two
Rodica and Edmund divorce! They both decide that, with their heavy workloads, they don't have the time they need to devote to each other to make the relationship work, and feelings have been dwindling for a while now. They stay friends, and are on good terms.St John [dec.] and Kiarra [dec.] with Frank [dec.], Kayleigh [dec.], Rosalind [62], and Phoebe [59]
Rosalind [62] and Thaïs [64] (divorced) with Rodica [39] and Robin [31], and their pitty Zeus [dec.]
- Robin [31] and Edith [31]
Rosalind [62] with her tarantula Tino [2]
Year Sixty-Three
Though I've been a Mahayana Buddhist for 11 years now, I begin to consider Theravada Buddhism instead. I decide to stick to Mahayana, but it's very interesting nonetheless.St John [dec.] and Kiarra [dec.] with Frank [dec.], Kayleigh [dec.], Rosalind [63], and Phoebe [60]
Rosalind [63] and Thaïs [65] (divorced) with Rodica [40] and Robin [32], and their pitty Zeus [dec.]
- Robin [32] and Edith [32]
Rosalind [63] with her tarantula Tino [3]
Year Sixty-Four
My sister, Phoebe, divorces her husband. It shocks the family, but I'm here for her.St John [dec.] and Kiarra [dec.] with Frank [dec.], Kayleigh [dec.], Rosalind [64], and Phoebe [61]
Rosalind [64] and Thaïs [66] (divorced) with Rodica [41] and Robin [33], and their pitty Zeus [dec.]
- Robin [33] and Edith [33]
Rosalind [64] with her tarantula Tino [4]
Year Sixty-Five
I'm not doing well mentally. Living alone has left me very depressed. I decide to start going to some senior groups farther in town. I volunteer with a "Big Brothers Big Sisters" type organization to partner younger queers with elders in the LGBTQ+ community.

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DH: (dec.) Ryan Lucas Jones
DW: (dec.) Dorothy Eleanor (Coller) Jones
-DD1: (73) Josephine Vera (Jones) Mars
-DD2: (dec.) Octavia Maria (Jones) Loyals
-DS1: (dec.) Dexter Zachary Jones
-DS2: (63) Owen Lucas Jones
-DD3: (62) Mia Dorothy (Jones) Dayan
-DD4: (me) (61) Avery Elizabeth (Jones) Rogers
-DS3: (57) Xavier Henry Jones
-DS4 (48) Quinn Matthew JonesDW: (me) (61): Avery Elizabeth (Jones) Rogers
-DH: (61) John Christopher Rogers
-ADD: (39) Hope Addison (Mitchell) Rogers
-DS: (32) Corbin Daniel Rogers
-DS2: (29) Tyler Ash Rogers
-DD1: (26) Phoenix Luna (Rogers) Roughfield
-DD2: (23) Jasmine Isla Rogers
-DD3: (19) Lavender Daisy Rogers
-DDog: (dec.) Snowflake the Husky
-DDog: (dec.) Ivy the Beagle
Year 61: I entered a senior eating contest. I won! I’m surprised honestly! But I am very proud (I guess).Year 62: After our dog Ivy died. I decide to get one more dog. This time a German Shepard named Audrey. Also, Jasmine gets married this year! To Charlie Elijah Middler. He has straight black hair and green eyes. Also, Phoenix is pregnant with another kid!

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