Guernésiais Submitted Names

Guernésiais names are used on the island of Guernsey between Britain and France by speakers of Guernésiais.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abelard m Polish, Guernésiais
Polish and Guernésiais form of Abélard.
Aberhan m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Abraham.
Alissandre m Occitan, Guernésiais
Occitan and Guernésiais form of Alexander.
Andri m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Andrew.
Andry m Guernésiais
Variant of Andri.
Aûne f Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Anne 1.
Aune f Guernésiais
Variant of Aûne.
Balan m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Belenus.
Benêt m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Benedict.
Brioc m History (Ecclesiastical), Guernésiais
English and Guernésiais form of Briog via the Latinization Briocus. Brioc (died c. 502) was a 5th-century Welsh holy man who became the first abbot of Saint-Brieuc in Brittany... [more]
Canut m Norman, Guernésiais
Norman and Guernésiais form of Canute.
Catau f Guernésiais
Diminutive of Catrine.
Catline f Guernésiais, French (Modern, Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
Guernésiais form of Cateline and French variant of Cathline.
Catrine f Guernésiais, Walloon
Guernésiais and Walloon form of Catherine.
Colas m French, Walloon, Guernésiais
Guernésiais, Walloon and French diminutive of Nicolas which has been in use since the Middle Ages and features prominently in the old French lullaby "Fais dodo, Colas, mon petit frère"... [more]
Crêpin m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Crispin.
Dagnié m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Daniel.
Déruchette f Guernésiais (Rare, Archaic, ?), Literature
Supposedly a diminutive of Durande, the name of an obscure saint, as explained by Victor Hugo in his novel "Toilers of the Sea".
Djimain m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of James.
Eliâzar m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Eleazar.
Eliazar m Georgian, Guernésiais
Georgian form of Eleazar and Guernésiais variant of Eliâzar.
Eloïse f Guernésiais, French (Belgian)
Guernésiais form of Eloise and French variant of Éloïse.
Flipe m Walloon, Picard, Guernésiais
Walloon, Guernésiais and Picard form of Philippe.
Frédric m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Frederick.
Froton m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Frotho.
Gallien m Late Roman (Gallicized), Guernésiais
French and Guernésiais form of Gallienus.
Gotton f Guernésiais
Truncated form of Margotton.
Grégouaire m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Grégoire.
Guérin m French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), Guernésiais
French and Guernésiais form of Warin (compare Guarin).
Hachon m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Hákon.
Héroguiaze f Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Herodias.
Jeanneton f Jèrriais, Guernésiais
Diminutive of Jeanne, cognate of Jeannette.
Liandre m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Leander.
Lisabeau f Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Elizabeth.
Lliénard m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Leonard.
Loline f Guernésiais, French (Rare), Spanish (Philippines, Archaic)
Guernésiais form of Lola, also a french/filippo diminute of Lola.
Madlaïne f Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Madeleine.
Madlon f Guernésiais
Diminutive of Madlaïne.
Maglière m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Magloire.
Maguelonne f French (Rare), Occitan (Gallicized), Guernésiais
Gallicized and Guernésiais form of Occitan Magalona.
Maku m Guernésiais
Variant of Makyu.
Makyu m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Matthew.
Mâlo m Jèrriais, Guernésiais
Jèrriais and Guernésiais form of Malo.
Maquieu m Norman, Guernésiais
Rouenneis Norman and Guernésiais form of Matthieu.
Margotton f Guernésiais
Diminutive of Margot.
Matchieu m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Matthieu.
Matchu m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Matthew.
Maugeur m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Mauger.
Méthusalé m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Methuselah.
Miché m Jèrriais, Guernésiais, Norman
Jèrriais, Guernésiais and Norman form of Michael.
Michié m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Michael.
Nanon f French (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Guernésiais
French and Guernésiais diminutive of Anne 1 (compare Nana).
Nency f Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Nancy.
Noué m Guernésiais, Jèrriais
Guernésiais and Jèrriais form of Noël.
Rabêcca f Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Rebecca.
Râché f Jèrriais, Guernésiais
Jèrriais and Guernésiais form of Rachel.
Raché f Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Rachel.
Rôland m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Roland.
Rouf m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Hrólfr.
Samsaon m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Samson.
Sénèque m Ancient Roman (Gallicized), Guernésiais
French and Guernésiais form of Seneca.
Sidrac m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Shadrach.
Suzon f French, Guernésiais
Diminutive of Suzanne.
Thoume m Guernésiais
Short form of Thoumas.
Thoumine f Guernésiais
Feminine form of Thoumas.
Tifaïne f Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Tiphaine.
Toumas m Walloon, Guernésiais, Provençal
Walloon, Guernésiais and Provençal form of Thomas.
Toumasse f Guernésiais
Feminine form of Toumas.
Zacarie m Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Zechariah.