[Opinions] Common Female English names 1450-1650 (and their kr8tyve spellings!)
*Warning! Long!*
I got this from Rootsweb - I'll be doing the male list soon (since they're all mixed up).
The first name is the usual form of that name, and the following are all variants that were used then, common and uncommon.
Abigail - Abigale, Abygaill
Agatha - Agathe, Agathie, Agace, Aggas, Agacia
Agnes - Agness, Agnesse, Agnez, Agnus, Agnis, Agneis, Aigneys, Augnys, Angnes, Anges, Agnet, Agneta, Agnetia, Agna
Alice - Alyce, Alys, Aylse, Alysse, alis, Ales, Alles, Aleys, Alse, Alce, Als, Ealce, Ailsa, Ailsie, Alicia, Alecia, Alicea, Alesia, Aelizia, Alyesia
Alison - Allison, Alyson, Alisone, alysone, Alisceon, Alson, Alicen, Elison, Helysoune, Alsine, Alsyn
Amabel - Amable, Amabil, Amiable, Amabilia, Amabilis, Amabilla
Amice - Amyce, Amyas, Amys, Amias, Ameis, Amisia, Amicia, Emicia
Amphelis - Amphyllis, Amphelice, Amfelice, Amphillis, Anfylles, Amphelisia, Amphelicia, Amfelisa, Ampholisa, Aumflesia, Aunfelisa
Amy - Amye, Amie, Ame, Amia, Amata, Amiot, Amyot
Anastasia - Anastase, Anistatiah, Anstice
Angelet - Angellet, Angellott, Angeletta, Angellotta
Ankret - Ancret, Ancreat, Ankrit, Ankerit, Ankareta
Ann - Anne, An, Ane, Ana, Anna, Nan, Nanny
Annabell - Annable, Anabel, Hannibel, Hannible, Annabella, Anabilia, Hanabella
Annis - Annys, Annyce, Annyse, Anneyce, Anis, Annes, Anes, annas, Annies, Anicia, Agnes, Angnes, Agnetia, Annot
Anstice - Anstis, Anstes, Anstiss, Anstey, Anastasia
Aphra - Afra, Aphray, Aphara, Apherah, Aphery, Effery
Appelin - Applen, Aplin, Apoline, Apeline, Appolina, Appoline
Arabell - Arabel, Arbell, Orabilis, Arabella, Arbella
Armigil - Eormengild
Arminell - Ermenell
Audrey - Adre, Awdrey, Audrye, Awdrye, Adery, Ardery, Etheldreda, Audria, Adria, Aldrida, Etheldreda, Etheldritha
Aveline - Avelyn, Avelin, Aveling, Evelyn, Avelina
Avis - Avice, Aves, Avys, Aveis, Aviss, Eavis, Hawise, Avicia, Auicia, Avison
Barbara - Barbary, Barbarye, Barbury, Barbery, Barbaree, Barbaray, Barbray, Barbarah, Barbaraw, Barbelot
Beaton - Beeton, Beton, Beaten, Betune, Beatrix, Beatrice, Beata
Beatrice - Beatrix, Betryse, Betrys, Betteris, Betterice, Betterys, Beattres, Beautrice, Bitteris, Betryc, Betrisse, Beatrich, Betrich, Beterich, Bitrix, Beatricia, Beton, Beat, Beatty
Benedicta - Benet, Bennet
Betranne - Bertannis
Bethia - Bethyah, Bethyia, Bethea, Bethis
Blanch - Blanche, Blaunch, Blaunche, Blanchia, Blanca, Blandin
Blandin - Blandine, Blandey, Blandina
Bridget - Bridgette, Bryget, Bridiet, Britgett, Brigitt, Brygett, Brydgette, Bredgat, Brigida, Brigitta, Bride
Cassandra - Cassander, Cassandry, Cass, Casson
Catherine - Caterina, Catherina, Katherina
Cay - Caye
Cecily - Cicelie, Cicillye, Cycleye, Cisely, Cysly, Cycly, Cycalye, Cysselye, Sysly, sisle, Sisley, Sissley, Secile, Sycelye, Syceley, Cecilia, Caecilia, Sescilia, Cecil, Cess, Ciss, Cissot, Syssot, Cesselot
Charity - Charitie, Cherity, Charryte, Cheryte, Charatie, Caritas
Chesten - Chetion, Cheston
christabel - Christabell, Christobell, Cristabell, Cristable, Christabella
Clare - Clere, Clara
Clarice - Clarees, Claricia, clariscia
Clarimond - Clariman, clarieman, Claremunda
Clemence - Clemens, Clemans, clemmante, Clemencia, Clementia, Clem
Colette - Colett, colet, Nicole, Coletaa, colecta
Collys - Nicole
Colubery - Collubery, Coluberry
Contance - Custance, Custans, Costans, Costanne, Costansse, Custins, Costantia, Constantia
Damaris - Damyris, Demaris, Damarise, Dampris, Tamaris
Deanes - Denes, Deenys, Dionise
Deborah - Debora
Denance - Deninse, Dionise, Duens, Deanes
Diana - Dyanna, Dyane, Diana
Dinah - Dynah, Dyna, Dina, Dinae
Dionise - Dyonise, Dionis, Diones, Dyones, Dyonyse, Denneis, Dynis, Denise, Dennise, Dianis, Deanes, Denance, Dunes, Dionisia, Dyonisia, Deonisia, Denisia, Dennis, Denis, Denys, Dennet, Diot, Dyot, Dionision
Diot - Dyot, Diota
Dorcas - Dorcis, Dorkas, Dorcase, Darkis, Darcas
Dorothy - Dorathie, Dorothe, Dorethe, dority, Doryty, dorite, Dorete, Darathe, Doritie, Dorrithie, Dorothee, Dowrity, Dorothea, Dorat, Doll
Dowce - Dowse, Douse, Douce, Douze, Dowsabel, Dulcia, Dulicia, Dousa, Doucet, Douset, Dowsett, Douson
Dowsabel - Dowzabel, Dousabel, Douzabel, Dussabel, Dulcibella, Dowsabella, Dowse, Douce, Douse
Dunes - Dunys, Dewns, Dewnes, Duens, Dunse, Dionise
Ebbot - Ibbot, Isabel, Ebbota, Ibbota
Edborough - Edborrowe, Edborowe, Edborow, Edbora, Eadburgh, Edburga, Idaburga
Edith - Edyth, Eydith, Eydethe, Edethe, Edeeth, Eideth, Edyeth, Eadife, Idith, Yedythe, Yeedith, Editha, Edytha, Eadgitha, Yeddy
Effery - Aphra
Eglentyne - Eglantyne
Eleanor - Elinor, ellenor, Ellinor, Ellenour, Elenour, Elliner, Eylynor, Hellinor, Elnor, elnder, Elianer, Elioner, Ellianor, Alianor, Alienor, Eleanora, Alionora, Elinora, Nell
Elizabeth - Elisabeth, Elyzabethe, Ellizabeth, Ellysabeth, Elesabeth, Eleasabeth, Elyzabeath, Elisabet, Isabel, Elspeth, Elsabeth, Eliza, Elisabetha, Elizabetha, Bess, Betsy, Bessie, Tibby, Libby, Tetty, Tetsy
Elle - Ella, Ellen
Ellen - Elen, elene, Ellin, Elyne, Eln, Ellinge, Hellin, Helen, Elena, Ellot, Elota
Ellis - Ellas, Ellys, Elis, Els, Ellice, Ellys, Elles, Alice, Ellicia, Alicia, Eliot, Aliot
Elsabeth - Elsobeth, Elsabath, Elcebethe
Elspeth - Elspie, Elsie
Em - Emm, Eme, Emme, Emma, Emmot, Emmet, Emmyn
Emlyn - Emlin, Emline, Emlyn, Emelyn, Emolyn, Emblyn, Embling, Emblem, Imblen, Emmeline, Emlin, Emolin
Emmott - Emott, Emett, Emmott, Emmotte, Emmet, Em, Emota, Emmota
English - Englyshe
Epham - Effam, Effum, Effim, Eufen, Eupheme, Euphemia
Ermegayle - Armigil, Eormengild
Esther - Ester, Easter, Hester, Hesther, Esthera, Hestera
Ethelburg - Ethelburga
Etheldred - Ethelred, Audrey, Etheldreda
Eulalia - Ulalia, Ulaliah, Eulalia, Ollala
Eunice - Unice
Eupheme - Eupham, Eufen, Euphemia, Epham, Eufemia
Eve - Eva, Eua, Geua, Evotta, Evett
Evelyn - Avelien
Felice - Felise, Felis, Fillys, Phelis, Phelyse, Felicia, Felisia
Felicity - Phelisstie
Fine - Fyne, Fina
Flora - Flore
Fortune - Fortun, Fortayn, Fortuna
Frances - Frannces, Francesse, Francis, Fraunces, Francis, Frauncys, Francisca, Frank
Freda - Frida, Frieda, Freida, Winifred
Frideswide - Frizwede, Fryswyde, Frideswid, Fridiswid, Fridswid, Friswis, Frisswood, Fridaysweed, Frydayweede, Fryswyth, Frideswoth, Frysuth, Frideswick, Phrideswide, Frideswitha, Fredeswinda, Friday
Gartered - Gertrude
Gennet - Janet
Gertrude - Gertrud, Gertrewd, Gethrude, Gartrude, Gartrett, Gartered, Gatharude, Gartrite, Garthrite, Gartwright, Gartruda, Gatharuda, Gertruda, Gat, Gatty
Gillian - Gylion, Gylyan, Julian, Gill, Gillot, Gillet, Jill, Gillet
Gladys - Gladis, Glades, Gladus, Gwladys, Gladusa
Godeva - Godeve, Godefe, Godyf, Goodife, Godgifu, Godiva
Goodeth - Gudyth, Godith, Godit, Godise, Goduse, Godgyth, Goditha
Grisel - Griselda, Grissele, Grisel, Grizell, Grizil, Grizel, Grishild, Gricelda, Grizelda, Gresilda, Gricela, Griseldys, Griselys, Grissely, Grizel, Grishelda, Grishilda
Guenevere - Guinevere, Gwenhevare, Guener, Gueanor, Wenhover, Gwenhwyvar, Gineuera
Guglielma - Gulielma
Hannah - Hanah, Hanna, Hana, Anna, Hannora, Anna
Hawise - Haweis, Hawis, Hawisia
Helen - Hellen, Ellen, Helena
Helewise - Helwise, Halwis, Helewisa, Heilewisa
Helysoune - Alison
Hild - Hilda, Hilde, Hylde
Hodierne - Odiarne, Odiern, Hodierna, Odierna, Audiarna
Huldah - Hullday
Isabel - Isabell, Isbel, Isobel, Issabell, Ishbel, Esabel, Esebell, Ezabell, Elizabeth, Isabella, Izabella, Ib, Tib, Ibbot, Ibbet, Ebbot, Bell
Ismay - Isme, Ismey, Ysmaye, Isamaya
Ismene - Ismyne, Imyne, Ismenia
Isot - Issot, Iset, Izot, Isylte, Ysylte, Isota, Isolta, Isolde, Ezota
Jacqueline - Jacklin, Jacoba
Jacquemine - Jacquemyne, Jacomyne, Jacomyna
Jacquett - Jaquet, Jacket, Jackett, Jacqueline, Jacquetta
Jael - Jaell
Jane - Janne, Jhane, Jayne, Jaine, Iane, Jehane, Jana, Iana, Johanna, Janet, Janekin
Janet - Jenet, Jane, Janeta, Jannetin
Jays - Jayes, Jeyes, Jeas, Jees
Jean - Jeane, Jehane, Jennet
Jenet - Jennet, Gennet, Iennet, Jane, Jean, Jennetin
Jennifer - Jenefer, Jhenever, Jeneuer, Gwenhwyvar, Guenevere, Ginevra, Gineura
Jeyes - Jays, Jayes, Jees
Joan - Jone, Joone, Joane, Johan, Jhone, Jhoone, Jhowne, Johane, Johann, Johanne, Joanne, Jonne, Joahne, Ione, Ioane, Iohane, Johanna, Joanna, Iohanna, Jonet
Judith - Judeth, Judethe, Iudithe, Judythe, Judat, Juditha, Juditta, Judy
Julian - Jullian, Julyan, Julyane, Jullion, Jollian, Jelian, Jelyan, Jelian, Jellyan, Gelian, Gillian, Gylion, Juliana, Juet, Jill, Jillet
Katherine - Katharine, Katheryne, Katerin, Katteren, Katerne, Kateryng, Kyetering, Caterine, Catterin, Catteren, Chatheren, Chateren, Cathern, Katharina, Catherina, Katerina, Kit, Kytte, Kate
Kinborough - Kynborough, Kinborogh, Kinborowe, Kinboro, Kinburrowe, Kinbrough, Kimbrough, Kinberry, Kenberry, Kinbara, Quenborg, Cyneburg, Kyneburg, Kinburga, Quenburga, Quenborga
Laura - Lora, Lore, Loreta, Laureta, Lavreta
Lea - Leah
Lettice - Letice, Lettys, Lettis, Lattice, Laetitia, Letitia, Lett, Lece, Lecelin
Lillian - Lilias, Lilian, Lillias, Elizabeth
Loveday - Lowdie, Lowdy, Loudy, Lovdie, Loveda, Loueda
Lucy - Lucye, Luci, Luce, Lusy, Luice, Leucey, Lewsey, Lewcey, Lewsse, Lucia, Lucet
Lydia - Lidia, Liddia, Leddea, Ledia
Mabel - Mable, Mabell, Mabill, Mabile, Mably, Mablye, Amabel, Mabilia, Mabilla, Mabella, Amabilia, Amabilla, Mab, Map, Mabet, Mabot, Mabin
Madeline - Mawdeline, Maudline, Mawdelyn, Maudlin, Maldlin, Magdalen, Magdelne, Maud, Malkin
Mallyn - Malyn, Malina
Margaret - Margarett, Mergaret, Margerete, Margret, Margrett, Marget, Margyt, Margrete, Markaret, Margareta, Margarita, Margreta, Mog, Meg, Magot, Madge, Megot, Moggy, Poggy
Margery - Margerie, Margerye, Margere, Mergerie, Mariory, Margaret, Margeria, Margaria
Marian - Marion, Maryon, Marrian, Marryan, Mary, Marianna
Mariel - Mary, Muriel
Martha - Marthe, Mathewe, Mathue, Mathewe, Marta, Matthia, Mat, Matty, May, Patty
Mary - Marye, Marie, Meary, Maria, Mariot, Marion, Mariel, Mall, Mally, Malkin, Moll, Molly, Poll, Polly
Matilda - Matilde, Matilda, Matilidis, Matillus, Till, Tillot, Tillet
Maud - Maude, Mawd, Maute, Mawte, Mowte, Moate, Moode, Mald, Malte, Moulde, Molde, Moolde, Magdalena, Matilda
Mehitabel - Mehetabel
Melior - Mellior, Mellier, Melyar, Melyear, Meliora
Mercy - Mercie, Merce, Mercey, Mersey, Marcy, Marcey, Mercia, Marcia, Misericordia
Merial - Meriall, Meryell, Meriel, Maryell, Murial, Mariel, Mary, Muriela, Muriella
Milborough - Milburgh, Milburga
Mildred - Myldred, Meldred, Milbrough
Naverin - Naverine, Naverina
Nest - Agnes, Nesta, Nestia, Anneis
Odierne - Odiarne, Hodierne, Odierne
Olive - Oliffe, Olyve, Olyff, Oliue, Ollife, Olivia, Oliua, Olivet, Ollet
Oragge - Orengia
Parnell - Pernell, Petronell, Petronella, Petronilla
Pascas, Paskes, Paschas, Pasca, Pascha, Pascatte, Paschasia
Patient - Patience
Penelope - Penelopey, Penelopie, Penellopy, Penolapye
Pernell - Pernill, Parnel, Parnell, Parnal, Peronel, Petronell, Petronella, Petronilla
Petronell - Petronel, Petronyl, Petronille, Peternel, Peternall, Peaternell, Petronilla, Petronella
Phillida - Philladay, Philladaye, Philladey, Filladay, Phyllis, Phillida
Phoebe - Phebe, Pheby, Phebey, Phebie, Phebee, Febe, Feebe, Geaby
Phyllis - Phillis, Phillys, Fillis, Phillida, Phillida
Pleasance - Pleasant, Plesancia, Placentia
Priscilla - Prisila, Presillah, Pressella, Perscilla, Percilla, Brissely
Protasia - Prothasey, Protezy, Prothesia, Pertesia, Protasia
Prudence - Prudance, Prudensse, Prudans, Prewdence, Proudence, Prudentia, Prue
Rabbidge - Rabbish
Rachel - Rachell, Rachael
Rebecca - Rebecka, Rebeckah, Rebekah, Rebeka, Rebeckka, Rebeacah, Beck
Richarda - Richarde, Ricarda, Richardyne
Richemay - Rechemay, Rikmai, Richmal, Richemeya
Richolda - Rochilda, Richil, Richild, Richildis, Richill, Ricolda, Rikild, Rikilda, Rikilde, Rokilda, Rychyld, Rykeld, Richorda, Richoarda
Richow - Richow, Rechowe
Robina - Robena
Rochele - Rochell
Rosamund - Rosamunde, Rodamond, rossamond, Rosomon, Rosamunda
Rose - Roase, Rowse, Roos, Roose, roze, Royse, Roesia, Rosa, Rosia
Ruth - Ruthe, Ruth-cock
Sabine - Sabin, Sabina
Sanchia - Sanche, Sence, Sanctia, Scientia, Sciencia, Sanchia
Sapience - Sapiens, Sapientia
Sarah - Sara, Saraye, Sarey, Sarra, Sally
Scholast - Scholace, Scolas, Escholace, Scholastica
Senobie - Zenobia
Sessley - Sesselye, Cicely
Sexborough - Sexborowe, Saxborowe, Sixburgh, Sexburgh, Sexburga
Sibyl - Sibel, Sibble, sibbell, Sibille, sybill, Sible, sibly, Sibley, Siblie, sibella, sibilla, sib, Sibbet, sibot, Sill, Silkin
Sidwell - Sydwell, Sidwill, Sidwella, Sidwelia, Sativola, Satiuola
Sissot - Sissota
Susan - Suzan, Susanne, Seussane, Susannah
Susannah - Suzannah, Sussanah, Susanna, Susanney, Shusannah, Susan, Susana
Tabitha - Tabyta
Tace - Tayce, Tacye, Tacy, Teca, Tecia
Tamer - Thamar
Teffany - Tiffany, Theophania
Thomasia - Thamasia
Thomasine - Thomasin, Thomasyn, Thomasyne, Thomeson, Thomazine, Thamasin, Tamasine, Tomyzen, Tomzine, Thomazyie, Tomson, Tamsen, Tamsin, Tamsyne, Tampsin, Tomasing, Thomasinge, Thomasina, Tomelin, Thomelin, Tamlyn
Tibbot - Tibot, Tibet, Tibota, Tib
Tiffany - Teffeny, Tiffeny, Tyffany, Typhany, Theophania
Troth - Trothe, Troathe, Trauth, Troithe, Trothia (from Truth?)
Truth - Trewthe
Urith - Erth
Ursula - Urselah, Ursley, Ursle, Urcely, Urselay, Ursalay, Urseley, Urcylaye, Urzelle, Ursella
Walbrough - Walburga
Warburgh - Warborowe, Warborrow, Weburgh, Warburga, Warbora
Welmot - Wilmot
Welthin - Welthinge, Welthean, Welthyan
Wiborough - Wiborow, Wiborowe, Wyborough, Wibora, Wyborowa, Wilboror
Willamine - Wyllamyn, Wilmyne, Willelma, Guillelmina
Winifred - Winefride, Wenefride, Wynifreed, Winefred, Winefrade, Winefrett, Winnefrot, Winfred, Winfrith, Gwenfrewi, Guinevra, Freda, Frieda, Freida
Yeedith - Yedyth, Edith
Zenobia - Senobia, Zenobie, Senobie
I got this from Rootsweb - I'll be doing the male list soon (since they're all mixed up).
The first name is the usual form of that name, and the following are all variants that were used then, common and uncommon.
Abigail - Abigale, Abygaill
Agatha - Agathe, Agathie, Agace, Aggas, Agacia
Agnes - Agness, Agnesse, Agnez, Agnus, Agnis, Agneis, Aigneys, Augnys, Angnes, Anges, Agnet, Agneta, Agnetia, Agna
Alice - Alyce, Alys, Aylse, Alysse, alis, Ales, Alles, Aleys, Alse, Alce, Als, Ealce, Ailsa, Ailsie, Alicia, Alecia, Alicea, Alesia, Aelizia, Alyesia
Alison - Allison, Alyson, Alisone, alysone, Alisceon, Alson, Alicen, Elison, Helysoune, Alsine, Alsyn
Amabel - Amable, Amabil, Amiable, Amabilia, Amabilis, Amabilla
Amice - Amyce, Amyas, Amys, Amias, Ameis, Amisia, Amicia, Emicia
Amphelis - Amphyllis, Amphelice, Amfelice, Amphillis, Anfylles, Amphelisia, Amphelicia, Amfelisa, Ampholisa, Aumflesia, Aunfelisa
Amy - Amye, Amie, Ame, Amia, Amata, Amiot, Amyot
Anastasia - Anastase, Anistatiah, Anstice
Angelet - Angellet, Angellott, Angeletta, Angellotta
Ankret - Ancret, Ancreat, Ankrit, Ankerit, Ankareta
Ann - Anne, An, Ane, Ana, Anna, Nan, Nanny
Annabell - Annable, Anabel, Hannibel, Hannible, Annabella, Anabilia, Hanabella
Annis - Annys, Annyce, Annyse, Anneyce, Anis, Annes, Anes, annas, Annies, Anicia, Agnes, Angnes, Agnetia, Annot
Anstice - Anstis, Anstes, Anstiss, Anstey, Anastasia
Aphra - Afra, Aphray, Aphara, Apherah, Aphery, Effery
Appelin - Applen, Aplin, Apoline, Apeline, Appolina, Appoline
Arabell - Arabel, Arbell, Orabilis, Arabella, Arbella
Armigil - Eormengild
Arminell - Ermenell
Audrey - Adre, Awdrey, Audrye, Awdrye, Adery, Ardery, Etheldreda, Audria, Adria, Aldrida, Etheldreda, Etheldritha
Aveline - Avelyn, Avelin, Aveling, Evelyn, Avelina
Avis - Avice, Aves, Avys, Aveis, Aviss, Eavis, Hawise, Avicia, Auicia, Avison
Barbara - Barbary, Barbarye, Barbury, Barbery, Barbaree, Barbaray, Barbray, Barbarah, Barbaraw, Barbelot
Beaton - Beeton, Beton, Beaten, Betune, Beatrix, Beatrice, Beata
Beatrice - Beatrix, Betryse, Betrys, Betteris, Betterice, Betterys, Beattres, Beautrice, Bitteris, Betryc, Betrisse, Beatrich, Betrich, Beterich, Bitrix, Beatricia, Beton, Beat, Beatty
Benedicta - Benet, Bennet
Betranne - Bertannis
Bethia - Bethyah, Bethyia, Bethea, Bethis
Blanch - Blanche, Blaunch, Blaunche, Blanchia, Blanca, Blandin
Blandin - Blandine, Blandey, Blandina
Bridget - Bridgette, Bryget, Bridiet, Britgett, Brigitt, Brygett, Brydgette, Bredgat, Brigida, Brigitta, Bride
Cassandra - Cassander, Cassandry, Cass, Casson
Catherine - Caterina, Catherina, Katherina
Cay - Caye
Cecily - Cicelie, Cicillye, Cycleye, Cisely, Cysly, Cycly, Cycalye, Cysselye, Sysly, sisle, Sisley, Sissley, Secile, Sycelye, Syceley, Cecilia, Caecilia, Sescilia, Cecil, Cess, Ciss, Cissot, Syssot, Cesselot
Charity - Charitie, Cherity, Charryte, Cheryte, Charatie, Caritas
Chesten - Chetion, Cheston
christabel - Christabell, Christobell, Cristabell, Cristable, Christabella
Clare - Clere, Clara
Clarice - Clarees, Claricia, clariscia
Clarimond - Clariman, clarieman, Claremunda
Clemence - Clemens, Clemans, clemmante, Clemencia, Clementia, Clem
Colette - Colett, colet, Nicole, Coletaa, colecta
Collys - Nicole
Colubery - Collubery, Coluberry
Contance - Custance, Custans, Costans, Costanne, Costansse, Custins, Costantia, Constantia
Damaris - Damyris, Demaris, Damarise, Dampris, Tamaris
Deanes - Denes, Deenys, Dionise
Deborah - Debora
Denance - Deninse, Dionise, Duens, Deanes
Diana - Dyanna, Dyane, Diana
Dinah - Dynah, Dyna, Dina, Dinae
Dionise - Dyonise, Dionis, Diones, Dyones, Dyonyse, Denneis, Dynis, Denise, Dennise, Dianis, Deanes, Denance, Dunes, Dionisia, Dyonisia, Deonisia, Denisia, Dennis, Denis, Denys, Dennet, Diot, Dyot, Dionision
Diot - Dyot, Diota
Dorcas - Dorcis, Dorkas, Dorcase, Darkis, Darcas
Dorothy - Dorathie, Dorothe, Dorethe, dority, Doryty, dorite, Dorete, Darathe, Doritie, Dorrithie, Dorothee, Dowrity, Dorothea, Dorat, Doll
Dowce - Dowse, Douse, Douce, Douze, Dowsabel, Dulcia, Dulicia, Dousa, Doucet, Douset, Dowsett, Douson
Dowsabel - Dowzabel, Dousabel, Douzabel, Dussabel, Dulcibella, Dowsabella, Dowse, Douce, Douse
Dunes - Dunys, Dewns, Dewnes, Duens, Dunse, Dionise
Ebbot - Ibbot, Isabel, Ebbota, Ibbota
Edborough - Edborrowe, Edborowe, Edborow, Edbora, Eadburgh, Edburga, Idaburga
Edith - Edyth, Eydith, Eydethe, Edethe, Edeeth, Eideth, Edyeth, Eadife, Idith, Yedythe, Yeedith, Editha, Edytha, Eadgitha, Yeddy
Effery - Aphra
Eglentyne - Eglantyne
Eleanor - Elinor, ellenor, Ellinor, Ellenour, Elenour, Elliner, Eylynor, Hellinor, Elnor, elnder, Elianer, Elioner, Ellianor, Alianor, Alienor, Eleanora, Alionora, Elinora, Nell
Elizabeth - Elisabeth, Elyzabethe, Ellizabeth, Ellysabeth, Elesabeth, Eleasabeth, Elyzabeath, Elisabet, Isabel, Elspeth, Elsabeth, Eliza, Elisabetha, Elizabetha, Bess, Betsy, Bessie, Tibby, Libby, Tetty, Tetsy
Elle - Ella, Ellen
Ellen - Elen, elene, Ellin, Elyne, Eln, Ellinge, Hellin, Helen, Elena, Ellot, Elota
Ellis - Ellas, Ellys, Elis, Els, Ellice, Ellys, Elles, Alice, Ellicia, Alicia, Eliot, Aliot
Elsabeth - Elsobeth, Elsabath, Elcebethe
Elspeth - Elspie, Elsie
Em - Emm, Eme, Emme, Emma, Emmot, Emmet, Emmyn
Emlyn - Emlin, Emline, Emlyn, Emelyn, Emolyn, Emblyn, Embling, Emblem, Imblen, Emmeline, Emlin, Emolin
Emmott - Emott, Emett, Emmott, Emmotte, Emmet, Em, Emota, Emmota
English - Englyshe
Epham - Effam, Effum, Effim, Eufen, Eupheme, Euphemia
Ermegayle - Armigil, Eormengild
Esther - Ester, Easter, Hester, Hesther, Esthera, Hestera
Ethelburg - Ethelburga
Etheldred - Ethelred, Audrey, Etheldreda
Eulalia - Ulalia, Ulaliah, Eulalia, Ollala
Eunice - Unice
Eupheme - Eupham, Eufen, Euphemia, Epham, Eufemia
Eve - Eva, Eua, Geua, Evotta, Evett
Evelyn - Avelien
Felice - Felise, Felis, Fillys, Phelis, Phelyse, Felicia, Felisia
Felicity - Phelisstie
Fine - Fyne, Fina
Flora - Flore
Fortune - Fortun, Fortayn, Fortuna
Frances - Frannces, Francesse, Francis, Fraunces, Francis, Frauncys, Francisca, Frank
Freda - Frida, Frieda, Freida, Winifred
Frideswide - Frizwede, Fryswyde, Frideswid, Fridiswid, Fridswid, Friswis, Frisswood, Fridaysweed, Frydayweede, Fryswyth, Frideswoth, Frysuth, Frideswick, Phrideswide, Frideswitha, Fredeswinda, Friday
Gartered - Gertrude
Gennet - Janet
Gertrude - Gertrud, Gertrewd, Gethrude, Gartrude, Gartrett, Gartered, Gatharude, Gartrite, Garthrite, Gartwright, Gartruda, Gatharuda, Gertruda, Gat, Gatty
Gillian - Gylion, Gylyan, Julian, Gill, Gillot, Gillet, Jill, Gillet
Gladys - Gladis, Glades, Gladus, Gwladys, Gladusa
Godeva - Godeve, Godefe, Godyf, Goodife, Godgifu, Godiva
Goodeth - Gudyth, Godith, Godit, Godise, Goduse, Godgyth, Goditha
Grisel - Griselda, Grissele, Grisel, Grizell, Grizil, Grizel, Grishild, Gricelda, Grizelda, Gresilda, Gricela, Griseldys, Griselys, Grissely, Grizel, Grishelda, Grishilda
Guenevere - Guinevere, Gwenhevare, Guener, Gueanor, Wenhover, Gwenhwyvar, Gineuera
Guglielma - Gulielma
Hannah - Hanah, Hanna, Hana, Anna, Hannora, Anna
Hawise - Haweis, Hawis, Hawisia
Helen - Hellen, Ellen, Helena
Helewise - Helwise, Halwis, Helewisa, Heilewisa
Helysoune - Alison
Hild - Hilda, Hilde, Hylde
Hodierne - Odiarne, Odiern, Hodierna, Odierna, Audiarna
Huldah - Hullday
Isabel - Isabell, Isbel, Isobel, Issabell, Ishbel, Esabel, Esebell, Ezabell, Elizabeth, Isabella, Izabella, Ib, Tib, Ibbot, Ibbet, Ebbot, Bell
Ismay - Isme, Ismey, Ysmaye, Isamaya
Ismene - Ismyne, Imyne, Ismenia
Isot - Issot, Iset, Izot, Isylte, Ysylte, Isota, Isolta, Isolde, Ezota
Jacqueline - Jacklin, Jacoba
Jacquemine - Jacquemyne, Jacomyne, Jacomyna
Jacquett - Jaquet, Jacket, Jackett, Jacqueline, Jacquetta
Jael - Jaell
Jane - Janne, Jhane, Jayne, Jaine, Iane, Jehane, Jana, Iana, Johanna, Janet, Janekin
Janet - Jenet, Jane, Janeta, Jannetin
Jays - Jayes, Jeyes, Jeas, Jees
Jean - Jeane, Jehane, Jennet
Jenet - Jennet, Gennet, Iennet, Jane, Jean, Jennetin
Jennifer - Jenefer, Jhenever, Jeneuer, Gwenhwyvar, Guenevere, Ginevra, Gineura
Jeyes - Jays, Jayes, Jees
Joan - Jone, Joone, Joane, Johan, Jhone, Jhoone, Jhowne, Johane, Johann, Johanne, Joanne, Jonne, Joahne, Ione, Ioane, Iohane, Johanna, Joanna, Iohanna, Jonet
Judith - Judeth, Judethe, Iudithe, Judythe, Judat, Juditha, Juditta, Judy
Julian - Jullian, Julyan, Julyane, Jullion, Jollian, Jelian, Jelyan, Jelian, Jellyan, Gelian, Gillian, Gylion, Juliana, Juet, Jill, Jillet
Katherine - Katharine, Katheryne, Katerin, Katteren, Katerne, Kateryng, Kyetering, Caterine, Catterin, Catteren, Chatheren, Chateren, Cathern, Katharina, Catherina, Katerina, Kit, Kytte, Kate
Kinborough - Kynborough, Kinborogh, Kinborowe, Kinboro, Kinburrowe, Kinbrough, Kimbrough, Kinberry, Kenberry, Kinbara, Quenborg, Cyneburg, Kyneburg, Kinburga, Quenburga, Quenborga
Laura - Lora, Lore, Loreta, Laureta, Lavreta
Lea - Leah
Lettice - Letice, Lettys, Lettis, Lattice, Laetitia, Letitia, Lett, Lece, Lecelin
Lillian - Lilias, Lilian, Lillias, Elizabeth
Loveday - Lowdie, Lowdy, Loudy, Lovdie, Loveda, Loueda
Lucy - Lucye, Luci, Luce, Lusy, Luice, Leucey, Lewsey, Lewcey, Lewsse, Lucia, Lucet
Lydia - Lidia, Liddia, Leddea, Ledia
Mabel - Mable, Mabell, Mabill, Mabile, Mably, Mablye, Amabel, Mabilia, Mabilla, Mabella, Amabilia, Amabilla, Mab, Map, Mabet, Mabot, Mabin
Madeline - Mawdeline, Maudline, Mawdelyn, Maudlin, Maldlin, Magdalen, Magdelne, Maud, Malkin
Mallyn - Malyn, Malina
Margaret - Margarett, Mergaret, Margerete, Margret, Margrett, Marget, Margyt, Margrete, Markaret, Margareta, Margarita, Margreta, Mog, Meg, Magot, Madge, Megot, Moggy, Poggy
Margery - Margerie, Margerye, Margere, Mergerie, Mariory, Margaret, Margeria, Margaria
Marian - Marion, Maryon, Marrian, Marryan, Mary, Marianna
Mariel - Mary, Muriel
Martha - Marthe, Mathewe, Mathue, Mathewe, Marta, Matthia, Mat, Matty, May, Patty
Mary - Marye, Marie, Meary, Maria, Mariot, Marion, Mariel, Mall, Mally, Malkin, Moll, Molly, Poll, Polly
Matilda - Matilde, Matilda, Matilidis, Matillus, Till, Tillot, Tillet
Maud - Maude, Mawd, Maute, Mawte, Mowte, Moate, Moode, Mald, Malte, Moulde, Molde, Moolde, Magdalena, Matilda
Mehitabel - Mehetabel
Melior - Mellior, Mellier, Melyar, Melyear, Meliora
Mercy - Mercie, Merce, Mercey, Mersey, Marcy, Marcey, Mercia, Marcia, Misericordia
Merial - Meriall, Meryell, Meriel, Maryell, Murial, Mariel, Mary, Muriela, Muriella
Milborough - Milburgh, Milburga
Mildred - Myldred, Meldred, Milbrough
Naverin - Naverine, Naverina
Nest - Agnes, Nesta, Nestia, Anneis
Odierne - Odiarne, Hodierne, Odierne
Olive - Oliffe, Olyve, Olyff, Oliue, Ollife, Olivia, Oliua, Olivet, Ollet
Oragge - Orengia
Parnell - Pernell, Petronell, Petronella, Petronilla
Pascas, Paskes, Paschas, Pasca, Pascha, Pascatte, Paschasia
Patient - Patience
Penelope - Penelopey, Penelopie, Penellopy, Penolapye
Pernell - Pernill, Parnel, Parnell, Parnal, Peronel, Petronell, Petronella, Petronilla
Petronell - Petronel, Petronyl, Petronille, Peternel, Peternall, Peaternell, Petronilla, Petronella
Phillida - Philladay, Philladaye, Philladey, Filladay, Phyllis, Phillida
Phoebe - Phebe, Pheby, Phebey, Phebie, Phebee, Febe, Feebe, Geaby
Phyllis - Phillis, Phillys, Fillis, Phillida, Phillida
Pleasance - Pleasant, Plesancia, Placentia
Priscilla - Prisila, Presillah, Pressella, Perscilla, Percilla, Brissely
Protasia - Prothasey, Protezy, Prothesia, Pertesia, Protasia
Prudence - Prudance, Prudensse, Prudans, Prewdence, Proudence, Prudentia, Prue
Rabbidge - Rabbish
Rachel - Rachell, Rachael
Rebecca - Rebecka, Rebeckah, Rebekah, Rebeka, Rebeckka, Rebeacah, Beck
Richarda - Richarde, Ricarda, Richardyne
Richemay - Rechemay, Rikmai, Richmal, Richemeya
Richolda - Rochilda, Richil, Richild, Richildis, Richill, Ricolda, Rikild, Rikilda, Rikilde, Rokilda, Rychyld, Rykeld, Richorda, Richoarda
Richow - Richow, Rechowe
Robina - Robena
Rochele - Rochell
Rosamund - Rosamunde, Rodamond, rossamond, Rosomon, Rosamunda
Rose - Roase, Rowse, Roos, Roose, roze, Royse, Roesia, Rosa, Rosia
Ruth - Ruthe, Ruth-cock
Sabine - Sabin, Sabina
Sanchia - Sanche, Sence, Sanctia, Scientia, Sciencia, Sanchia
Sapience - Sapiens, Sapientia
Sarah - Sara, Saraye, Sarey, Sarra, Sally
Scholast - Scholace, Scolas, Escholace, Scholastica
Senobie - Zenobia
Sessley - Sesselye, Cicely
Sexborough - Sexborowe, Saxborowe, Sixburgh, Sexburgh, Sexburga
Sibyl - Sibel, Sibble, sibbell, Sibille, sybill, Sible, sibly, Sibley, Siblie, sibella, sibilla, sib, Sibbet, sibot, Sill, Silkin
Sidwell - Sydwell, Sidwill, Sidwella, Sidwelia, Sativola, Satiuola
Sissot - Sissota
Susan - Suzan, Susanne, Seussane, Susannah
Susannah - Suzannah, Sussanah, Susanna, Susanney, Shusannah, Susan, Susana
Tabitha - Tabyta
Tace - Tayce, Tacye, Tacy, Teca, Tecia
Tamer - Thamar
Teffany - Tiffany, Theophania
Thomasia - Thamasia
Thomasine - Thomasin, Thomasyn, Thomasyne, Thomeson, Thomazine, Thamasin, Tamasine, Tomyzen, Tomzine, Thomazyie, Tomson, Tamsen, Tamsin, Tamsyne, Tampsin, Tomasing, Thomasinge, Thomasina, Tomelin, Thomelin, Tamlyn
Tibbot - Tibot, Tibet, Tibota, Tib
Tiffany - Teffeny, Tiffeny, Tyffany, Typhany, Theophania
Troth - Trothe, Troathe, Trauth, Troithe, Trothia (from Truth?)
Truth - Trewthe
Urith - Erth
Ursula - Urselah, Ursley, Ursle, Urcely, Urselay, Ursalay, Urseley, Urcylaye, Urzelle, Ursella
Walbrough - Walburga
Warburgh - Warborowe, Warborrow, Weburgh, Warburga, Warbora
Welmot - Wilmot
Welthin - Welthinge, Welthean, Welthyan
Wiborough - Wiborow, Wiborowe, Wyborough, Wibora, Wyborowa, Wilboror
Willamine - Wyllamyn, Wilmyne, Willelma, Guillelmina
Winifred - Winefride, Wenefride, Wynifreed, Winefred, Winefrade, Winefrett, Winnefrot, Winfred, Winfrith, Gwenfrewi, Guinevra, Freda, Frieda, Freida
Yeedith - Yedyth, Edith
Zenobia - Senobia, Zenobie, Senobie
Some of these are completly alful I mean stuff like Typhany, Englyshe, and anything ending with -borough.
It's so interesting that variants were common even back then
- and sometimes even more popular than today. I think it's got a lot to do with the fact that there wasn't a universal orthography back then, as can also be seen in many poems and other stories from these periods.
- and sometimes even more popular than today. I think it's got a lot to do with the fact that there wasn't a universal orthography back then, as can also be seen in many poems and other stories from these periods.
Wow, great list! I like/love*:
Alice*- Alyce, Alys*, Alesia
Anne*, Anna
Audrey- Audria, Adria*
Avelin, Evelyn
Avis- Avys
Bridget- Brigida, Bride
Cassandra- Cass
Cecily- Caecilia
Constance*- Constantia
Edith- Edyth, Idith*, Editha, Edytha*
Eleanor*- Alienor*, Eleanora
Elizabeth- Elyzabethe, Elisabet, Elspeth*, Elizabetha
Easter, Hesther
Eve*- Eva
Hana*, Anna
Isolta, Isolde*
Judith- Judythe, Juditha
Katerin, Catherina, Kit*, Kytte
Margaret- Margareta, Meg
Mary- Maria*, Molly
Alice*- Alyce, Alys*, Alesia
Anne*, Anna
Audrey- Audria, Adria*
Avelin, Evelyn
Avis- Avys
Bridget- Brigida, Bride
Cassandra- Cass
Cecily- Caecilia
Constance*- Constantia
Edith- Edyth, Idith*, Editha, Edytha*
Eleanor*- Alienor*, Eleanora
Elizabeth- Elyzabethe, Elisabet, Elspeth*, Elizabetha
Easter, Hesther
Eve*- Eva
Hana*, Anna
Isolta, Isolde*
Judith- Judythe, Juditha
Katerin, Catherina, Kit*, Kytte
Margaret- Margareta, Meg
Mary- Maria*, Molly
Emmet was a female name?
I never would have guessed that. And Sexborough brings the lolz, not because of the "sex" in it, but it`s just very surnamey and masculine, even nowadays.
But it`s nice to prove that variant spellings are not a modern trend, as people seem to think.
I never would have guessed that. And Sexborough brings the lolz, not because of the "sex" in it, but it`s just very surnamey and masculine, even nowadays.
But it`s nice to prove that variant spellings are not a modern trend, as people seem to think.
Emmet, or Emmot, is a diminutive of female names starting with "Em" - particularly Emma and Emmy. And it only became a male name later on!
It's actually explained here on BTN under Emmett.
Also - a common diminutive form for names in medieval England was the use of the "ot" ending, for both male and female names, as I'm sure you've noticed in a lot of the names in this list
Emmet, or Emmot, is a diminutive of female names starting with "Em" - particularly Emma and Emmy. And it only became a male name later on!
It's actually explained here on BTN under Emmett.
Also - a common diminutive form for names in medieval England was the use of the "ot" ending, for both male and female names, as I'm sure you've noticed in a lot of the names in this list
Very interesting! I will have to copy these down! They do get a little more leeway with spellings in that time period though because they didn't quite have as standardized spellings like we do now. And I can't imagine why nobody uses the names Rabbish or Sexborough anymore. :) And female Emlyns? Hmm.
This message was edited 3/30/2009, 4:51 AM