Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which an editor of the name is Beautiful Victory.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aacine f Norwegian (Rare, Archaic)
Possibly a variant of Åsine.
Aadel f Norwegian (Rare)
Variant of Adel, a short form of names starting with the Germanic name element adal "noble".
Aagaat f Norwegian (Rare, Archaic)
Feminine form of Aage, or perhaps a variant spelling of Ågot.
Aake m & f Finnish
Finnish diminutive of many names with the ak sound, both masculine and feminine ones.
Aalf m Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare), East Frisian
Dutch short form of Adolf and West Frisian short form of Alef and Alof, which are both Frisian variants of Adolf.
Aalto m & f Finnish
Means "wave" in Finnish. More commonly used as a surname.
Aane m Norwegian (Rare)
Form of Åne, a variant of either Ånund, Ånje, or Áni.
Aarto m Finnish
Variant of Arto.
Aasta f Norwegian
Variant of Åsta. A notable bearer is Aasta Hansteen (1824-1908), Norwegian painter, writer and early feminist.
Aasulv m Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian form of Ásulfr.
Abbe m Swedish
Diminutive of Abraham, Albin and Albert.
Abbo m Germanic, Medieval Dutch, Medieval German, Medieval French, Frisian, Finnish
Either from Proto-Germanic *abô meaning "husband, man", or a diminutive of Alberich and other names beginning with Old High German alb "elf", as well as a Frisian diminutive of Old High German names beginning with the element adal "noble" and a second element beginning with b (compare Abe 2)... [more]
Abeltje m & f Dutch, Frisian
Diminutive of Abe 2.
Abercio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Abercius (see Aberkios).
Abigajil f Swedish (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare), Danish (Rare), Biblical Norwegian, Biblical German
Variant of Abigail used in the Norwegian translation of the Bible.
Åbjørn m Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Archaic)
Danish and Norwegian form of Ábiǫrn, common in 17th century Norway.
Abluna f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Apollonia.
Abrahamina f Swedish (Rare)
Feminine form of Abraham.
Acacus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
From Greek ἄκακος (akakos) meaning "harmless, guileless, innocent", ultimately derived from ἀ (a), a negative prefix, combined with κάκη (kake) meaning "evil" (see Akakios)... [more]
Acamar m & f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic Ākhir an-nahr, meaning "end of the river". This is the traditional name of the star Theta Eridani in the constellation Eridanus.
Achates m Roman Mythology, Greek Mythology
Perhaps derived from the name of a river in Sicily, Italy, or from the name of the type of rock often found there. This is the name of two separate characters in Roman and Greek mythology.
Actaeon m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Άκταίων (Aktaion), which is derived from Greek ἀκτὴ (akte), which can mean "headland, foreland, promontory, cape" as well as "coast, shore". In Greek mythology, Actaeon was son of Aristaeus and Autonoë in Boeotia... [more]
Adalberta f German (Swiss), Polish, Hungarian (Rare), Sicilian
German, Polish and Hungarian feminine form of Adalbert and Sicilian feminine form of Adalbertu.
Adeleia f English (American, Rare, Archaic)
Possibly an American variant of Adelaide.
Adelen f Norwegian
Variant of Adelene (see Adelaide).
Adelin f & m Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Finnish (Rare), Medieval French, Romanian, Lengadocian, Gascon, Niçard
Scandinavian feminine variant of Adelina, Romanian, Languedocian, Niçard and Gascon masculine form of Adelina and medieval French masculine form of Adeline.
Adhil f & m Astronomy
Derived from Arabic الذيل (að-ðayl) meaning "the train (of a garment)". This is the traditional name of several stars in the constellation Andromeda.
Adie m Medieval English
Medieval pet form of Adam.
Adils m Old Norse, Old Danish, Swedish (Rare)
Younger version of Aðils. From the Proto-Norse Aþagīslaz. Aþa, short for aþala, meaning "noble", "foremost". And gīslaz meaning "arrow shaft".
Adine f Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Haitian Creole
Variant of Adina 2. As a Norwegian name, also possibly a feminine form of Adrian.
Ådne m Norwegian
Dialectical form of Árni.
Adohira f & m Japanese
Ado means "uproar,disturbance,ado" while bits is quite contradicting torwards this and means "peace". If a Japanese person has actually used this name,it would probably mean "Peace Within Chaos".
Adrie m & f Dutch
Diminutive of Adrianus and Adriana.
Aegon m Literature, Popular Culture
Derived from the Germanic element agjō "edge of a sword" and the Greek word αγώνας (agónas) "struggle". This is the name of multiple characters in George R. R. Martin's 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series, as well as the TV show based on the books 'Game of Thrones'.
Æilæifr m Old Norse
Combination of Old Norse einn "one, alone" and leifr "descendent" or ǣvi "life" and leifr "descendent", as well as a variant of Øylæifr.
Æilafr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Æilæifr.
Aelphaba f Literature
Variant of Elphaba. In the novel 'Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West' (1995), this was the name of a legendary saint, Elphaba's namesake, who disappeared behind a waterfall for hundreds of years to read a book.
Ænglandsfari m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Englandsfari.
Ænnibrantr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse enni "forehead" and brattr "steep".
Ærinví f Old Norse
Old Norse name with several possible meanings. The first element can be derived from Old Norse ǫrn or ari, both meaning "eagle". It's also identical to Old Swedish ærin (Old Norse arinn) "hotbed, hearth"... [more]
Ævar m Icelandic
Modern Icelandic form of Ævarr or Ǣvarr, an Old Norse name in which the first element derived from ǣvi meaning "eternity, time, life" (compare Aiva, from the Gothic cognate); the second element may have been herr "army" or geirr "spear".
Affe m Swedish
Diminutive of Alf 1.
Áfra f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Afra 1.
Áfríðr f Old Norse
Old Norse name with uncertain meaning. The first element Á- is possibly from either Old Norse áss "god", or *az "fear, terror, point, edge", or from *anu "ancestor". The second element is fríðr "beautiful, beloved"... [more]
Agamede f Greek Mythology
Means "very cunning", derived from Greek ἄγαν (agan) meaning "very much" and μήδεα (medea) meaning "plans, counsel, cunning"... [more]
Agatodoro m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian Spanish and Portuguese form of Agathodorus via Agathodoros.
Agaton m Swedish, Norwegian (Rare), Polish (Rare)
Polish and Swedish form of Agathon.
Agdar m Norwegian (Rare, Archaic)
Norwegian masculine form of Agda.
Aggi f & m Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Icelandic, Swedish (Rare), Old Danish, Old Swedish
Diminutive of Ágúst, Angelica and other names containing Ag.
Agica f Slovene
Diminutive of Agata and Agnes.
Ägir m Swedish (Rare)
Swedish form of Ægir.
Agla f Icelandic
Variant of Egla.
Aglent f Medieval Hungarian
Old Hungarian form of Ágnes.
Agmund m Germanic, Medieval Scandinavian, Norwegian (Rare)
Form of Agmundr. The first element of this name is derived from ag, an uncertain element for which a few possible origins exist. The accepted explanation is that it comes from Proto-Germanic *agjo, which means "sharp, pointed." Because of that, it also means "edge", as in the sharp cutting side of a sword - which is why the meaning of the element has ultimately come to be "sword"... [more]
Agna f Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Short form of Agneta and Agnes, but can also be a feminine form of Agnar.
Ågne m Norwegian (Rare)
Dialectal variant of Hogne.
Agnella f Neapolitan, Hungarian
Feminine form of Agnello.
Agnéta f Hungarian
Latinate diminutive of Ágnes.
Agny f Norwegian (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the name element agn taken from names like Agnes or Agnar, and the name element ny "new".
Agrim m Norwegian (Archaic)
Dialectal variant of Audgrim.
Ågunn f Norwegian (Archaic)
Derived from the Germanic name elements agi "awe, terror" or egg "edge of a weapon" and gunnr "battle, fight".
Ahvo m Finnish (Rare)
Finnish form of Agabus or Afanasi.
Aia f Danish, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Variant of the Finnish name Aija.
Aibileen f Literature
Possibly an alteration of Abilene influenced by Maybelline. This is the name of one of the main characters in Kathryn Stockett's novel 'The Help' (2009) and the subsequent movie adaptation (2011).
Ailin f Norwegian
Scandinavian form of Aileen.
Aima f Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include a feminine form of Aimar and Aimo and a Danish variant of Aimée.
Ainó f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Aino.
Airin f Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Scandinavian phonetic spelling of Irene reflecting the English pronunciation.
Aisa f Swedish, Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Diminutive of Anna-Lisa (see Annalisa).
Aisla f Finnish (Modern, Rare, ?)
Of unknown meaning.
Aiva f Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Modern coinage derived from Gothic aiws meaning "time; age; eternity". This name first appeared in Sweden in the late 19th century.
Aja f Sami
Means "cold spring" in Sami.
Aja f Greenlandic
From Greenlandic aja meaning "maternal aunt".
Ajnácska f Hungarian
From the name of Fort Ajnácskő in Slovakia.
Ajnó f Hungarian
Hungarian spelling of Aino.
Akahiko m Japanese (Rare)
From 赤/朱 (aka) meaning "red" combined with 彦 (hiko) meaning "boy, prince."... [more]
Akifusa m Japanese (Rare)
Aki means "bright","autumn","crystal ball","clear","rising sun",and possibly more. Fusa means "house,building,room". Manabe Akifusa was a daimyo in the Meiji period.
Akika f Japanese (Rare)
Aki: "rising sun","obvious,clear","brightness,luster","crystal (ball)","autumn","bright,luminous",and others are possible meanings. Ka:"flower,petal","fragrance",and others. Akika Kurata is a pastel artist.
Akilles m Finnish, Swedish
Finnish and Swedish form of Achilles.
Aland m Swedish (Rare)
Likely a variant of Arland.
Alarbus m Theatre
From the play The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus (late 16th century) by William Shakespeare. Alarbus is the son of Tamora.
Alayingi f Ijaw (Rare)
Means "royal mother" in Ijaw.
Albèrta f Gascon, Jèrriais
Gascon form of Alberte 2 and Jèrriais feminine form of Albèrt.
Aldán m Galician
From the town of Aldán in Galicia. It is named after the medieval owner of those lands, whose name comes from the Germanic root aldiz ("age, time") or aldaz ("old").
Aldar m Icelandic (Rare)
Possibly a masculine form of Alda 2.
Aldea f Hungarian
Variant of Alda 1.
Aldís f Old Norse, Icelandic
Old Norse name, derived from *alu "protection, fortune" and dís "goddess", or possibly a variant of Alfdís.
Aldor m Swedish
Younger form of Alfþórr and Hallþórr.
Ale m Swedish, Old Norse, Folklore
Probably a short form of various Old Norse names, for example Áleifr and Alríkr. Oldest known usage of the name is from a runic inscription from the 9th century.
Álea f Hungarian
Hypocoristic of Eulália.
Aleph m Swedish (Rare), Hebrew (Rare)
Variant of Alef. In the case of Natalie Portman's son, it refers to the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
Aleqa f Greenlandic
Variant of Aleĸa.
Alesant m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Alexander.
Alesantar m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Alexander.
Aleška f Slovene, Czech (Rare)
Slovene diminutive of Aleša and Czech feminine form of Aleš.
Alesszia f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Alexia.
Aleszja f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Alexia.
Alett f Hungarian
Hungarian variant of Aletta.
Alexi m Romansh
Romansh form of Alexius.
Alexin m French (Rare, Archaic)
French form of Alexinus. The name seems to have all but disappeared after 1960.
Alfa f Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian
Feminine form of Alf 1, Scandinavian form of Alpha and a short form of Alfrida.
Alfeus m Swedish (Rare)
Swedish variant form of Alphaeus.
Alffinnr m Old Norse
Combination of Old Norse alfr "elf" and finnr "finn, lapp".
Álfgerðr f Old Norse
An Ancient Scandinavian with the combination of alfr "elf" and garðr "enclosure, protection".
Alfina f Swedish (Rare)
Feminine form of Alf 1.
Alfiva f Old Norwegian
Norwegianized form of Ælfgifu. Ælfgifu (Alfiva) of Northampton was the regent of Norway from 1030 to 1035.
Álfmóðr m Old Norse
Old Norse name, combination of ALF "elf" and MOD "excitement, concern, wrath; courage."
Alfný f Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements alf "elf" and ny "new".
Alfreð m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Alfred.
Alfridh f Old Swedish
Old Norse friðr "beautiful" combined with either alfr "elf", allr "all, entire, whole", or aðal "noble".
Alfrigg m Norse Mythology, Old Norse
Variant of Alfríkr or combination of alf "elf" and freginn "experienced". This is the name of one of the four dwarfs who made Freyja's necklace Brísingamen in Norse mythology.
Älg m Swedish (Rare)
Means "moose" in Swedish.
Alina f Provençal, Niçard
Niçard form of Aline.
Älis f Estonian (Modern)
Estonian variant of Alice.
Älla f Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Swedish variant of Ella 2.
Alla f Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic (Rare), Greenlandic (Rare)
Diminutive of names containing A(i)l, like Áila or the name element adal, like Aliisa.
Alle m Swedish
Swedish diminutive of names starting with Al-, like Alexander and Albin.
Allis f Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Romani (Archaic)
Scandinavian and Romani variant of Alice.
Allvaldi m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Variant of Alvaldr. In Norse mythology this is the name of Þjazi's father.
Allysson f English
Variant of Alison.
Almarr m Old Norse
Old Norse name from the combination of the name elements ALM "elm" and HER "army." It is the Nordic form of the Old High German name Athalmar and a variant form of Álmgeirr.
Álmgeirr m Old Norse
Old Norse name, combination of ALM "elm" and GEIR "spear."
Almod m Medieval English, Old Norse
Old Norse younger form of Almóðr.
Almóðr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant form of Álfmóðr.
Ålov f Norwegian (Rare)
Modern form of Álǫf.
Alpo m Finnish
Finnish variant of Albin, Albert or Albanus.
Alrekr m Old Norse
Old Norse form of Alaric.
Alrik m Swedish
Modern Swedish form of Old Norse Alríkr.
Alríkr m Old Norse
Possibly a variant of Alarik, Adalrik or Alfríkr. Alternatively, it may be derived from the Old Norse elements ǫl "ale" and rikr "mighty, distinguished".
Alsephina f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic al-safīnah meaning "the ship". Alsephina, also known as Delta Velorum, is a triple star system that is a part of the constellation Vela.
Alsviðr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Derived from Old Norse ala "entire, all" and svinnr "fast, clever". In Norse mythology this is the name of both a jotunn and one of Sól's horses.
Alþjófr m Norse Mythology, Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse ala "all, entire" and þjófr "thief". This is the name of a dwarf in Norse mythology.
Älva f Swedish (Modern)
Variant of Elva 2 influenced by the Swedish word älva "elf, fairy".
Alvaldr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Derived from Old Norse ala "all, entire" and valdr "ruler, mighty one".
Alvard m Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Modern form of Alfhard and Norwegian variant of Alvar.
AlvéR m Old Norse
Variant of Ǫlvér, or possibly derived from allr "all, entire" and vér "fighter" or aluh "temple" and vér.
Alver m Old Norse, Old Swedish, Estonian (Archaic)
Old Norse variant of Alfr as well as the Old Swedish form of AlvéR.
Alvfinn m Norwegian (Archaic)
Archaic Norwegian form of Alffinnr.
Alvi f Swedish
Short form of names starting with Alvi-, such as Alvina and Alvilda.
Alvny f Norwegian (Rare)
Modern form of Alfný.
Alwa f Swedish
Variant of Alva 1.
Áma f Old Norse, Greenlandic, Norse Mythology
Feminine form of Ámr or a Greenlandic form of Amma. In Norse mythology this is the name of a giantess.
Amaldus m Norwegian (Archaic)
Meaning unknown, possibly a masculine form of Amalia. Amaldus Nielsen (1838-1932) was a Norwegian painter.
Amanuel m Tigrinya
Variant of Emanuel.
Amfrid f & m Norwegian (Archaic)
Possibly a variant of Arnfrid (f) and Arnfred (m).
Ámgerðr f Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Derived from Old Norse ámr "black, loathsome, dark" and garðr "enclosure, protection". This is the name of a giantess in Norse mythology.
Aminda f Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Meaning uncertain, but likely a variant of Amanda. It could also be a feminine form of Amund.
Ammaakealachehiibaachilakacheesh f Indigenous American
Means "overcomes through faith" in either Cheyenne or Crow.
Ámr m Old Norse
Means "black, loathsome, reddish brown, dark" in Old Norse.
Amren f Literature
A very powerful Fae in Sarah J. Maas 'A Court of Thorns and Roses' series.
Åmund m Norwegian
Variant of Amund.
Anaia f English
Variant of Aniya.
Analeah f English (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Ana and Leah.
Analia f English, Swedish (Rare)
Either a variant of Analía or a combination of Ana and the popular name suffix -lia.
Analius m Norwegian (Rare)
Masculine form of Anna. It originates from Lofoten in Norway.
Ánarr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse anu "ancestor" and herr "army".
Anarr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Variant of Annarr. This is the name of a dwarf in Norse mythology.
Anathema f Literature
Name of the fictional character Ananthema Device from the show Good Omens inspired by Terry Pratchett Neil Gaiman's book. The name is derived from the word meaning "someone who is disliked" or "a curse by a pope or minister of the church", which makes sense as the character is an occultist.
Anaton m Norwegian (Rare, Archaic)
Norwegian male form of Anna or variation of Anton.
Andhers m Old Swedish
Spelling variant of Anders found primarily in medieval records when there were no standardized spellings in Swedish.
Andhrímnir m Norse Mythology, Old Norse
Combination of and "against, opposite, hostile" and hrīm "rime, soot". In Norse mythology this is the name of both an eagle and a cook in Valhalla.
Andorf m Norwegian (Rare, Archaic)
Former Norwegian variant of Andor 1.
Andorjás m Medieval Hungarian
Old Hungarian form of András.
Andrass m Faroese (Archaic)
Variant of Andreas. A well-known bearer of this name is Andrass Samuelsen (1873-1954), prime minister of the Faroe Islands (1948-1950).
Andri m Icelandic
Possibly from the Old Norse word andri, meaning "snow shoe". Alternatively, it could have originally been a diminutive form of the name Andríður.
Androder m Old Norwegian (Rare)
Old Norwegian form of Arnrøðr.
Andvéttr m Old Norse
Possibly means "opponent, enemy" in Old Norse.
Anelma f Finnish, Hungarian (?)
Derived from Finnish anella "to beg".
Ånen m Norwegian (Rare)
Dialectal variant of Ånund.
Anfred m Norwegian (Rare)
Variant of Annfred (see Arnfrøðr).
Angantýr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology, Icelandic
Combination of Old Norse angi "sweet odour" and tívar "gods". It's the name of three characters in Norse Mythology.
Angerdis f Old Swedish (Latinized)
Possibly a younger form of Arngerðr via Angærdh.
Angeyja f Norse Mythology
The etymology of this name is uncertain. It could be derived from Old Norse angi "sweet odour" and ey, a name element which might mean "island" (compare Eyja)... [more]
Aniara f Swedish (Modern, Rare), Literature, Astronomy
From Greek ἀνιαρός (aniarós) meaning "sad, despairing". The name was invented by Swedish author Harry Martinson for the space ship in his poem of science fiction 'Aniara: en revy om människan i tid och rum' published in 1956... [more]
Anko m Bulgarian
Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include a masculine form of Anka and a regional vernacular variant of Hanko (Ханко) as in some Bulgarian varieties the letter Х is not pronounced at the beginning of the word.
Annæus m Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Latinised male form of Anna.
Annalia f English, Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Anna and the popular name suffix -lia.
Annar m Norwegian, Icelandic (Rare), Norse Mythology (Anglicized)
Modern form of Ánarr, although it may also be used as a masculine form of Anna. In Norse Mythology, Annar is the partner of Nótt and the father of Jǫrð (Mother Earth)... [more]
Annarr m Old Norse, Icelandic, Norse Mythology
Either a variant of Ánarr or from Old Norse meaning "the second one" or . In Norse mythology this is the name of Nótt's second husband, the father of Jǫrð.