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Menagerie Landmine Congrats [Final]
Round One/Set-Up:
Round Two:
Round Three:
Round Four:
Round Five:
Round Six:
Round Seven:
Round Eight:'s triplets... and triple the landmine chance! You know that "we named your sister Rose because your mother loves roses" meme? Well...Star-nosed mole
Abraham Anders Carsten Elias Espen Felix Gunnar Hugo Ivan Jesper Linus Matthias Maximilian Otto Tomas // Alvin Axel Benjamin Emil Folke Gabriel Halsten Jonas Leo Magnus Markus Nicolai Peter Roland Valentin // Anton August Casper Erik Finn Isak Jakob Lukas Marius Oskar Rasmus Rune Torsten Viktor WernerTarsier *BOOM*
Aerosmith Beatle Cream Crue Depeche Leppard Metallica Phish Skynyrd Starship Steely Steppenwolf Toto Yardbird Zeppelin // Arcanine Beldum Donphan Lapras Lombre Magmar Milotic Minun Numel Quilava Salamence Shiftry Shellder Tauros Whismur // Aqualish Bith Clawdite Ewok Gungan Klatooinian Neimoidian Quarren Snivvian Togruta Twi'lek Ugnaught Weequay Wookiee Yuzzum Blobfish *BOOM*
Avalanche Drifter Eldorado Firebird Highlander Impala Javelin Kodiak Lesabre Mustang Quantum Roadster Sportage Turbo Wayfarer // Bacardi Bellini Chardonnay Chianti Cider Guinness Julep Kahlua Maitai Martini Merlot Mojito Riesling Tequila Whiskey // Adidas Ariat Bata Bearpaw Chaco Converse Etnies Fluevog Keds Lagear Reebok Rockport Saucony Skecher Superga VansShoebill
Anabela Aurora Cassia Cloe Delfina Emilia Gisela Julieta Lilian Maristela Neves Rosalina Soraya Tania Veronica // Alexia Anais Cristina Diana Elisabet Eulalia Francesca Helena Ingrid Joana Laia Marina Mireia Sofia Valeria // Alejandra Anasofia Camila Daniela Dayana Estrella Gabriela Ivanna Luciana Miranda Natalia Romina Valentina Ximena YoselinHairy Frogfish
Aisling Carys Ciara Eilish Erin Gwyneth Maeve Mona Nessa Neve Nora Oona Roisin Sorcha Tallula // Aidan Brady Colin Connor Eamon Finn Keegan Killian Lochlann Niall Nolan Patrick Ronan Seamus Tiernan // Ainsley Blair Caitriona Elspeth Fiona Greer Isobel Jean Kenna Kirstin Lileas Maisie Malina Rhona UnaPlatypus *BOOM*
Angora Brocade Cashmere Charmeuse Damask Flannel Gabardine Gauze Lamé Matelassé Moire Organza Taffeta Velvetine Voile // Anthem Ballad Chime Concertina Dulcimer Harmonica Libretta Mandolin Minuet Operetta Overture Sonority Tambourine Trumpet Villanelle // Adage Allegory Allusion Couplet Denouement Elegy Elision Fallacy Genre Metonymy Parable Prosody Quatrain Sibilance Vignette--Thanks for playing!
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Thank you for hosting!!!PARENTS
DH: Arthur Ronan Harland
DW: Leona Wren AdlerDD: Beatrix Louisa Harland
DS: Henry Alastair Harland
DS: Simon Leander Harland
DD/DS: Wilburg Eadburga Harland ‘Willa’ and Winfrith Leofstan Harland ‘Winn’
DD: Zarathustra Zelophehad Harland ‘Zara’
DS: Tristan Thatcher Harland
DS: Forrest Edmund Harland
DD/DD/DD: Aurora Cassia Harland ‘Rory’ and Eulalia Marina Harland and Natalia Valentina Harland ‘Tally’
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Thanks for hosting! Great gameRobin Lark Voss
Ursula Jemima VossD: Fancy Oralee Voss
S: Cormac Niall Voss
Non-binary child: Briar Sloane Voss
D/S fraternal twins: Scholastica Violante Voss / Amantius Onuphrius Voss
New person: Adina Naomi Voss
Another baby!: Pilcrow Paillette Voss
The young person has a masculine name: Lucian Wilder Voss
S: Starship Toto “Star” Voss
D: Numel Lapras Voss
S: Yuzzum Quarren VossBands, Pokemon and Star Wars? I’m only familiar with the bands. Very fun! Thanks for hosting the landmine game! I liked the names.
Ursula & Robin: Fancy, Cormac, Briar, Scholastica, Amantius, Adina, Pilcrow, Lucian, Star, Numel, and Yuzzum
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Thanks for hosting!DH: Arthur Robin Purcell
DW: Rachel Fawn Purcell
DD: Willow Ava Purcell
DS: Benjamin Henry Purcell
DD: Lily Serenity Purcell
DD/DS: Katherine Deirdre Purcell and Zachariah Malcom Purcell
DD: Zarathustra Purcell "Zara"
DS: Thatcher Tiernan Purcell
DD: Fili Mim Purcell
DD/DD/DD: Velvetine Angora Purcell "Vivi", Harmonica Anthem Purcell "Harmy" and Allusion Parable Purcell "Ally"Arthur and Rachel have Willow, Benji, Lily, Kate, Zac, Zara, Thatcher, Fili, Vivi, Harmy and Ally.
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DW: Coral Una Lark Adler
DD: Ava Willow Adler
DS: Weston Archer Adler
DS: Orion Silas Adler
DD/DS: Scholastica Benigna Adler / Bonitus Benignus Adler
DS: Jesse Anthony Adler
DS: Dalton Drake Adler
DS: Elton Grey Adler
DD/DD/DD: Aurora Soraya Adler / Francesca Helena Adler / Estrella Alejandra Adler
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DH: Ronan Jonah Voss
DW: Agnes "Aggie" Leona Damaris [Hirsch] VossDD: Adriana "Riana" Isabel Selena Voss
-DD/DD/DD: Damask Velvetine Voss / Tambourine Minuet Voss / Allegory Sibilance VossDS: Holden Jasper Atticus Voss
DS: Damon Elias Leander Voss
DD: Florence "Flo" Tatiana Clare Voss [Hugo's twin]
DS: Hugo Gregory Felix Voss [Flo's twin]
DD: Adina Phoebe Susanna Voss
DD: Geneva "Gen" Gaelle Garnet Voss
DS: Wilder Byron Thane Voss
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DH : Arthur Caleb Voss
DW : Jemima Wren [Adler] Voss DD1 : Luna Iris Voss
DS1 : Jack Aidan Voss
DS2 : Ellis Owen Voss
DD2 & DS3 : Emilia Imogen Voss & Gray Sebastian Voss
DD3 : Phoebe Miriam Voss
DS4 : Theodore Taylor Voss
DD4 : Margot Juliet Voss
DD5 / DS5 / DD6 : Carys Eilish Voss / Killian Finn Voss / Maisie Lileas Voss
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H: Ronan Giles Maki
W: Agnes Lark PurcellD: Vera Elisabeth Maki
S: Hades Darkling Maki
S: Linus Evander Maki
D/S: Ingrid Bridget Maki & Victor Augustine Maki
D: Lumi Isolde Maki
S: Douglas Dalton Maki
D: Esmeralda Odile Maki
S/D/S: Javelin Wayfarer Maki & Bellini Maitai Maki & Ariat Bata Maki
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Thanks for hosting!
Ronan Orson ♥ Wren Jemima
Dot Floella
Rory Niall
Evander Atlas
Maeve Theresa & Oscar Basil
Wyatt Clark
Tobias Thierry
Thror Bifur
Neve Tallula, Ronan Finn & Lileas Isobel
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aaand another BOOM*! - that was awesome, thanks!LN: AdlerDH: Fox Ronan
DW: Leona Wren (Bagley) - DD: Beatrix Vera
- DS: Graham Archer
- DD: Honora Mercy
- DD/DS: Vivian Audrey / Benedict Andrew
- DS: Quiriakus Uldenago
- DS: Tristan Tobias
- DD: Kneesaa Makrit
- DD/DS/DS: Steely Metallica / Tauros Arcanine / Quarren Bith
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Thank you for hosting!!DH: Caleb Arthur Voss
DW: Rachel Tabitha Adler VossDD: Lara Diana Voss
DS: Charles William Voss "Charlie"
DD: Ariel Sage Voss
DD/DS: Wulviva Cyneburga Voss "Viva" / Osberht Cynebald Voss "Ozzy"
DD: Darya Rosemary Voss "Dasha"
DD: Paillette Pysma Voss "Lettie"
DD: Juliet Angelina Voss
DD/DD/DD: Angora Voile Voss "Annie" / Libretta Sonority Voss "Libby" / Vignette Elision Voss "Etta"
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Thanks for hosting!!DH: Philip Orson Harland
DW: Tabitha Wren PurcellDD: Ava Grace Harland
DS: Oliver Simon Harland
DD: Sophia Joy Harland
DS/DD: Audrey Clare Harland / Andrew Victor Harland
DS: Miles Beckett Harland
DS: Daniel Dalton Harland
DD: Mim Dwalin Harland
DS/DD/DD: Damask Moire Harland / Sonority Ballad Harland / Allegory Vignette Harland
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Thanks for hosting!DH: Robin Arthur Harland
DW: Leona Lark (Adler) HarlandDD: Amelie Juliette Harland
DS: Vincent Alastair Harland
DD: Sophia Mercy Harland
DD/DS: Eoforhild Sunngifu Harland/Leofstan Winfrith Harland
DS: Wesley Donovan Harland
DD: Pysma Panomphean Harland
DD: Astra Celeste Harland
DD/DD/DD: Cassia Rosalina Harland/Valeria Diana Harland/Natalia Estrella Harland
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Thanks for hosting & hilarious namebanks this roundDH: Drake Warren Purcell
DW: Melissa Fawn (Harland) Purcell
DD: Marie Eloise Purcell
DS: Jude Isaac Purcell
DS: Riley Hayden Purcell
DD/DS: Anne Ophelia & Duncan Philip Purcell
DS: Levi Beckett Purcell
DS: Travis Theodore Purcell
DD: Diana Odette PurcellDS/DD/DS: Skynyrd Cream & Magmar Quilava & Quarren Bith Purcell
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DH: Corbin Arthur Adler “Cory”
DW: Melissa Rachel [Purcell] Adler “Melissa”DD: Katrina Elisabeth Adler “Katie”
DS: William Henry Adler “Will”
DD: Abstinence Divine-Authority Adler “Abby”
DD/DS: Emilia Margaret Adler “Emmy” / Charles Philip Adler “Charley”
DS: Wolfsong Stargazer Adler “Wolf”
DS: Tobias Theodore Adler “Toby”
DS: Maxwell Reed Adler “Max”
DS/DD/DS: Crue Zeppelin Adler “Crue” / Magmar Lapras Adler “Maggie” / Quarren Ewok Adler “Quarren”
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Platypus names are gorg + tysm for hostingDH: Corbin Leon Purcell
DW: Tabitha Wren (Adler) Purcell- DD: Iris Leonor Purcell
- DS: Jude Dawson Purcell
- DS: Atlas Leander Purcell
- DD/DS: Sollemnia Violante Purcell 'Sol' & Ieronimus Deusdedit Purcell 'Ero'
- DS: Cillian Shiloh Purcell
- DD: Selena Simone Purcell
- DS: Logray Wicket Purcell 'Gray'
- DD/DD/DS: Velvetine Moire Purcell, Operetta Anthem Purcell, & Elision Fallacey PurcellCorbin & Tabitha Purcell: Iris, Jude, Atlas, Sol, Ero, Cillian, Selena, Gray, Velvetine, Operetta, & Elision Purcell

This message was edited 3/16/2020, 2:39 PM

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Thanks for hosting! Loved this animal version!
Drake Caleb ❤️ Bee Jemima
Brooklyn Chloe
Jacob Micah
Faith Sophia
Everly Lorelei & Dalton Desmond
Wesley Emmett “Wes”
Sienna Selena
Azaghal “Azzie”
Carys Erin & Aidan Brady & Blair Isobel Drake & Bee; Brooklyn, Jacob, Faith, Everly & Dalton, Wes, Sienna, Azzie and Carys & Aidan & Blair
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DH: Leon Drake Adler
DW: Melissa Rachel (Purcell) Adler "Missy"
DD: Iris Ariana Adler
DS: Julian Henry Adler
DD: Sophia Hope Adler
DD/DS: Cyneburga Sunngifu Adler "Cyndi" and Leofstan Eardwulf Adler "Leo"
DD: Wildflower Sunburst Adler "Willa"
DS: Tobias Theodore Adler "Toby"
DS: Edmund Clark Adler "Eddie"
DD/DD/DD: Angora Gabardine Adler "Angie", Anthem Minuet Adler "Annie" and Allegory Parable Adler "Allie"
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DH: Caleb Jonah Adler
DW: Leona Rachel AdlerDD: Luna Elisa Adler
DS: Everett Holden Adler
DS: Silas Damon Adler
DD/DS: Wulviva Eadburga "Willa" Adler and Eardwulf Winfrith "Eddie" Adler
DD: Naomi Adina Adler
DS: Trevor Tiernan Adler
DD: Margot Juliet Adler
DD/DD: Gabardine Matelassé "Gabbie" Adler/Libretta Anthem "Libby" Adler/Prosody Sibilance "Sadie" Adler
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Thank you for hosting!The Adler FamilyDH: Jonah Philip Adler
DW: Paloma Fawn (Cabrera) AdlerDD: Sophia Emily Adler
DS: Jacob Timothy Adler
DD: Lily Joy Adler
DD/DS: Eleanor Anne & Henry Charles Adler
DD: Meredith Rosemary Adler
DS: Tristan Theodore Adler
DS: Oliver Edmund Adler
DD/DS/DD: Nora Maeve, Colin Patrick & Maisie Jean AdlerJonah & Paloma Adler;
Sophia, Jacob, Lily, Eleanor, Henry, Meredith, Tristan, Oliver, Nora, Colin & Maisie
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Thanks for hosting! :)DH: Corbin Irwin Ronan Purcell
DW: Damaris Jemima Wren Purcell [MN: Bagley]DD: Luna Carolina Leonor Purcell
DS: Hades Lucifer Vampyr Purcell
DS: Apollo Evander Linus Purcell
DD/DS: Tatiana Audrey Vivian Purcell / Cassian Louis Dominic Purcell
DD: Phoebe Naomi Michal Purcell
DS: Tristan Tobias Tyson Purcell
DD: Aurora Celeste Thora Purcell
DS/DD/DS: Cashmere Angora Flannel Purcell / Liberetta Anthem Chime Purcell / Sibilance Adage Prosody Purcell
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Thanks for hosting!DH: Ronan Philip Bagley
DW: Jemima Lark {Adler} BagleyDD: Adele Greta Bagley
DS: Sebastian Alastair Bagley
DS: Silas Leander Bagley
DD/DS: Violante Benigna Bagley & Amantius Bonitus Bagley
DD: Delilah Rachel Bagley
DS: Thatcher Tallon Bagley
DD: Juliet Sylvia Bagley
DD/DD/DD: Angora Moire Bagley & Libretta Anthem Bagley & Allusion Sibilance BagleyRonan and Jemma w/
- Adele, Seb, Silas, Vi, Ami, Lilah, Thatcher, Juliet, Ani, Libi & Alli.
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H: Arthur Giles Voss
W: Ursula Jemima BagleyD: Rosalie Juliette Voss
S: Adrian Wesley Voss
S: Leander Silas Voss
D/S: Iona Lydia Voss / Winston Raleigh Voss
D: Blissful Galactica "Bliss" Voss
S: Wuther Witchknot Voss
D: Thora Callista Voss
D: Gwyneth Roisin Voss / Tiernan Patrick Voss / Elspeth Una Voss
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H: Caleb Leon Harland
W: Rachel Melissa HarlandD: Iris Beatriz
S: Lucifer Hades
S: Jason Elias
D/S: Jade Adelaide / Adam Kent
D: Blissful Wildflower
D: Summer Simone
D: Giselle Aurore
S/D/S: Javelin Wayfarer / Chardonnay Julep / Lagear Vans (these landmines get weirder and weirder each round. Oh well, thanks for hosting!)
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Wait, was there a POKEMON landmine?Kinda wanted to choose the Tarsier now. Oh well.
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Thank you for hosting!The Orsini FamilyH: Ronan Fox Orsini
W: Coral Tabitha (Bagley) OrsiniD1: Iris Carolina Orsini
S1: Simon Oliver Orsini
D2: Briar Sloane Orsini
D3 / S2: Eoforhild Leofflæd Orsini, "Evie" / Hereweald Leofstan Orsini, "Harry"
D4: Miriam Tabitha Orsini, "Miri"
S3: Donovan Douglas Orsini, "Didi"
D5: Titania Margot Orsini, "Titan"
D6 / D7 / D8: Matelassé Charmeuse Orsini, "Mattie" / Mandolin Villanelle Orsini, "Mandy" / Sibilance Vignette Orsini, "Sibil"
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Thanks for hosting!DH: Philip Jay Adler
DW: Leona Agnes {Voss} AdlerDD: Kayleen Trudy Adler

DS: Dawson Jude Adler
DD: Continent Divine-Authority Adler
DS: Remy Zachariah Adler [twin]
DD: Maeve Rhiannon Adler [twin]
DD: Zarathustra Uldenago Adler
DS: Pilcrow Pantoglot Adler
DD: Juliet Angelina Adler
DS: Crue Zeppelin Adler [triplet]
DS: Tauros Numel Adler [triplet]
DS: Quarren Bith Adler [triplet] Phil & Leona Adler w/ Kayleen, Dawson, Coni, Remy, Maeve, Zara, PC, Jules, Crue, Tauros, & Quarren Adler
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thanks for hosting :)H: Ronan Jonah Orsini
W: Leona Wren [Harland] Orsini~~ D1: Eva Beatrix Orsini
~~ S1: Asmodeus Lucifer Orsini
~~ S2: Simon Alexander Orsini
~~ D2 & S3: Lavinia Esther Orsini // Basil Caspian Orsini
~~ D3: Maya Rosemary Orsini
~~ S4: Paillette Pysma Orsini
~~ S5: Lewis Edmund Orsini
~~ D4 & D5 & D6: Cashmere Lamé Orsini // Libretta Minuet Orsini // Sibilance Quatrain Orsini
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DH: Jonah Caleb Hirsch
DW: Wren Tabitha (Bagley) HirschDD: Luna Iris Hirsch
DS: Ronan Patrick Hirsch
DS: Elias Jason Hirsch "Eli"
DS/DD: Remy Oscar Hirsch/Oriana Maeve Hirsch "Ori"
DD: Delilah Naomi Hirsch "Lila"
DS: Tristan Theodore Hirsch
DD: Juliet Diana Hirsch "Jules"
DD/DS/DD: Nessa Gwyneth Hirsch/Finn Seamus Hirsch/Ainsley Rhona Hirsch
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SO: Philip Orson Hirsch
SO: Paloma Ursula AdlerDD: Iris Diana Hirsch
DS: Edmund Vincent Hirsch
DS: Obedience Weep-Not Hirsch
DD/DS: Rosalind Beatrice Hirsch & Antony Lysander Hirsch
DD: Patchouli Honeyblossom Hirsch
DS: Panchreston Pilcrow Hirsch
DD: Dulcinea Sylvia Hirsch
DD/DD/DD: Velvetine Moire Hirsch & Villanelle Minuet Hirsch & Vignette Metonymy Hirsch
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Thanks for hosting!H: Jonah Philip Harland
W: Rachel Paloma [Voss] HarlandD: Natalia Anneliese Harland
S: Callum Patrick Harland
S: Experience Continent HarlandRen
D/S: Sollemnia Orbiana HarlandLena” / Nazarenus Amantius HarlandAri
D: Maya Delphine Harland
D: Sylvie Simone Harland
S: Isaac Henry Harland
S/S/S: Zeppelin Steely Harland / Milotic Arcanine Harland / Quarren Ugnaught HarlandJonah & Rachel; Natalia, Callum, Ren, Lena, Ari, Maya, Sylvie, Isaac, Zeppelin, Milotic, and Quarren
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Paloma Wren Orsini Singh & Jay Ronan SinghLillian Ava Grace Singh
Serpent Hades Asmodeus Singh
Sage Avery Quinn Singh
Rhiannon Esther Isolde Singh / Caspian Oscar Stuart Singh
Blissful Stargazer Lovechild Singh
Silvana Summer Skye Singh
Callista Artemis Soleil Singh
Steely Metallica Depeche Singh / Quilava Shiftry Numel Singh / Quarren Togruta Bith SinghPaloma & JayLillian, Serpent, Sage, Rhiannon, Caspian, Blissful, Silvana, Callista, Steely, Quilava, and Quarren
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