Submitted Names Starting with W

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Wa f Burmese
Means "yellow" in Burmese.
Waabaanakwad m Ojibwe
Meaning, "white cloud."
Waabberi m Somali
Meaning: Waabberi generally means "dawn" or "daybreak."... [more]
Waaberi m Somali
Means "dawn" in Somali.
Waad f & m Arabic
Means "promise" or "covenant" in Arabic.
Waalke m East Frisian
An East Frisian short form of names beginning in Wal- (derived from the Germanic name element walt "to rule").... [more]
Waangthoi m & f Manipuri
Means "great winner" in Meitei.
Waaq m Oromo (Latinized, Archaic), Somali (Latinized, Archaic)
Waaq is a name for the ancient Cushitic sky god. He was the supreme creator and god to the indigenous religions of several Cushitic peoples before the advent of the Abrahamic religions in the Horn of Africa... [more]
Waasila f South African
Probably derived from Arabic وَسِيلَة (wasīla) "means, medium; tool, instrument; measure, step provision".
Waasnodae f Ojibwe
Meaning "Dawn" in Anishinaabe (Ojibwe)
Waast m Walloon (Archaic), Picard
Walloon form of Vedastus and Picard variant form of Vaast.
Waata m Maori
Variant of Wāta.
Waawaate Ojibwe (Modern)
Means "Northern Lights" in Ojibwe. Waawaate Fobister is a Canadian actor best known for their semi-autobiographical one-man play, Agokwe.
Wabanquot m Ojibwe
Means "white cloud", from Ojibwe waabaanakwad 'white cloud'.... [more]
Wabasha m Sioux
Alternate form of Wapasha
Wabbe m West Frisian
Variant form of Wabe.
Wabe m West Frisian
Frisian short form of names that have Gothic valdan for a first element, and of which the second element starts with a "b." The names Waldebert and Waldebrand are good examples of that.
Wabun-inini m Ojibwe
Meaning, "man of dawn."
Waca m Anglo-Saxon
Byname meaning, "watchful."
Waccar m History (Ecclesiastical), Anglo-Saxon
Possibly derived from Old English wacor "watchful, vigilant, alert" (from wakraz). This was the name of a martyred Catholic saint.
Wacek m Polish
Diminutive of Wacław.
Wachapéa m Aguaruna
From the Awajún wacha meaning "blue-winged macaw".
Wachara m Thai
Alternate transcription of Watchara.
Wacharee f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai วัชรี (see Watchari).
Wacharulf m Germanic
Means "vigilant wolf", derived from Old High German wachar "vigilant" combined with Gothic vulfs "wolf."
Wachid m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Wahid.
Wachikondi m & f Chewa
Means "friendly" in Chewa.
Wachira m & f Thai
Means "diamond" or "lightning bolt" in Thai.
Wachiraphon f Thai
From Thai วชิร (wachira) meaning "diamond, lightning bolt" and พร (phon) meaning "blessing".
Wachiraphon m Thai
From Thai วชิร (wachira) meaning "diamond, lightning bolt" and พล (phon) meaning "force, strength, power".
Wachiravit m Thai
Alternate transcription of Wachirawit.
Wachirawit m Thai
From Thai วชิร (wachira) meaning "diamond, lightning bolt" and วิทย์ (wit) meaning "knowledge, science".
Wacho m Lombardic
King Wacho ruled the Lombards before they entered Italy. He likely ruled from around 510 until his death in 539. He was the son of Unichis. He usurped the throne by assassinating his uncle King Tato.
Wack m Kashubian
Diminutive of Wacłôw.
Wackford m Literature
In Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens, Wackford Squeers is the cruel headmaster of the nightmarish boarding school, Dotheboy's Hall, where the boys are malnourished and often beaten.
Waclaw m Polish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Wacław.
Wacłôw m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Václav.
Wacuka f Kikuyu
Means "cotton fabric one" in Kikuyu.
Wacuś m Polish
Diminutive of Wacław.
Wa'd f Arabic
Derived from Arabic وعد (w'd) meaning "promise".
Wada f Oromo
East african (Kushitic, Oromo) meaning "Promise".
Wadah m & f Arabic
Version of Waddah.
Waddah m & f Arabic
Meaning "bright, brilliant".
Wadee m Arabic
Means "calm, peaceful" in Arabic.
Wadeline f African American
Wadeline Jonathas is an American track and field athlete
Wadfradad m Middle Persian
Possibly a Middle Persian form of Vātafradātah. This was the name of two dynasts (fratarakas) of the Seleucid Empire.
Wadha f Arabic
From Arabic وَضَح (waḍaḥ) meaning "light, brightness, clarity".
Wadi f & m Arabic
"Valley" Arabian Valley in Saudi Arabia
Wadim m Polish
Polish form of Vadim
Wadiya m & f Luo (Archaic)
Found mainly in the Suba regions. Name believed to have Bantu origins.
Wadjenes m Ancient Egyptian
Means "fresh of tongue" in Egyptian.
Wadjet f Egyptian Mythology
Means "green one; papyrus-colored one". From the Ancient Egyptian wadj, which was the word for the color green, in reference to the color of papyrus, and et, which indicated the name of a woman.... [more]
Wadjitefni m Ancient Egyptian
Means "refreshed by his father" in Egyptian.
Wådrou f Walloon
Walloon form of Waldetrudis.
Wadsworth m English
Transferred use of the surname Wadsworth.
Wadym m Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Vadim.
Wadzanai m & f Shona
Means "be in cordial fellowship" in Shona.
Waël m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi form of Wael
Waela f Arabic
Possibly the female version of the name Wael or an alternative transcription of the name Walah.
Waelram m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Walderam.
Waelyn m & f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Waylynn. According to the Social Security Administration, Waelyn was given to 5 girls and 10 boys in 2018.
Waen f & m Thai
Means "circle, hoop, ring" in Thai.
Wærbeald m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements wær "aware, cautious" and beald "bold, brave".
Wærburg f Anglo-Saxon
From Old English wær "aware, cautious" and burg "fortress". Alternatively, the first element could be from wær "true" or "truth, faith, fidelity" (from wēraz).
Wærfrið m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Old English wær "aware, cautious" and friþ "peace".
Waernaer m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Werner.
Wærnoð m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from either Old English wær "aware, cautious" or wǣr "true, correct; faith, fidelity" and noð "boldness, daring".
Wærstan m Anglo-Saxon
Meaning uncertain. The first element may derive from either Old English wær "aware, cautious" or wær "truth, faith, fidelity" (compare Old High German war "aware" and war "true") and the second element from stan 1 "stone".
Wæther m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Veðr.
Wafae f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic وفاء (see Wafa) chiefly used in Morocco.
Wafiq m Arabic
Means "successful" in Arabic.
Wafuletbo f Bandial
Means "there is nothing there" in Bandial.
Wagaye f Amharic
Means "my sense of value" or "my price" in Amharic.
Wagdi m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic وجدي (see Wajdi).
Wagdy m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic وجدي (see Wajdi).
Wåge m Swedish
Variant of Våge.
Wagguten m Berber (Rare)
It means ‘one who will proliferate’ and reflects the abundance of life.
Waghn m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Vagn.
Wagn m Danish
Variant of Vagn.
Wagna f Danish
Variant of Vagna.
Wagner m Brazilian
Transferred from the German surname Wagner.
Wah f Burmese
Means "yellow" or "cotton" in Burmese.
Wah f & m Chinese
Chinese variant of Hua, meaning neat, or good looking.
Wah f Karen
Means "white" in S'gaw Karen.
Wahab m Arabic, Indonesian, Malay, Urdu
Means "giver, bestower" in Arabic, from the root وَهَبَ (wahaba) meaning "to give, to bestow". In Islamic tradition الوهاب (al-Wahab) is one of the 99 names of Allah.
Wahaj m Pakistani
"glowing/ with blazing splendor".... [more]
Wahalanutah m Cherokee
Looking for the meaning of this name...was used by Cherokee male about the year 1819 in Georgia church record for David Weaver.
Wahap m Indonesian, Malay (Rare)
Indonesian and Malay form of Wahab.
Wahb m Arabic
Means "gift" in Arabic. It is not to be confused with الوهاب (al-Wahhab) meaning "giver, bestower", which is one of the 99 names of Allah.
Wahdah f Arabic
Means "unity, union, oneness" in Arabic.
Wahdat f Arabic
Variant form of Wahdah.
Waheedha f Dhivehi
Dhivehi form of Wahida.
Waheenee f Indigenous American
Buffalo Bird Woman (ca. 1839-1932) was a traditional Hidatsa woman who lived on the Fort Berthold Reservation in North Dakota. Her Hidatsa name was Waheenee, though she was also called Maaxiiriwia (variously transcribed as Maxidiwiac)... [more]
Wahib m Arabic
From Arabic وَاهِب (wahab) meaning "bestower". In Islam الوَاهِبو (al-wahib) is one of the 99 names of Allah.
Wahiba f Arabic
Feminine form of Wahib.
Wahidah f Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Arabic alternate transcription of Wahida as well as the Indonesian and Malay form.
Wahid al-Din m Arabic
From وحيد (wahid) meaning "unique" and الدين (al-din) meaning "of the religion)
Wahineʻaeʻa f Hawaiian
From the Hawaiian word wahine meaning "woman" and 'ae'a meaning "wandering".
Wahju m Indonesian (Dutchified)
Older spelling of Wahyu influenced by Dutch orthography.
Wah-wah-teh-go-nay-ga-bo m Ojibwe
Meaning, "standing in the northern lights."
Wah-wee-oo-kah-tah-mah-hote m Cree
Means "strike him on the back" in Cree.
Wahya m & f Cherokee
Means "wolf" in Cherokee.
Wahyo m Javanese
From Javanese wahya meaning "to come out, to appear (as in a revelation)".
Wahyono m Javanese
From Javanese wahya meaning "to come out, to appear (as in a revelation)".
Wahyudi m Indonesian
Derived from Indonesian wahyu meaning "revelation".
Wahyudin m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Wahi ud-Din.
Wahyuni f & m Indonesian
Derived from Indonesian wahyu meaning "revelation".
Wahyuningsih f Indonesian
Combination of Wahyu and Ningsih.
Wahyuwati f Indonesian
Combination of Wahyu and Wati
Wai m & f Chinese
It means "great"
Wai f & m Polynesian, Hawaiian
From the proto-Polynesian root *waiʀ meaning "water" in most Polynesian languages.
Wai m & f Burmese
Means "profuse, abound" in Burmese.
Waiata f & m Maori
Means "song" in Maori. Combined with Aroha it means "song of love, love song" Waiata-aroha.
Waibodei m & f Ijaw
Means "has returned again" in Ijaw.
Waika f Japanese
From Japanese 羽 (wa) meaning "feathers" combined with 唯 (i) meaning "ordinary, usual" and 馨 (ka) meaning "fragrance". Other kanji can be used.
Waiko f Japanese
From Japanese 倭 (wai) meaning "Japanese" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Wailana f Hawaiian
flowing sky
Wailani f Hawaiian
Means "heavenly water" from Hawaiian wai "water" and lani "heaven, sky".
Wailele f Hawaiian
Means "waterfall" in Hawaiian.
Waimi f Japanese
From Japanese 羽 (wa) meaning "feathers", 維 (i) meaning "to tie; to fasten; to tie up" combined with 見 (mi) meaning "to see". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Waing f & m Burmese
Means "to gather around, to surround" or "collectively, together" in Burmese.
Wäinö m Finnish
Variant of Väinö.
Waiola f Hawaiian
Derived from Hawaiian wai "(fresh) water" and ola "life". It is sometimes Anglicized as Viola.
Waiolani m Hawaiian
Means "heavenly water" in Hawaiian.
Waiphot m Thai
Means "synonym" in Thai.
Waipuna m Hawaiian
Meaning "spring water", from the Hawaiian elements wai "water" and puna "spring (of water)".
Wait m & f English
Diminutive of Waitstill.
Waitara f Maori
Derived from the Maori waitara, possibly meaning "mountain stream" or "pure water".
Waitherero f Kikuyu
Means "of down river" in Kikuyu.
Waitstill m & f English (Puritan)
A Puritan virtue name. It may have been given in reference to the parents' desire for a child of the opposite sex.
Waiva f English (American, Rare)
As slim as the chances are, it might be related to Lithuanian Vaiva (influenced by English Wava), seeing as Waiva seems to appear - although extremely rarely so - in Lithuania... [more]
Wajahah f Arabic
Means "eminent, distinguished" in Arabic.
Wajahat m Urdu, Arabic
Possibly from the Arabic وَاجَهَ (wājaha) meaning "to confront".
Wajd f Arabic
This name is originally Syrian Arabic. ... [more]
Wajdi m Arabic
Means "passionate, affectionate", derived from Arabic وَجَدَ (wajada) meaning "to love passionately, to adore".
Wajeeh m Arabic (Mashriqi)
Variant of Wajih used more often in the Middle East.
Wajia f Pashto, Urdu
Possibly means "melody" in Pashto or derived from Arabic وَجِيه (wajīh) meaning "eminent, distinguished".
Wajib m Arabic
Means "necessary, indispensable" or "duty, obligation, requirement" in Arabic.
Wajibah f Arabic
Feminine form of Wajib.
Wajid m Arabic, Urdu
Means "finder, perceiver" or "loving, affectionate" in Arabic. In Islamic tradition الواجد (al-Wajid) is one of the 99 names of Allah.
Wajida f Arabic, Urdu
Feminine form of Wajid.
Wajih m Arabic, Urdu
means "eminent, notable, distinguishable" in Arabic and Urdu, from the Arabic root و ج ه‎ (w-j-h), the same of وَجْه (wajha) meaning "face".
Wajiha f Arabic, Urdu
Feminine form of Wajih.
Waka f Japanese
From the Japanese 和 (wa) "Japan" and 加 (ka) "addition," "increase." Other kanji combinations are possible.
Waka f Polynesian Mythology
Name of a sorceress, grandmother of Laie-i-ka-wai.
Wakaba f Japanese
From 若葉 (wakaba) meaning "new leaves; fresh verdure," as a name, also written as 稚葉 or 新葉.... [more]
Wakae f Japanese
From Japanese 和 (wa) meaning "peace, harmony", 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good" combined with 枝 (e) meaning "branch, limbs". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Wakai m Shona
Meaning “build”.
Wakako f Japanese
From Japanese 若 (waka) "young, immature" and 子 (ko) "child", or 和 (wa) "peace, harmony", 歌 (ka) "sing/song" and 子 (ko) "child".
Wakame f Japanese
From Japanese 和 (wa) meaning "peace, harmony", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer" combined with 芽 (me) meaning "bud, sprout, shoot". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Wakami f & m Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 和 (wa) meaning "peace, harmony, Japan" and 加 (ka) meaning "addition, increase", and 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Wakanda f Literature, New World Mythology
Used by J.K. Rowling in her 'Harry Potter' series of books as a personal name for a minor female character, perhaps due to its similarity to Wanda, taken from the form of Wakan Tanka used by the Omaha people... [more]
Wakara f African American (Modern)
May be a variant of Waqar.
Wakayo f Japanese
From 若 (waka) meaning "young" and 依 (yo) meaning "rely on, be dependent upon". Other kanji combinations can be used.
Wake m English (Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Wake.
Wakely m English (Rare)
Variant of the surname Wakeley.
Wakerild f Medieval English
Middle English form of the Old English name *Wacerhild, derived from wacor meaning "watchful, vigilant" (cognate with Old High German wakkar) and hild meaning "battle".
Wakil m Arabic, Pashto, Dari Persian
Means "agent, representative" in Arabic.
Wakina m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Joaquin.
Wako f Japanese
From Japanese 琶 (wa) meaning "guitar-like instrument" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Wakoka f Japanese
From Japanese 和 (wa) meaning "peace, harmony", 歌 (ko) meaning "song, poetry" combined with 子 (ka) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Wakoto f Japanese
From Japanese 和 (wa) meaning "Japan, Japanese, peace, harmony" combined with 琴 (koto), which refers to a type of musical instrument similar to a harp. Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Wakqbaa m Afghan
The name Wakqbaa or واكسبا in Arabic means "Wake"
Wakqbaa m Urdu, Muslim, Tajik, Arabic, Pakistani, Pashto
The name Wakqbaa or واكسبا in Arabic means "Wake"
Waku m Indigenous Australian, Pintupi
Of Australian Aboriginal origin (Pintupi, to be precise), the meaning of this name is not yet known to me at the moment. A known bearer of this name was Waku Tjungurrayi, the father of Australian Aboriginal painter Takariya Napaltjarri (b... [more]
Waku m & f Japanese
From Japanese 和 (wa) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan", 新 (wa) meaning "fresh, new", 笑 (wa) meaning "laugh", 羽 (wa) meaning "feathers" or 航 (wa) meaning "navigate, sail, cruise, fly" combined with 久 (ku) meaning "long time", 来 (ku) meaning "come, due, next, cause, become", 玖 (ku) meaning "beautiful black jewel, nine", 空 (ku) meaning "sky", 雲 (ku) meaning "cloud", 宮 (ku) meaning "Shinto shrine" or 紅 (ku) meaning "crimson, deep red"... [more]
Wakuko f Japanese
From Japanese 環 (wa) meaning "circle, ring, wheel", 玖 (ku) meaning "nine" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Wakuni f Japanese (Rare)
This name is used as 和国 with 和 (o, ka, wa,, nago.yaka, yawa.ragu, yawa.rageru) meaning "harmony, Japan, Japanese style, peace, soften" and 国 (koku, kuni) meaning "country."... [more]
Wakuri f Japanese (Rare)
This name can be used as 和久利, 和久里 or 和栗 with 和 (o, ka, wa,, nago.yaka, yawa.ragu, yawa.rageru) meaning "harmony, Japan, Japanese style, peace, soften", 久 (kyuu, ku, hisa.shii) meaning "long time, old story", 利 (ri, ki.ku) meaning "advantage, benefit, profit", 里 (ri, sato) meaning "league, parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village" and 栗 (ritsu, ri, kuri, ononoku) meaning "chestnut."... [more]
Wal m American (Rare)
Short Form of Wallace.
Wala f Polish
Diminutive form of Walentyna or Waleria.
Walaa f & m Arabic
Means "friendship, loyalty, devotion" in Arabic.
Walabert m Germanic
Derived from Old High German walah "wanderer, traveller, foreigner" combined with Old High German beraht "bright."
Walace m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese borrowing of Wallace.
Walafrid m Germanic
Derived from Old High German walah "wanderer, traveller, foreigner" combined with Old High German fridu "peace."
Walagash m Old Persian
Of ancient Persian origin, the meaning of this male name is unfortunately uncertain.
Walagrim m Germanic
Derived from Old High German walah "wanderer, traveller, foreigner" combined with Old Norse grîma "mask."
Walagund f Germanic
Derived from Old High German walah "wanderer, traveller, foreigner" combined with Old High German gund "war."
Walahelm m Germanic
Derived from Old High German walah "wanderer, traveller, foreigner" combined with Old High German helm "helmet, protection."
Walahild f Germanic
Derived from Old High German walah "wanderer, traveller, foreigner" combined with Old Norse hildr "battle."
Walaman m Germanic
Derived from Old High German walah "wanderer, traveller, foreigner" combined with man "man."
Walamar m Germanic
Derived from Old High German walah "wanderer, traveller, foreigner" combined with Old High German mâri "famous."
Walamund m Germanic
Derived from Old High German walah "wanderer, traveller, foreigner" combined with Old High German mund "protection."
Walangkura f Indigenous Australian, Pintupi
Of Australian Aboriginal origin (Pintupi, to be precise), the meaning of this name is not yet known to me at the moment. A known bearer of this name is Walangkura Napanangka (b. between circa 1938 to 1946), an Australian Aboriginal painter.
Walanni f Hittite
Meaning uncertain, possibly deriving from the Luwian element wa-na-a ("woman"), or the Hattic element waₐšul ("abundance, blessing"). Name borne by a Hittite queen, who was possibly of Hurrian origin (fl... [more]
Walarad m Germanic
Derived from Old High German walah "wanderer, traveller, foreigner" combined with Old High German rât "counsel."
Walaram m Germanic
Derived from Old High German walah "wanderer, traveller, foreigner" combined with hraban or hramn "raven."
Walãti m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Valentine 1.
Walãtina f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Valentina.
Walban m Arthurian Cycle
A Knight of the Round Table.
Walbert m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Archaic), Polish (Archaic), Medieval German
Dutch and German short form of Waldebert as well as a Polish borrowing of this name. There are also instances where this name can be a short form of Walabert.
Walbourg f French (Archaic)
Gallicized form of Walburga.
Walburg f German
German short form of Waldeburg.
Walburgis f German (Latinized)
Latinized form of Walburg (see also Walburga).
Walcerz m Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish form of Walter.
Walcia f Polish
Diminutive form of Walentyna.
Walda f German (Rare), Dutch
Short form of names with the name element walt "to rule".
Waldalenus m Frankish (Latinized)
Possibly a Latinized form of Waldhelm. This was borne by Waldalenus, Duke of Upper Burgundy, a Frankish magnate who lived in the late 6th century and early 7th century... [more]
Waldbern m Germanic
Derived from Gothic valdan "to reign" combined with Proto-Germanic beran or bernu "bear" (bero and bern in Old High German).
Waldebrand m Germanic
Derived from Gothic valdan "to reign" combined with Old Norse brand "sword."
Waldegard f Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from Gothic valdan "to reign." The second element is derived from gardan "to hedge in, to enclose, to fence in" or from Gothic gards "house, garden, (court)yard."
Waldegild f Germanic
Derived from Gothic valdan "to reign" combined with Gothic gild "sacrifice."
Waldegis m Germanic
The first element of this Germanic name comes from Gothic valdan "to reign." The meaning and origin of the second element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from gis (the original form was possibly gîs), but we don't exactly know where gis itself comes from... [more]
Waldegund f Germanic
Derived from Gothic valdan "to reign" combined with Old High German gund "war."
Waldémôr m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Waldemar.
Waldemund m Germanic
Derived from Gothic valdan "to reign" combined with Old High German mund "protection."
Walden m Literature
Place name from Old English: “wooded valley”.... [more]
Walder m Literature
Created by author George R. R. Martin for several characters in his series "A Song of Ice and Fire" and the television adaptation "Game of Thrones". In the series, Walder Frey is the elderly patriarch of House Frey and the namesake of some of his descendants.
Walderad m Germanic
Derived from Gothic valdan "to reign" combined with Old High German rât "counsel."
Walderam m Germanic
Derived from Gothic valdan "to reign" combined with hraban or hramn "raven."
Walderic m Germanic
Derived from Gothic valdan "to reign" combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
Waldfrid m Germanic
Derived from Gothic valdan meaning "to reign" combined with Old High German fridu meaning "peace".
Waldfried m German (Rare)
German form of the ancient Germanic name Waldfrid.
Waldgrim m Germanic
Derived from Gothic valdan "to reign" combined with Old Norse grîma "mask."
Waldhard m Germanic
Derived from Gothic valdan "to reign" combined with Gothic hardus (hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy."
Waldhelm m Germanic
Derived from Gothic valdan "to reign" combined with Old High German helm "helmet, protection."
Waldi m & f German, Dutch (Rare)
German and Dutch diminutive of given names that contain the Germanic element walt meaning "rule", such as Ewald and Waldemar for men and Waltraud for women.... [more]
Waldin m Arthurian Cycle
A strong knight who assisted his cousin or uncle, King Angusel of Scotland, in repelling an invasion of Saxons.... [more]
Walding m Filipino, Tagalog
Diminutive of Oswaldo.
Waldir m Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese form of Walter, more commonly used in Brazil
Waldison m Garo
Character from Katta Agana.
Waldman m Germanic
Derived from Gothic valdan "to reign" combined with man "man."
Waldolf m Germanic
Variant of Waldulf.
Waldomer m Arthurian Cycle
The brother-in-law of the Emperor of the Alemanni. He served as a commander for King Meriadoc of Wales when Meriadoc served the Emperor.
Waldorf m English
This name is used in The Muppets Christmas Carol 1992.
Waldrad m Germanic
Short form of Walderad.
Waldrada f Germanic, History
Feminine form of Waldrad. Waldrada lived in the 6th century AD and was the wife of Theudebald, a Frankish king of the Merovingian dynasty.
Waldrun f Germanic
Derived from Gothic valdan "rule" combined with Gothic rûna "secret."
Waldtrud f Germanic
Derived from Gothic valdan "to reign" combined with þruþ "strength."
Waldulf m Germanic
Derived from Gothic valdan "to reign" combined with Gothic vulfs "wolf."
Waldy m & f German (Rare), Dutch (Rare), English, Polish (Rare), South American
Variant of Waldi. This name is more commonly used on men than on women.... [more]
Waled m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic وليد (see Walid).
Waleeya f Arabic
Meaning "supporter", "caretaker", "companion", "intimate friend", "patron", "custodian".
Wȧlek m Vilamovian
Variant of Walek.
Walek m Polish
Polish form of Valek.
Walek m Vilamovian
Vilamovian form of Valentine 1.
Waleka f American
Feminine form of Walek.
Walenekina f Hawaiian
Hawaiian translation of Valentina.
Walenth m Medieval Croatian
Medieval Croatian form of Valentine 1.
Walentin m Russian
Polish transcription of Валентин (see Valentin).
Walentina f German, Russian, Ukrainian, Portuguese (Brazilian, Modern, Rare)
German and Brazilian Portuguese variant of Valentina as well as a Russian/Ukrainian variant transcription of Валентина (see the previous name and Valentyna).
Walentyn m Polish
Polish form of Valentinus (see Valentine 1).
Walentynian m Polish
Polish form of Valentinian.
Waleran m Anglo-Norman, Medieval Flemish, Medieval French
A form of Walaram. This was the name of two rulers of the medieval county of Ligny-en-Barrois, in present-day Lorraine, France.
Walercia f Polish
Diminutive of Waleria.
Waleri m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Valerius.
Waleriana f Polish
Polish form of Valeriana.
Walericus m Germanic (Latinized)
Latinized form of Walherich. The 7th-century Frankish saint Valery de Leuconay is sometimes referred to as Walericus.
Walerión m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Valerian.
Waleriusz m Polish
Polish form of Valerius.