Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which an editor of the name is erb816.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Adara f Astronomy
Variant of Adhara.
Aex f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Αιξ (Aix) meaning "goat". In Greek mythology Aex or Aega was a goat nymph who nursed the infant Zeus in Crete, and he afterwards changed her into the constellation Capella... [more]
Ailie f Scots, English (Australian)
Of uncertain origin and meaning. This name is, however, considered both an Anglicization of Eilidh and a diminutive of Aileen and Ailison.
Alafare f English (Rare), Romani
Of uncertain meaning, possibly a corruption of Alethea (compare Alethaire). In the United States, this name was first found in 1768; in the United Kingdom, there were several uses throughout the 1800s (and most likely before that as well)... [more]
Alaïs f Occitan, French (Rare)
Contracted form of Azalaïs.
Alania f Portuguese (Brazilian), English (Modern)
As a Brazilian Portuguese name, the origin and meaning are unknown. As an English name, it is likely a feminine form of Alan.... [more]
Alastrina f English (Rare)
Anglicized form of Alastríona.
Allure f English (Modern, Rare)
From the name of a 1996 Chanel perfume, derived from the English word allure (which also has French roots) meaning "fascination, charm, appeal".
Amaryllida f Greek (Rare)
Greek variant of Amaryllis, from the genitive form Αμαρυλλίδος (Amaryllidos). This is also the Greek name for the amaryllis flower.
Amyris m & f Ancient Greek, English (Rare)
Both a personal name and the name of a resin, it is derived from the Greek word αμυρων (amyron), which means "intensely scented" and refers to the resin's strong, aromatic odor.
Aphrah f & m English, English (Puritan)
From the biblical place Aphrah in the Book of Micah, meaning "dust." This name was used by Puritans, but has since become rare.
Aricia f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Roman Mythology, Literature, Theatre
Latinized form of the Greek Άρικία (Arikia), probably derived from Latin aro "to plough". Aricia was a niece of King Aegeus of Athens and became the wife of Virbius - the name by which Hippolytos went after he came back to life as a demigod... [more]
Arikia f Greek Mythology
Original Greek form of Aricia.
Aris m Italian, Spanish
Diminutive of Aristeo.
Arisje f Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Aris 2.
Arlan m English
Variant of Arlen.
Arrow m & f English (Modern)
From the English word arrow, ultimately from the Proto-Indo-European *h₂érkʷo- "bow, arrow".
Asphodel f Literature
From the name of the flower. J. R. R. Tolkien used this name on one of his characters in The Lord of the Rings.
Athos m Greek Mythology, Literature, French, Italian, Greek, Brazilian
Athos was one of the Gigantes, children of Gaia, who hurled a mountain at Zeus. Zeus knocked the mountain to the ground near Macedonia, and it became Mount Athos, or the "Holy Mountain."... [more]
Aviana f Sicilian
Feminine form of Avianus.
Avon f & m English (Modern)
English variant of Afon.
Azuria f English (Modern)
Elaborated form of Azure
Belena f Old Celtic, German, Danish, Celtic Mythology
Latinized feminine form of Belenus. Belena was the wife of the Gaulish solar god Belenus and the goddess of the sun and the beginning summer.
Beocca m Anglo-Saxon, Literature
Possibly derived from Old English beo "bee" and a diminutive suffix, therefore meaning "little bee." It may also be related to the Old English masculine name Becca, from which Beckham is derived... [more]
Bridgett f English
Variant of Bridget.
Brier f & m English
Variant of Briar.
Cady f & m English (Modern, Rare)
While nowadays generally considered a phonetic spelling of Katie or a diminutive of Cadence, Cady was originally derived from a surname which was either a variant of Cade or an Anglicized form of Ó Ceadaigh ("descendant of Céadach"), with Ceadach being a byname derived from Irish ceadach "talkative".... [more]
Calhandra f Portuguese (Brazilian, Modern, Rare)
Portuguese cognate of Alondra, occasionally used in Brazil.
Calixa f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Calix.
Caro f Spanish, English, German
Short form of Caroline or other names that begin with caro, commonly used in Great Britain (England).
Cayenne f & m English (Modern, Rare)
From Old Tupi quiínia meaning "hot pepper," referring to any of several very hot chilli peppers or a powder condiment or spice formed from these varieties.
Celesta f English (Modern), Dutch (Rare)
Latinization of Celeste. In some cases it might also be considered a contracted form of Celestina.
Ceylon m & f English
From the historical name of the British crown colony (present-day Sri Lanka). Ceylon was translated as such into English from Ceilão, the name the Portuguese Empire used for the island, which had been derived from Sanskrit Siṃhaladvīpaḥ... [more]
Citrine f English (Modern, Rare), French
From the English word for a pale yellow variety of quartz that resembles topaz. From Old French citrin, ultimately from Latin citrus, "citron tree". It may also be related to the Yiddish tsitrin, for "lemon tree."... [more]
Clymene f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Κλυμένη (Klymene) meaning "famous" or "infamous" from κλύμενος (klymenos), a derivative of κλυτός (klytos) "famous, noble"... [more]
Connery m & f Irish (Anglicized), English (Modern)
Transferred use of the surname Connery.... [more]
Conomor m Breton Legend, History, Medieval Breton (?)
From a Brythonic name, possibly *Cunomāros, derived from Common Celtic *kwon- "hound" or *kuno- "high" and *māros ‎"great". This was the name of Conomor the Cursed, a 6th-century king of Domnonée (modern-day northern Brittany) notorious for his cruelty, who was ultimately excommunicated at the behest of Saint Samson of Dol... [more]
Constanzia f Romansh (Archaic), Literature, Popular Culture
Variant of Costanza. This name was used as the full name of Michael Corleone's younger sister Connie in the novel The Godfather (1969) by Mario Puzo, as well as the resulting film adaptation (1972).
Courtenay f & m English (Rare)
French place name Courtenay (originally a derivative of the personal name Curtenus, itself derived from Latin curtus "short").... [more]
Cully m & f English (American, Rare), Popular Culture
Transferred use of the surname Cully.... [more]
Cynfawr m Medieval Welsh
Welsh cognate of Conomor.
Dardanella f English (Rare), Popular Culture
From the name of the Dardanelles, one of the straits that separate European Turkey from Asian Turkey. The place name apparently derives from the name of Dardanos, son of Zeus and Electra in Greek myth.... [more]
Debriana f American (Modern, Rare)
A combination of the names Debra and Ana, the fusion possibly influenced by the name Brianna.
Deiphobe f Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology
Feminine form of Deiphobos. In Greek and Roman mythology, Deiphobe was a daughter of the seer Glaukos, an oracle of Apollo at Cumae in Italy, and later became known as the Cumaean Sybil... [more]
Diahann f English (Rare)
Variant of Diane. Notable bearer of this name is the American actress Diahann Carroll (1935-2019), whose birth name was Carol Diann Johnson.
Dowsabel f Medieval English
Medieval English vernacular form of Dulcibella. It was taken from the affectionate French phrase douce et belle meaning "sweet and beautiful".
Ecgwynn f Anglo-Saxon
Means "sword joy" from the Old English elements ecg "edge, blade" and wynn "joy." Ecgwynn was the first wife of Edward the Elder (c. 874 – 17 July 924) and the mother of Æthelstan the Glorious, widely considered the first "King of the English."
Edelweiss f English
The common flower name for Leontopodium alpinum, it's derived from the German elements edel "noble" and weiß "white." The name of the flower is spelled Edelweiß in German; Edelweiss is an Anglicized spelling.
Élaingne f Picard
Picard form of Elaine.
Elaria f English, Medieval English
A medieval English form of Eulalia. ... [more]
Eldric m Medieval English
Medieval form of either of the Old English names Ælfric or Æðelric (see also Elric)... [more]
Ellavieve f English (Rare)
Modern form of Ælfgifu, influenced by the names Ella 1 and Genevieve.
Erigone f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἦρι (eri) meaning "early in the morning, at early morn" and γονή (gone) meaning "birth, offspring". This was the name of two characters in Greek mythology, one being the daughter of Icarius (a prominent Athenian), the other the daughter of Aegisthus and Clytemnestra.
Eriphyle f Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Means "(of a) great nation" in Greek, from the intensive prefix ἐρι- (eri-) "very, much" combined with φυλή (phylê) "race, tribe". In Greek mythology this name was borne by the wife of Amphiaraos and daughter of Lysimache and Talaos, king of Argos.
Esmeree f Arthurian Cycle
Perhaps derived from Old French esmer meaning "to like, love, respect". This was the name of an enchanted queen of Wales in Le Bel Inconnu (ca. 1185-90), an Old French Arthurian poem by Renaut de Bâgé... [more]
Esperance f & m English (Archaic)
From an English word (now obsolete) for "hope." The battle cry of Harry Hotspur was "Esperance en Dieu," or "hope in God," which was the motto for House Percy. The French form, Espérance, is typically found in religious texts (the word espoir is far more common).
Eswin m English (Rare)
Derived from the Old English elements est "grace" and wine "friend." This Old English name was rarely used after the Norman Conquest.
Ethelfled f English (Archaic)
Younger form of Æthelflæd, which fell out of use after the Norman Conquest.
Eunoe f Greek Mythology
From Greek εὔνους (eunous) meaning "well-minded, friendly", which is composed of ευ (eu) "good, well" and νοῦς (nous) "mind" (see also Eunous, Eunoia)... [more]
Evanna f Welsh, Irish, Scottish, English, Italian (Rare), Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Either the feminine form of Evan and a combination of Eva and Anna.... [more]
Exuperia f Late Roman, Spanish
Feminine form of Exuperius.
Exuperius m Late Roman
Variant spelling of Exsuperius, which was derived from the Latin verb exsupero "to (greatly) excel, to (greatly) surpass, to (greatly) surmount". The verb itself is ultimately derived from the Latin elements ex "out of, from within" and supero "to surpass, to surmount, to transcend"... [more]
Exupéry m Occitan
Occitan form of Exuperius.
Exupery m English
English form of Exuperius, possibly derived from the French Exupéry.
Fatine m & f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi variant of Fatin 1 or Fatin 2 (chiefly Moroccan).
Fennore f Irish (Anglicized, Rare, Archaic)
Anglicized form of Fionnúir, a modern shortening of Finnabhair (see Findabhair).
Findabhair f Irish, Irish Mythology
Popularly claimed to be an Irish cognate of Gwenhwyfar (see Guinevere), it may actually mean "fair-browed" from Old Irish find "white, fair" and abair "a brow" (or "eyelash")... [more]
Fionnúir f Irish (Modern)
Usual modern Irish form of Finnabhair (see Findabhair) in which "the b is altogether suppressed, on account of aspiration" (Joyce, 1873)... [more]
Fiurenzu m Corsican (Archaic), Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Florent.
Florius m Late Roman
Roman nomen gentile which was derived from Florus.
Fluellen m Theatre
Anglicized form of Llywelyn used by Shakespeare for a Welsh captain in his history play 'Henry V' (1599).
Forsythia f English (Rare)
From the name of forsythia, any of a genus of shrubs that produce yellow flowers in spring. They were named in honour of the British botanist William Forsyth (1737-1804), whose surname was derived from Gaelic Fearsithe, a personal name meaning literally "man of peace" (cf... [more]
Freyda f Yiddish
Variant of Freyde.
Garrison m English
Transferred use of the surname Garrison. A famous bearer of the surname was American abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison (1805-1879)... [more]
Gaten m Italian (Anglicized)
Anglicized / Americanized form of Gaetano.
Genève f French (Quebec, Rare)
French cognate of Geneva. The name coincides with the place name Genève.
Gomez m Medieval Spanish, Popular Culture
Spanish form of Gomes. This is the name of Gomez Addams, the patriarch of the Addams Family, featured in comics, on TV, and in film.
Greenlee f English, Popular Culture
Transferred use of the surname Greenlee.
Guiana f English (Modern), Medieval French, Occitan, Medieval Occitan, Spanish (Rare), Italian (Rare)
Derived from Guyenne, an occasional Occitan corruption of Aquitaine. Guiana is also sometimes a spelling for the country of Guyana in South America.
Gwenlian f English (Rare), Welsh (Rare)
Anglicized form as well as a Welsh variant of Gwenllian.
Harlequin m & f Popular Culture, English (Modern)
Refers to the comedic servant character of Italian Commedia dell'arte. It is derived (via Old French) from Old English Herla, a character often identified with Woden.... [more]
Hefzibah f Hebrew
Modern variant of Hephzibah
Imlac m Literature
Transferred use of the surname Imlac, derived from the Old Gaelic imeallach or imleach, meaning "marginal land" or "marshy shore-land."... [more]
Isalia f Spanish (Mexican), Spanish (Latin American), French (Modern, Rare), Flemish (Archaic)
Spanish diminutive of Isabel and French and Flemish variant of Isalie.
Isamar f Spanish, Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Short form of Isabel María and Isabel Maria. (Also see Isa 2, Mar, Marisa.) This name briefly spiked in popularity for American girls in 1990 after it was used for the character Isamar Medina on the Venezuelan telenovela La revancha (1989).
Isley f & m English (Modern)
Transferred use of the surname Isley. This name is pronounced identically to Eisele, which was used by American country singer Hillary Scott of Lady Antebellum for her daughter born 2013.
Jaelle f Romani, English (American, Modern, Rare)
Romani form of the Biblical name Jael.
Jolaine f English
Either a variant of Jolene, or a combination Jo and Elaine. It could also be derived from the French name Marjolaine.
Jubilee f English (Modern), Popular Culture
From the English word jubilee meaning "season of rejoicing", which is derived from Hebrew יוֹבֵל (yovel) "ram, ram's horn; a jubilee year: a year of rest, prescribed by the Jewish Bible to occur each fiftieth year, after seven cycles of seven years; a period of celebration or rejoicing" (via Late Latin iubilaeus and Greek ἰώβηλος (iobelos))... [more]
Kaatje f Dutch
Dutch diminutive of Katherine.
Karenna f English (Rare)
Elaboration of Karen 1. It may be influenced by Corinna, or by karenna, one of the Iroquois names for spiritual energy inherent in people and their environment.
Kesang f Bhutanese
Means "fabulous period of time" or "great eon." Has Tibetan origins.
Laelle f English (Rare)
Strictly feminine form of Lael
Larkspur f & m American (Modern, Rare)
From the English word for the flowering plant with many purplish-blue flowers, which is so called (1578) from its resemblance to the lark's large hind claws. Other names for it are lark's heel (Shakespeare), lark's claw and knight's spur... [more]
Larue f English (Rare)
Possibly a combination of the popular prefix La with the name Rue. It also coincides with the French phrase la rue meaning "the street". In America, Larue was used to some extent from the end of the 19th century until the end of World War II.
Lateef m Arabic
Variant transcription of Latif.
Laurana f Literature
Perhaps an elaboration of Laura. Laurana is one of the main characters in the "Dragonlance" book series by Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman.
Leliana f Popular Culture
Possibly based on the Italian name Lelia, in turn modeling itself on the elaboration Liliana. In the award-winning video game franchise "Dragon Age," the character Leliana is a respected, and feared, spymaster who aids the protagonist(s).
Leyland m English
Transferred use of the surname Leyland. See also Leland.
Lianna f English
Variant of Liana or Leanna.
Liatris f English (Rare)
Variant of Leatrice. In some cases it may also be an adoption of the name of genus of flowering plants commonly known as gayfeather.
Linaria f English (Rare)
From the flower linaria, whose name is derived from a Latin phrase meaning, "resembling flax" (why the flower is also called "toadflax" in English).
Linor f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Li 2 and Nor. A known bearer of this name is Israeli beauty queen, lawyer and activist Linor Abargil (1980-), who won the Miss World beauty pageant in 1998.
Lisse f Dutch (Rare), Danish (Rare), English (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Literature
It is used in the science fiction novel Invitation to the Game as the name of the main character. It is also the name of a fine gauze fabric.
Lizandra f English (Rare)
A combination of Elizabeth and Alexandra. It may also be based on Lysandra.
Lucidius m Late Roman
Variant form of Lucidus. This name was borne by saint Lucidius of Verona, whose feast day is on April 26th.
Lucresse f Medieval French, French (Rare), French (African, Rare), English (Rare, Archaic)
Middle French form of Lucretia, still occasionally found in French-speaking Africa.
Ludivina f Spanish (Rare), Romansh
Spanish and Romansh form of Liduina (compare Ludivine).
Lumina f English (Archaic)
Derived from Latin lumina "lights", ultimately from Latin lumen "light". In the English-speaking world, this name was first recorded in the 1800s.
Lynessa f English (Modern)
Elaboration of Lynn, using the popular feminine suffix -essa.
Maev f Irish (Rare)
Variant of Maeve.
Magdala f Haitian Creole, Portuguese (Brazilian), African American, Spanish (Caribbean)
Either a short form of Magdalena or from the biblical village that Mary Magdalene was from, which means "tower" in Hebrew.... [more]
Marcillinu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Marcellino.
Mariabel f Spanish (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Contraction of María and Isabel which retains the full version of Maria (unlike Maribel).
Mata f History
The stage name of Mata Hari (1876-1917), a Dutch exotic dancer executed for alleged espionage during World War I, was taken from the Malay word matahari "sun", literally "eye of the day" (being a compound of mata "eye" and hari "day").
Mehetable f English
Variant of Mehetabel more common in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Melisandra f English (Rare), Spanish (Mexican, Rare)
Combination of Melisa and Sandra, possibly influenced by names such as Mélisande and Lisandra.
Melisandre f Literature, Popular Culture
The name of a witch, known as the Red Priestess, in George R. R. Martin's book series "A Song of Ice and Fire." He likely based her name off the French name Mélisande.
Merlette f English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Merlette.
Merula m Ancient Roman
Roman cognomen derived from Latin merula "blackbird".
Minelauva f Astronomy
Traditional name in the middle ages for the star Delta Virginis in the constellation Virgo. It derives from the Arabic من العواء or min al-ʽawwāʼ, meaning "in the lunar mansion of ʽawwaʼ" (see Auva).
Monisha f Romani
Derived from Romani monisha, meaning "woman".
Monisha f Indian
It is a Hindi name, typically used in South India, meaning "intelligent woman". In Sanskrit, however, Monisha is said to mean "beautiful" and "solitary".... [more]
Morgause f Arthurian Cycle
The name of a witch in Arthurian romance. Morgause, Queen of the Orkneys, is Arthur's half-sister with whom, in Thomas Malory's 15th-century compilation 'Le Morte d'Arthur', he engages in a brief affair, producing Mordred... [more]
Morien m Scottish, Arthurian Cycle
Meaning unknown. In Arthurian Romance, Morien was the son of Sir Aglovale and a Moorish princess.
Muffin f English (Rare)
Diminutive of Margaret or Mary, possibly an elaborated form of Muffy. It may also be given in relation to the baked goods called muffins.
Muffy f English
Diminutive of Margaret and Mary.
Nandi f Zulu
Means "sweet" in Zulu. This was the name of the mother of Shaka, famed warrior king of the Zulus in colonial South Africa (though her grave is marked Nindi).
Neomi f Hebrew
Variant of Naomi 1.
Neroli f English (Australian)
From the name of an essential oil distilled from orange blossom, which was derived from the Italian place name Nerola, itself probably meaning "strong" or "brave" from Sabine nero (compare Nero)... [more]
Nineveh f & m Biblical, English (Rare)
Named after the ancient city in Assyria, which is said to derive from Latin Ninive and Septuagint Greek Nineyḗ (Νινευή) under influence of Biblical Hebrew Nīnewēh (נִינְוֶה)... [more]
Nouveau f & m English (Rare)
Means "new" in French. This is not used as a given name in France.
Nouvelle f English
Feminine form of Nouveau. This is not used as a name in France itself.
Oceana f English (Rare), Brazilian (Rare, ?), German (Rare, ?)
Feminine form of Oceanus. As an English name, this was coined in the early 19th century.
Orinoco m & f English, Spanish (Latin American), American (Hispanic), English (Modern)
The name of one of the longest rivers in South America. Irish musician Enya used the name of the river in her song 1988 song "Orinoco Flow," which many people know as "Sail Away." A famous bearer is male swimmer from New Zealand Orinoco Faamausili-Banse-Prince.
Osferth m Anglo-Saxon, Popular Culture
Derived from Old English os "god" and either friþ "peace" or ferhð "soul, spirit, mind, life"... [more]
Pasiphaë f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek πασιφαής (pasiphaēs) meaning "shining on all", which is ultimately derived from Greek πᾶς (pas) meaning "all, for all, of all" combined with Greek φάος (phaos) meaning "light" (related to Greek φῶς (phos) "light")... [more]
Peridot f & m English (Rare)
Taken from the name of the gemstone, whose name is of uncertain origin and meaning. A current theory, however, derives it from Anglo-Norman pedoretés, ultimately from Greek paiderôs (via Latin paederos): pais "child" and erôs "love".... [more]
Pierantonio m Italian
Combination of Pier and Antonio.
Poinsettia f English (Rare)
From the flower Euphorbia pulcherrima, which was named for an American Minister to Mexico, Joel Roberts Poinsett, who discovered the flower in 1828.
Pomeroy m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Pomeroy.
Purva f Indian
Variant of Apurva
Quintessa f African American (Rare)
Variant of Quintella inspired by the word quintessence, meaning "the fifth element", "aether". According to Medieval science, the quintessence was the material that filled the region of the universe beyond the terrestrial sphere... [more]
Ramira f Spanish
Feminine form of Ramiro.
Rance m American
Transferred use of the surname Rance.
Reeve m American (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Reeve.
Rema f Italian (Rare), English (Modern)
Italian feminine form of Remo.
Renfri f Popular Culture
Taken from the surname Renfrew.... [more]
Rissa f English
Diminutive of Clarissa, Marissa, and other names ending in -rissa.
Roan m English
Variant of Rowan.
Ronette f English (Rare), Popular Culture
Diminutive of Veronica, which experienced some popularity in the United States in the wake of the 60s girl group The Ronettes. The lead singer of the band's name at birth was Veronica Bennett.... [more]
Rosamunde f German, English (Rare)
German form of Rosamund, and also an English variant.
Sagitta f Ancient Roman, Astronomy, Swedish (Rare)
Means "arrow" in Latin. ... [more]
Sarafina f Swahili
Apparently means "bright star" in Swahili. The name might be best known from the South African musical "Sarafina!" Also, the name is often easily confused with the Hebrew name Seraphina, but despite looking similar in appearance, both names clearly have completely different etymologies.
Septime m & f Louisiana Creole, French (Archaic)
French form of Septimus and Septimius, as well as the French feminine form of Septima.... [more]
Sessile f English
English cognate of Cécile, influenced by the botanical term sessile, meaning "a leaf issuing directly from the stem of the plant, rather than by a petiole."
Sessily f English (Modern)
Variant of Cecily, influenced by the botanical term sessile, meaning "a leaf issuing directly from the stem of the plant, rather than by a petiole."
Sethe f Literature
Created by Toni Morrison for her Pulitzer prize-winning novel "Beloved." Sethe is the mother of the title character, whom she murders out of an extreme act of love: she would rather kill her child than give it up to the hands of slavery.... [more]
Shaia f Hebrew, English (Modern), Arabic
A modern English feminine variant of the Hebrew masculine name Shai.
Shalamar f & m English (Rare), Filipino (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Arabic / Urdu شالامار باغ (see Shalimar). Though the name began to be used (in very small numbers) in America in the 1950s and 1960s, it gained some recognition there in 1980 following the release of the song "Three for Love" by the R&B group of the same name.
Shalimar f American (Modern, Rare)
From the name of the Shalamar Gardens near what is now Lahore, Pakistan, which were created in the mid-17th century by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan (who also built the Taj Mahal)... [more]
Sheelin f English (British, Modern, Rare)
From the name of a lake in County Westmeath, Ireland, which derives from Irish Síodh Linn "fairy pool".
Sherine f Arabic (Egyptian)
Variant transcription of Shirin. It is used by Egyptian singer Sherine Ahmad Abdel Wahab.
Sirena f English (Rare)
Derived from Spanish sirena "mermaid". The Spanish dramatist Jacinto Benavente used this name in his play 'Los intereses creados' (1907), where it belongs to a poor widow and matchmaker called Doña Sirena.
Skylark f English (Modern, Rare)
From the English word for the type of songbird, i.e., the common European lark (Alauda arvensis; which is "famed for its melodious song"). Use of the name is probably inspired by the similar name Skylar; it could also be viewed as a combination of Sky and Lark.... [more]
Snejana f Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
French transcription of Snezhana.
Sonnet f & m English (Modern, Rare)
Diminutive of Italian sonetto - song, sound; little song. Also the term for a short lyric poem, usually with eight line stanzas, followed by six line ... [more]
Sorsha f Popular Culture
The name of a character in Ron Howard's movie "Willow" (1988). In it, she is a princess, the daughter of the evil Queen Bavmorda. She ends up betraying her mother to serve the cause of good. George Lucas, who wrote the story for the movie, may have based Sorsha's name on either Sorcha or Saoirse.
Stãca f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Konstancja.
Syeira f Romani
Means "princess" in Romani, possibly a cognate of Sarah.
Talullah f English (Rare)
Variant of Tallulah, influenced by the similar Irish name Talulla.
Taralyn f English (Modern, Rare), Popular Culture
An elaboration of Tara 1 using the popular name suffix lyn. Taralyn was a minor character on the TV show "Legend of the Seeker."
Teegan f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Teagan.
Tempestt f English
Variant of Tempest. A famous bearer is the actress Tempestt Bledsoe, who played Vanessa Huxtable on 'The Cosby Show.'
Ter f & m English
Diminutive of Theresa, Terri, and sometimes Terence.
Terhenetär f Finnish Mythology
A character in the Finnish epic the 'Kalevala,' who was a forest sprite. The name itself means "mist." The short (and common) form of this name is Terhi.
Teslin f English (Canadian, Rare), English (American, Rare)
From the name of the mountain, plateau, river, and lake in Yukon and British Columbia, Canada. It comes from the Tlingit name for the river, Teslintoo or Teslintuh, meaning "long, deep water."
Thedra f English (American, Rare)
Contracted form of Theodora or a shortened form of Cathedra.
Vada f English, Popular Culture
Meaning unknown. Possibly a variant of Veda or Valda or short form of Nevada.... [more]
Vardiel f Hebrew
Means "rose of God" in Hebrew.
Veejay m Indian
Variant transcription of Vijay.
Veneta f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Venets.
Verdia f Italian
Shortened form of Verdiana
Wihtgar m Anglo-Saxon
From the Old English elements wiht meaning "living being, creature, person" and gar "spear". This was the name of an 11th-century East Anglian thegn (whose paternal grandfather was also named Wihtgar)... [more]
Wilbraham m English (British, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Wilbraham.
Wrenna f American (Rare)
Elaborated form of Wren. It coincides with Old English wrenna meaning "(male) wren".
Wulfhere m Anglo-Saxon
Old English name meaning "wolf army," from the elements wulf "wolf" and here "army."
Wyndham m English
Transferred use of the surname Wyndham.
Xanadu f English (Modern), Literature
Anglicized form of Shangdu (meaning "Upper Capital"), the summer capital of Kublai, the fifth Great Khan of the Mongol Empire. The city, famously visited by Marco Polo in 1275, came into Western popular culture in the early 19th century via the Samuel Taylor Coleridge poem "Kubla Khan."
Xystus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Ξυστος (Xystos), which meant "scraped (smooth), polished" (from xyein "to scrape"). This was the birth name of the pope Saint Sixtus I. It was also borne by a Kemetian martyr saint.
Yennefer f Popular Culture
In the fantasy series The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski (and the TV series adaptation), Yennefer is a powerful mage who, embittered by a cutthroat and ungracious society, leaves the Brotherhood of Northern Mages and goes rogue... [more]
Ygraine f Arthurian Cycle
Variant of Igraine. This name was used in the BBC television series 'Merlin' (2008-2012).
Yvelin m French (Rare), Judeo-Anglo-Norman
French diminutive of Yves and Judeo-Anglo-Norman diminutive of Yvo.
Zadoc m Biblical
Variant of Zadok
Zaylie f English (Modern)
Variant of Zaylee. It could also be understood as an anglicized form of Zélie.
Zennia f Italian
Italian form of Xenia.
Zephyrina f English (Rare)
Feminine elaboration of Zephyr.
Zephyrine f English (Rare)
Anglicized form of Zéphyrine.
Zooey f & m English (Modern), Literature
Variant of Zoey or diminutive of Zachary.