Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which an editor of the name is SeaHorse15.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aabla f Arabic (Rare)
Variant transcription of 'Abla.
Aaima f Urdu, Pakistani, Arabic
Means "make a gesture" in Arabic.
Aaju m & f Greenlandic
From a childish pronunciation of the Greenlandic word angaju "older sibling of the same sex" (see Angaju).
Aajunnguaq m & f Greenlandic
Means "dear older sibling" in Greenlandic, from a combination of Aaju and the diminutive suffix nnguaq "sweet, dear, little".
Aaliit f Greenlandic
Greenlandic form of Alice.
Aalik m Greenlandic
East Greenlandic name of uncertain meaning, perhaps partly derived from the Greenlandic suffix -lik meaning "equipped with" (which indicates that the first element is amuletic or a form of helper spirit).
Aalipa m Greenlandic
Short form of Aaliparti, a Greenlandic form of Albert.
Aaliparti m Greenlandic
Greenlandic form of Albert.
Aalish f Manx
Manx form of Alice.
Aamannguaq f & m Greenlandic
Derived from Greenlandic aama "glow, glowing coal" (cf. Aamaq) combined with the diminutive suffix nnguaq meaning "sweet, dear, little".
Aamaq f Greenlandic
Means "ember, glowing coal" in Greenlandic.
Aanasi m Greenlandic
Variant of Aanarsi; a Greenlandic form of Anders.
Aanasiina f Greenlandic
Said to be a Greenlandic form of Hansina or Hansigne; compare Hansiina... [more]
Aanissi f Greenlandic
Greenlandic form of Agnes.
Aappalittuatsiaq m & f Greenlandic
Means "the beautifully red one" in Greenlandic, originally a byname.
Aaradhya f Indian
Variant of Aradhya. This name was used by Indian actress Aishwarya Rai for her daughter born 2011.
Aarona f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Aaron.
Aathira f Tamil, Malayalam (?)
Said to be a Tamil name meaning "star", "prayer", "light", "lightning" or "quick".
Aatxe m Basque Mythology, Popular Culture
Means "calf" or more specifically, "young bull" in Basque. In Basque mythology, Aatxe is either the androgynous deity Mari 3 embodied as a young cow or bull, or a lesser shapeshifting spirit that takes the form of a bull and occasionally a human; the latter emerges at night, especially in stormy weather, from his cave dwelling in the Basque mountains.
Abaangui m New World Mythology
The name of a god from Guaraní mythology credited with creating the moon.
Abadir m Near Eastern Mythology, Coptic (Bohairic), Coptic (Sahidic), Arabic (Archaic), Ethiopian, Somali (Archaic)
Means "mighty father". This was a Phoenician name for the highest deity. It was borne by a legendary Coptic saint who was martyred with his sister Irais (or Iraja, Herais, Rhais).
Abaeus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ἀβαῖος (Abaios) meaning "of Abai", an epithet of the Greek god Apollo, given because the ancient town of Ἄβαι (Abai) (see Abae) in Phocis was the site of an oracle of the god and of a temple dedicated to him.
Abalam m Popular Culture, Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
Meaning unknown. In demonology, Abalam is a king of Jinnestan and one of the assistants of Paimon. This demon was featured in the 2010 film 'The Last Exorcism'.
Abarbaree f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἀβάρβαρος (abarbaros), ἀβόρβορος (aborboros) meaning "without filth", itself from α (a), a negative prefix, and βόρβορος (borboros) meaning "mud, mire, filth"... [more]
Abarhilda f Old Frisian (?)
This name is mentioned in the Vita Lebuini antiqua as belonging to a widow in Frisia, who hosted Saint Lebuinus and his companion Marchelmus.
Abaris m Greek Mythology
Meaning unknown. In Greek mythology Abaris was a sage, healer and priest of Apollo who came to the Athenians as envoy from the Hyperboreans when famine was affecting Greece.
Abastenia f English (Canadian, Rare), French (Huguenot, ?)
Borne by the American sculptor, social activist and suffragist Abastenia St. Leger Eberle (1878-1942), who was the daughter of Canadian parents.
Abatur m Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend, Near Eastern Mythology, Arabic (Archaic)
Means literally, "father of the Uthre" in Mandaean, which translates roughly to "father of the angels," derived from aba "father" combined with uthra ('utria) "angel". In the Mandaean Gnostic cosmology, Abatur is "the third of four emanations from the supreme, unknowable deity", and the father of Ptahil, the Mandaean demiurge.
Abba f Afro-American (Slavery-era)
Short form of Abena. This was used by early slaves in the American south.
Abba f Medieval French
Feminine form of Abbo.
Abbad m Arabic
Abbad is an Arabic name that is named after a companion of the Muslim prophet Muhammad.
Abbatissa f Medieval English (Latinized, Rare)
From Latin abbatissa meaning "abbess". While this was more usually found as a title, there are a handful of English occurrences of it used as a given name. Also compare the Old English masculine name Abbud.
Abbo m Germanic, Medieval Dutch, Medieval German, Medieval French, Frisian, Finnish
Either from Proto-Germanic *abô meaning "husband, man", or a diminutive of Alberich and other names beginning with Old High German alb "elf", as well as a Frisian diminutive of Old High German names beginning with the element adal "noble" and a second element beginning with b (compare Abe 2)... [more]
Abbramu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Abraham.
Abbud m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Old English abbud meaning "abbot".
Abdeel m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Variant of Abdiel. In the Bible, this is the father of Shelemiah.
Abdel m Spanish, Arabic
Spanish form of Abdeel.
Abdelali m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد العالي (see Abd al-Ali) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abderus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Abderos. In Greek mythology he was a divine hero, most known for helping Herakles capture the four savage mares of Diomedes, only to be devoured by them.
Abdiesus m History (Ecclesiastical)
Means "servant of Jesus" from Arabic عبد ('abd) meaning "servant" combined with Iesus. This was the name of multiple Persian saints.
Abdon m Biblical Hebrew, Hungarian, Catalan (Rare), French
Means "servant" in Hebrew. This is the name of four characters in the Old Testament including one of the ruling judges of the Israelites.
Abellio m Celtic Mythology, Greek Mythology
Some scholars have postulated that Abellio is the same name as Apollo, who in Crete and elsewhere was called Abelios (Greek Αβέλιος), and by the Italians and some Dorians Apello, and that the deity is the same as the Gallic Apollo mentioned by Caesar, and also the same as the Belis or Belenus mentioned by Tertullian and Herodian.... [more]
Abenchara f Spanish (Canarian, Rare)
Of Guanche origin, possibly from *abănăšar(a) meaning "great tear" or "great separation". This was the name of the wife of Tenesor, the last guanarteme or king of Gáldar on the island of Gran Canaria, during the European conquest of the Canary Islands in the late 15th century... [more]
Aberah f Hebrew
Variant transcription of Abira.
Aberkios m Ancient Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Of unknown origin and meaning. This name was borne by a 2nd-century saint of Phrygia in Asia Minor, a bishop and wonderworker of Hieropolis who is the subject (and probable author) of an early Christian inscription.
Aberthol m Arthurian Cycle (Modern), Popular Culture
Means "sacrificial" in Welsh, from aberth "sacrifice". This was the name of an evil druid in the movie 'Arthur and Merlin' (2015).
Aberycusgentylis m Obscure
Aberycusgentylis Balthropp, baptized 25 January 1648 in Iver, Buckinghamshire, England, was named in honour of the Italian-born Oxford professor and jurist Alberico Gentili (1552-1608) via the Latinized form of his name: Albericus Gentilis.
Abhorson m Theatre
From the English word abhor "to regard with horror or detestation". It is the name of the executioner in William Shakespeare's 'Measure for Measure' (written in 1603 or 1604; first published in 1623).
Abiezer m Biblical
Means "my father is help" in Hebrew. It belonged to three men in the Old Testament–the second son of Hammoleketh, a warrior in King David's army, and the prince of the tribe of Dan.
Abigaille f Italian (Rare), Theatre
Italian form of Abigail, used for a character in Verdi's opera 'Nabucco' (1842).
Abigajil f Swedish (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare), Danish (Rare), Biblical Norwegian, Biblical German
Variant of Abigail used in the Norwegian translation of the Bible.
Abigor m Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
In Christian demonology, this was an upper demon ("great duke") of hell. Allegedly Abigor (also known as Eligor and Eligos) was the demon of war, in command of 60 legions, portrayed riding a winged or skeletal steed... [more]
Abiha f Pakistani
Means "her father" in Arabic, from the kunya (nickname or byname) of Fatimah bint Muhammad أمّ أبیها (Umm Abiha), literally "the mother of her father"... [more]
Abihail m & f Biblical Hebrew
Means "my father is might" or "my father is strength" in Hebrew, from אָבִי‎ ('avi) "my father" and חיל (khayil), which is related to the word חייל (khayal) "soldier"... [more]
Abileyza f Popular Culture, Spanish (Rare, ?)
The name of a character (played by actress Geraldine Chaplin) in the 2011 movie There Be Dragons, a period drama set during the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s.
Abinadab m Biblical
Means "my father is generous" in Hebrew, derived from the noun אָב ('av) meaning "father" and the verb נָדַב (nadav) "to give willingly" (by implication "to be noble"; also compare Nadab)... [more]
Abir m Hebrew
Means "strong, mighty" in Hebrew (compare Adir), derived from the root of אבר (ʿabar) "to strive upward, mount, soar, fly" (allegedly the name also means "aroma"; cf... [more]
Abira f Hebrew
Feminine form of Abir.
Abisha m English (American, Archaic)
Variant of Abishai. This was borne by Abisha Woodward (1752-1809), an early American lighthouse builder.
Abney f & m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Abney.
Abnoba f Celtic Mythology
The name of an obscure Gaulish goddess, thought to be connected to Celtic abona "river" (source of Avon). The second element may be derived from either Proto-Indo-European nogʷo-, meaning "naked, nude" or "tree", or the verbal root *nebh- "burst out, be damp".
Abora m Guanche Mythology
From a Guanche name for the star Canopus, which was derived from Guanche *ăbōra "seed (of a plant)", literally "coarse-grained sorghum" (sorghum being a tall cereal grass). This was the name of the supreme god of the heavens in the mythology of the Guanche (Berber) people native to La Palma, one of the Canary Islands.
Abra f Ewe
Means "Tuesday-born girl" in Ewe.
Abra f History, Literature
Possibly a feminine form of Abraham. It coincides with a Latin word meaning "maid". A known bearer was Saint Abra of Poitiers, a Gallo-Roman nun of the 4th century.
Abramka f Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish feminine form of Abraham.
Abraxas m Egyptian Mythology, Gnosticism, Popular Culture
From a word thought to have originated with the Gnostics or the Egyptians, found on many amulets during the last years of the Roman Empire. Abraxas was used by the Basilideans, a Gnostic sect of the 2nd century, to refer to the Supreme Being or god whom they worshipped; they believed it to be a name of power because it contained the seven Greek letters which, computed numerically, equal the number 365 (the number of days in the year)... [more]
Abraxis m Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
Variant of Abraxas. An angel mentioned in the Gnostic tradition that appears later on Jewish amulets and in Medieval Jewish angelologies.
Abraxos m Literature
Possibly a variant of Abraxas. This was used by American author Sarah J. Maas for a character (a wyvern) in her Throne of Glass series of high fantasy novels (2014-2018).
Abricotine f Folklore
Means "apricot-plum" in French. This is the name of a character in Madame d'Aulnoy's fairy tale "The Imp Prince" (1697). Abricotine is a fairy who is the beloved of the protagonist, Léandre.
Abuk f African Mythology, Dinka
In Dinka mythology (south Sudan), the first woman. She is the patron goddess of women and gardens. Her emblem is a little snake. She is the mother of Deng (Danka).
Abundancia f Roman Mythology (Hispanicized)
Spanish form of Abundantia. This is also the Spanish word for "abundance".
Abundantia f Roman Mythology, Late Roman, Italian
Feminine form of Abundantius. She was the Roman personification of abundance, prosperity and good fortune, portrayed as distributing grain and money from a cornucopia... [more]
Acacallis f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
This was a word for the narcissus flower used in Crete. It is said to mean "unwalled" in Greek, possibly from the Greek negative prefix α (a) with an element related to ἀκή (ake) "point, edge"... [more]
Academus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ἀκάδημος (Akademos), which apparently meant "of a silent district". This was the name of a legendary Athenian hero of the Trojan War tales, whose estate (six stadia from Athens) was the enclosure where Plato taught his school... [more]
Acadia f American (Rare), Spanish (Mexican, Rare)
From the name of a colony in New France in North America, derived from Arcadia and coinciding with Mi'kmaq suffix -akadie, meaning "place of abundance"... [more]
Acamas m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Akamas. This was the name of several characters in Greek mythology, one of whom was the son of Theseus and Phaedra... [more]
Acan m Mayan Mythology
Means "groan". This is the name of the Mayan God of wine and celebration.
Acanthis f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Literature
Latinized form of Greek Ἀκανθίς (Akanthis), which was the name of a type of finch, known as thistle finch in English, literally meaning "prickly" from Greek ἄκανθα (akantha) "thorn, prickle, thistle" (compare Acantha, Acanthus)... [more]
Acanthus m Greek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Άκανθος (Akanthos), which is derived from Greek ακανθος (akanthos), the name of a plant with large spiny leaves. The plant ultimately derives its name from Greek ακη (ake) "thorn, point" and Greek ανθος (anthos) "flower, blossom"... [more]
Acario m Italian (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical, Italianized), Theatre, Spanish (Rare, Archaic)
Italian and Spanish form of Acharius. The 7th-century Frankish saint Acharius, bishop of Noyon-Tournai, is known as Acario in Italian and Spanish. This was used by Gigio Artemio Giancarli for a character in his play La Zingana (1545)... [more]
Acarius m Frankish (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Variant of Acharius. Saint Acarius (died 14 March 642) was bishop of Doornik and Noyon, which today are located on either side of the Franco-Belgian border... [more]
Acca f Roman Mythology
In Roman legend this was another name of Larentia, the foster mother of the twins Romulus and Remus, and wife of the shepherd Faustulus... [more]
Accalia f Roman Mythology (?), English (Rare)
According to questionable sources, such as baby name books and websites, this was another name for Acca, the human foster-mother of Romulus and Remus in Roman legend, also known as Acca Larentia (see Acca)... [more]
Accius m Ancient Roman
Roman nomen perhaps meaning "a call, summons" or "of Acca". A notable bearer was the tragic poet Lucius Accius.
Accolon m Arthurian Cycle
Of uncertain origin, perhaps a derivative of the Gaulish name Acco (itself from Gaulish *acu- meaning "fast, swift, quick"). Sir Accolon, also spelled Accalon, is a character in Arthurian legends, possibly first appearing in the Post-Vulgate Suite du Merlin (c.1230-40)... [more]
Acelin m Medieval French
Double diminutive of Asce.
Acepsimas m History (Ecclesiastical, Latinized)
Latinized form of Akepsimas. Saint Acepsimas was a 4th-century bishop of Hnaita in western Persia who was martyred in 376.
Aceso f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
From the Greek Ἀκεσώ (Akeso), derived from ἄκεσις (akesis) meaning "healing, curing". She was the Greek goddess of healing (wounds) and curing (illness); unlike her sister Panakeia (Panacea), Aceso personified the process of a curing rather than the cure itself.
Acestes m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Akestes. In Greek mythology, this was the name of a hero of Trojan origin, who founded Segesta on Sicily. In a trial of skill, Acestes shot his arrow with such force that it caught fire... [more]
Acfred m Frankish
Variant of Acfrid. This name was borne by four noblemen from West Francia in the 8th and 9th centuries: Acfred I of Carcassonne; Acfred, Duke of Aquitaine; Acfred, Count of Toulouse; and Acfred II of Carcassonne.
Acfrid m Frankish
Derived from Proto-Germanic *agjō meaning "blade" combined with Old High German fridu or Old Saxon frithu meaning "peace".
Acfrida f Medieval French
Feminine form of Acfrid.
Achaia f Greek Mythology, English (Rare)
Of uncertain etymology, possibly derived from Greek ἄχος (achos) meaning "grief, pain, distress" (also see Achaios, Achilles)... [more]
Achan f Dinka
Means "female child in the first pair of twins" in Dinka.
Acharius m History (Ecclesiastical), Germanic (Latinized)
Latinized form of a Germanic name which was derived from Proto-Germanic *agjō "blade" and Old High German heri "host, army"... [more]
Achaz m Biblical Greek
Greek form of Ahaz used in the New Testament.
Acheflow f Arthurian Cycle
Variant of Acheflour, which is probably a corruption of Blancheflour (see Blanchefleur) meaning "white flower" in Old French. In the Middle English romance 'Sir Perceval of Galles', Acheflour was the sister of King Arthur and mother of Perceval.
Achelois f Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Acheloios. In Greek myth this was the name of a minor moon goddess as well as a general name for water nymphs and an epithet of the Sirens (as the daughters of Achelous).
Achena f Obscure
This has been explained as a Greek name meaning "Achaean, of Achaea" (also compare Achaeus)... [more]
Achere m Medieval French
Middle French form of a Germanic name that was Latinized as Acharius.
Achilli m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Achille.
Achsa f Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek, English (American, Archaic)
Variant of Achsah used in some versions of the Old Testament, including the Vulgate and the Douay-Rheims Bibles. It was borne by American spiritualist Achsa W. Sprague (1827-1862), a popular trance medium lecturer in the 1850s.
Achsia f English (American, Archaic)
Possibly an elaboration of Achsah.
Acindynus m Late Greek (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized form of Akindynos. St. Acyndinus was a Persian Christian and ordained priest. He was arrested and slain for the faith during the reign of King Shapur II.
Acledulf m Medieval French
Variant of Aclulf or Agilulf, using an extended form of the first element (Old French agil "blade", and then retaining the -d from its use in other compound names such as Agledeus and Agledrudis).
Aclehard m Medieval French
Variant of Agilhard. Also see Egilhard and Achard.
Aclehilde f Frankish, Medieval French
Derived from Old French agil, a lengthened form of Proto-Germanic *agjō meaning "blade", and Old High German hilt meaning "battle".
Acletrude f Medieval French, Frankish
Derived from Old French agil, a lengthened form of Proto-Germanic *agjō meaning "blade", combined with Proto-Germanic *þrūþiz "strength" or Proto-Germanic *trut "maiden".
Aclewalda f Germanic, Medieval French, Frankish (?)
Derived from Old French agil, a lengthened form of Proto-Germanic *agjō meaning "blade", combined with Old Saxon wald or Old High German walt meaning "power, authority".
Acoetes m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ἀκοίτης (Akoites) meaning "bedfellow, husband". This was the name of several characters in Greek mythology, including the helmsman of a ship that landed on the island of Naxos, where some of the sailors found a beautiful sleeping boy and brought him on board with them... [more]
Acoran m Guanche Mythology
From Guanche aqqoran, derived from *āhɣuran "God", literally "the Celestial", from *ahɣur "firmament, vault of heaven, sky". This was the name of the supreme god in the mythology of the Guanches indigenous to Gran Canaria, one of the Canary Islands.
Acquanetta f African American (Rare)
This name was brought to some public attention by the American actress Acquanetta (1921-2004), born Mildred Davenport. Though she claimed her stage name meant "laughing water" or "deep water" in Arapaho, it appears to be an invented name, possibly an elaboration of Italian acqua "water" using Netta 1.
Acraea f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ἀκραία (Akraia), an epithet of numerous goddesses whose temples were situated on hills or mountains, including Athena and Hera, which meant "of the heights" or "dwelling on the heights"... [more]
Acratopotes m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ἀκρατοπότης (Akratopotês) meaning "drinker of unmixed wine", derived from ἄκρατος (akratos) "unmixed, undiluted, pure", a word used of liquids and effectively meaning "wine without water", and πότης (potês) "drinker"... [more]
Acris m Medieval English
Middle English vernacular form of Zacharias.
Acrisius m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ἀκρίσιος (Akrisios), which is possibly derived from Greek ἀκρίς (akris) meaning "locust". In Greek mythology, Acrisius was a king of Argos who enclosed his daughter Danaë in an impenetrable bronze tower (or a deep underground cave)... [more]
Actaea f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aktaie and Aktaia, both of which derive from Greek ἁκτή (akte) "headland, sea-coast, shore" (compare the masculine equivalent Aktaios and its latinized form Actaeus)... [more]
Actard m Medieval French
Derived from Old High German ahta meaning "attention, reflection" combined with Old Saxon hard or Old High German hart meaning "strong, hard".
Acton m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Acton.
Acts-Apostles m English (Puritan)
From Acts of the Apostles, the title of the fifth book of the New Testament. A man named Acts-Apostles Pegden (1795-1865), nicknamed 'Actsy', had four older brothers named Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Aculia f Gaulish
Derived from Gaulish *acu- "quick, fast".
Acusilaus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ἀκουσίλαος (Akousilaos), derived from ἀκούω (akouô) meaning "to hear, to listen to" and λαός (laos) meaning "people"... [more]
Acwulf m Anglo-Saxon
From the Old English elements ac "oak" and wulf "wolf".
Adakole m & f Idoma
Idoma name meaning "father of the house", "head of family", or "head of the home". This name is usually given to the firstborn male or female child in Idoma households.
Adalald m Medieval German, Old High German (?), Old Saxon (?)
Germanic name, in which the first element is adal "noble". The second element may be derived from either Old Saxon wald, Old High German walt meaning "power, authority" (making it a variant of Adalwald) or Old Saxon and Old Frisian ald, Old High German alt meaning "old".
Adalbod m Germanic
Old High German name derived from the elements adal "noble" and boto "bid, offer".
Adaleiz f Old High German, Medieval Catalan
Old High German short form of Adalheidis (compare Adelais).
Adaleta f Medieval Italian, Medieval Catalan
Adaleta di Siena was the wife of Farinata degli Uberti (leader of the Ghibelline faction in Florence). ... [more]
Adalgar m Germanic
The first element of this Germanic name is derived from Old High German adal "noble". The second element is derived from Gothic gairu (gêr in Old High German) "spear", or from garva (garo in Old High German, and gearu in Anglo-Saxon) "ready, prepared."
Adalger m Frankish, Old High German
Variant of Adalgar. It is also a cognate of Old English Æðelgar.
Adalgott m Romansh, History (Ecclesiastical)
Romansh form of Adalgod. This was the name of Saint Adalgott II of Disentis (died 1165), a 12th-century monk and bishop. His feast day is celebrated on 3 October.
Adalinde f Medieval French
Medieval French form of Adalindis.
Adalira f Spanish (Mexican, Rare)
Possibly a (rhotacized) variant of Adalida, a cognate of Adelaide.
Adaloald m Lombardic
Variant of Adalwald. Adaloald was the name of a 7th-century king of the Lombards.
Adalolphe m History (Gallicized)
French form of Adalwolf via the Latinized form Adalolphus.
Adalrun f Old High German
Derived from Old High German adal "noble" and runa "secret lore, rune". This was used for a character in a minor German opera, De Kaisertochter (The Emperor's Daughter; 1885) by Willem de Haan.
Adalsindis f Frankish (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized form of Adalsinda. This was the name of two saints.
Adaluna f Obscure, Spanish (Latin American, Modern, Rare, ?)
Combination of Ada 1 and Luna. This was also the Roman name of the River Lune in Cumbria and Lancashire, England.
Adamandia f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Αδαμαντία (see Adamantia).
Adamanteia f Greek Mythology (?)
Apparently derived from Greek ἀδάμαντος (adamantos) meaning "unbreakable, inflexible". The 1st-century BC Roman writer Hyginus called the nymph Amaltheia by this name in his Fabulae (139).
Adamanthea f Greek Mythology (Modern, ?)
Possibly a corruption of Adamanteia, a name used by Hyginus in reference to Amalthea.
Adamantini f Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Feminine derivative of Adamantios. This was the name of a Thracian saint, also known as Adamantia, who was martyred during the persecutions of the Roman emperor Diocletian in the early 4th century.
Adamantius m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Adamantios. This was borne by the 3rd-century Christian theologian Origenes Adamantius, who acquired the nickname because of his "character of steel", evidenced by severe ascetic practices (allegedly including self-castration based on a literal reading of Matthew 19:12 - "There are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven").
Adamaris f Spanish (Latin American), American (Hispanic), English
Either a combination of Ada 1 and Maris 2, or a combination of the prefix a with Damaris, or from Latin adamō meaning "I love truly, earnestly, deeply or greatly; covet".
Adamastor m Literature, Portuguese (Rare)
Derived from Greek ἀδάμαστος (adamastos) meaning "untamed" or "untameable" (also see Adamastos). The giant Adamastor is a personification of the Cape of Good Hope in the 16th-century Portuguese poet Luís de Camões' epic work Os Lusíadas (The Lusiads)... [more]
Adamastos m Greek Mythology
Means "untamed" in Greek. This was an epithet of Hades. In Greek legend Adamastus of Ithaca was the father of Achaemenides, Odysseus' companion.
Adante m African American (Modern)
Combination of the name prefix a and the name Dante. It might also be influenced by Adonis.
Adar f & m Hebrew
Variant of Adara ("noble, exalted, praised"). Adar features in the Jewish calendar as the name of the twelfth month of the biblical year and the sixth month of the civil year, when Purim is celebrated ('thus girls born during this period often bear the name Adara').
Adarius m African American (Modern)
Combination of the popular phonetic prefix a and Darius.
Adassa f Biblical Italian, Caribbean, Haitian Creole, Jamaican Patois
Form of Hadassah used in some Italian translations of the Bible.
Adastra f English (Rare)
From the Latin phrase ad astra "to the stars". It may have been inspired by the similar name Adrasta (see Adrasteia).
Adataneses f Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
Means "gift" in ancient Hebrew. This was the name of the wife of Japheth in the Book of Jubilees.
Adaya f Hebrew, Spanish (Modern, Rare)
Variant transcription of Adaiah.
Adbugissa f Gaulish
Derived from Proto-Celtic ad- "very" and Gaulish *bugio- meaning "blue".
Addalynn f English (Modern)
Variant of Adeline using the popular suffix lynn.
Addelynne f American (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Adeline using the popular name suffix lyn.
Adeimantus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ἀδείμαντος (Adeimantos) meaning "fearless, dauntless", ultimately derived from ἀ (a), a negative prefix, and the verb δειμαίνω (deimaino) meaning "to be frightened"... [more]
Adelaidi f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Adelaide.
Adelchi m Italian (Rare), Lombardic (Italianized), Theatre
Italian form of Adelgis. Adelchi was an associate king of the Lombards from August 759, reigning with his father, Desiderius, until their deposition in June 774... [more]
Adelelm m Anglo-Norman
Medieval name recorded in Domesday Book (1086), probably from the continental Germanic name Adalhelm. (The Old English cognate Æðelhelm or Æthelhelm had become reduced to Æthelm by circa 940, making it a less likely source.)
Adelo m Medieval English, Medieval French
Derived from Old High German adal "noble", or a short form of names beginning with this element. Also compare the feminine equivalent Adela.
Adelphia f Late Roman, English
Feminine form of Adelphus.
Adelphine f French (Quebec, Rare), French (African)
Possibly a diminutive or elaborated form of Adelphe.
Adeodatu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Adeodatus.
Aderet f Hebrew (Rare)
Aderet comes from Ezekiel 17:8, meaning "glorious" in the phrase לְגֶ֥פֶן אַדָּֽרֶת (legefen ’addaret) "a glorious vine", a symbol of reborn Israel.... [more]
Adeya f American (Modern, Rare), Nigerian (?)
Perhaps in part from Yoruba adé meaning "crown". This name was used by the American singer Kehlani for her daughter born 2019.
Adiante f Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek ἀδίαντον (adianton) meaning "maidenhair" (a plant, species Adiantum capillus-veneris) or ἀδίαντος (adiantos) meaning "unwetted, not bathed in sweat", from the negative prefix ἀ (a) and the verb διαίνω (diaino) "to wet, to moisten"... [more]
Adietumarus m Gaulish
Gaulish name, composed of Proto-Celtic ad- "to" and yantu "zeal, jealousy" with māros "great".
Adikia f Greek Mythology
Means "injustice, iniquity" in Greek, derived from ἀ (a), a negative prefix, and δίκη (dike) "justice"... [more]
Adilene f American (Hispanic), Spanish (Mexican)
This name appears in the 1986 song Adilene by Los Yonic's (or Los Yonics), a Mexican Grupero band.
Adinatha m Hinduism
Means "original lord, the first lord, the primordial master" or "the Supreme Lord, lord of lords" in Sanskrit, composed of आदि (ādi) "primeval, first" and नाथ (nātha) "master, lord"... [more]
Adjutor m History (Ecclesiastical)
Means "helper" in Latin. Adjutor is the patron saint of swimmers, boaters, and drowning victims, as well as of Vernon, France.
Admete f Greek Mythology
Feminine form of Admetos. This name belonged to two characters in Greek mythology: the daughter of King Eurystheus (for whom Herakles stole the girdle of Hippolyta), and one of the Oceanids.
Admeto m Italian (Rare), Portuguese (African, Rare), Theatre
Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Admetus.
Admire f & m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Admire, or directly from the English word admire.
Adnis m African American (Rare)
Meaning unknown, perhaps a contracted form of Adonis. It was the name of American rapper Jay-Z's father, about whom he wrote a song.
Ado m Germanic, Italian
Originally a short form of Germanic names beginning with the element adal meaning "noble". This was the name of a 9th-century Frankish saint, an archbishop of Vienne in Lotharingia... [more]
Adomnán m Old Irish, History (Ecclesiastical)
Old Irish diminutive of Adam. Saint Adomnán was the ninth abbot of Iona Abbey, considered one of the most significant churchmen and intellectuals of the seventh century.
Adon m History (Ecclesiastical, Gallicized)
French form of Ado 3, which was originally a short form of Germanic names beginning with the element adal meaning "noble"... [more]
Adorabella f English (American, Modern, Rare), Filipino (Rare)
This name can be a derivation of the Latin adjective adorabilis meaning "adorable, worthy of adoration" as well as be a combination of the names Adora and Bella.
Adorae f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Adorée, or perhaps an elaboration of Adore using the phonetic element ray.
Adorée f Various
Means "adored" in French. It is not commonly used as a name in France itself. Bearer Adorée Villany (born 1891) was a French dancer and dance theorist.
Adosinda f Gothic, Medieval Spanish, Spanish
Visigothic name possibly derived from the Germanic elements auds "wealth" and sinþs "path". This was the name of an 8th-century queen of Asturias, Spain... [more]
Adramelech m Biblical, Near Eastern Mythology, Literature
Latin form of אַדְרַמֶּלֶךְ (Adar-malik) meaning "king of fire" in Hebrew. This was the name of a Babylonian deity to whom infants were burnt in sacrifice (II Kings xvii, 31)... [more]
Adrión m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Adrian.
Adrius m Literature
The name of an antagonist in the Red Rising series of science fiction novels by American author Pierce Brown.
Adroa m African Mythology
The God of the Lugbara, who dwell in the area between Zaire and Uganda. Adroa had two aspects: good and evil. He was looked on as the creator of heaven and Earth, and was said to appear to a person who was about to die... [more]
Adsullata f Celtic Mythology
Meaning unknown, possibly British adsiltia "she who is gazed at". This was the name of a river goddess worshipped by the Continental Celts. It may be an older form of Esyllt.
Adwen f Welsh, Cornish
Welsh name, in which the second element is gwen meaning "white, fair, blessed". It was borne by a Cornish saint, considered to be "the Cornish Saint Dwynwen" as a patron of sweethearts... [more]
Aeacus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aiakos. In Greek mythology, Aeacus was a mortal son of Zeus (by the nymph Aegina) who was made into an underworld demigod after death... [more]
Aechmagoras m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Αἰχμαγόρας (Aichmagoras), from the elements αἰχμή (aichme) meaning "point of a spear" and ἀγορά (agora) meaning "assembly, marketplace"... [more]
Áedammair f Medieval Irish
Derived from Áed (see Aodh).
Aëdon f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἀηδών (aēdōn) "songstress" or from Greek ἀηδονίς (aēdonis) "nightingale". Also compare Greek ἀοιδή (aoidē) meaning "song". This was the name of a legendary queen of Thebes who plotted to kill her rival Niobe's son, but killed her own son accidentally... [more]
Aedos f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek Αιδως (Aidos) which meant "modesty, decency". In Greek mythology, Aedos was a goddess or daimona of modesty, reverence and respect and a companion of the goddess Nemesis.
Æduinus m Anglo-Saxon (Latinized)
Latinized form of Eadwine (see Edwin).
Aedumanda f Celtic Mythology (Hypothetical)
Reconstructed old Celtic form of Aimend.
Aeëtes m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Αἰήτης (Aiêtês), possibly derived from Greek αἴητος (aiêtos) "terrible, mighty". In Greek mythology Aeëtes was a king of Colchis in Asia Minor (modern Georgia) and the father of Medea... [more]
Aega f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Αἴγη (Aige), derived from αἴξ (aix) "she-goat" or ἄϊξ (aix) "gale of wind". In Greek mythology, Aega or Aex nursed the infant Zeus in Crete, along with her sister Helice, after Rhea gave Cronus a stone to swallow instead of the newborn Zeus... [more]
Aegiale f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Αἰγιάλη (Aigiale), derived from Greek αἰγιαλός (aigialos) meaning "beach, shore" (also see the masculine form Aigialos)... [more]
Aegina f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
From the Greek Αιγινη (Aigine), which is of unknown meaning, perhaps an alternative name for the plant known as Etruscan honeysuckle in English. In Greek mythology she was a naiad loved by Zeus, who abducted her in the form of an eagle, carrying her off to the island of Attica... [more]
Aegleis f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Αἰγληίς (Aigleis), a derivative of αἴγλη (aigle) meaning "radiance, splendour" (compare Aegle). In Greek mythology this name belonged to one of the Hyacinthides, the four daughters of Hyacinthus the Lacedaemonian, who was said to have moved to Athens and, in compliance with an oracle, to have caused his daughters to be sacrificed by the Athenians on the tomb of the Cyclops Geraestus for the purpose of delivering the city from famine and the plague, under which it was suffering during the war with Minos.
Aegyptus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek Aigyptos (Αἴγυπτος), derived from Amarna Hikuptah, which corresponds to Egyptian Ha(t)-ka-ptah "temple of the soul of Ptah"... [more]
Ael m Breton (Modern)
Directly taken from Breton ael "angel".
Aela f Breton (Modern)
Feminine form of Ael and cognate of Angela.
Ældiet f Medieval English
Variant of Ealdgyð found in Domesday Book.
Aelez f Breton (Rare)
Variant of Aela. The name coincides with Breton aelez "angels".
Ælfgeat m Anglo-Saxon
Old English cognate of Algautr, derived from the elements ælf meaning "elf" and Geat referring to a member of a North Germanic tribe from present-day Götaland in southern Sweden (note, the legendary hero Beowulf was a Geat).
Ælfgyth f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ælf "elf" and guð "battle".
Ælfhelm m Anglo-Saxon
Composed of the Old English elements ælf "elf" and helm "helmet, protection".
Ælfhere m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ælf "elf" and here "army", making it a cognate of Alfher.
Ælfhild f Anglo-Saxon
Old English cognate of Alfhildr (see Alfhild), derived from the elements ælf "elf, sprite" and hild "battle".
Ælfhun m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Old English ælf "elf" and perhaps hun "bear cub".
Ælfrun f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ælf "elf" and run "secret, mystery". It is a cognate of the Old Norse name Alfrún.
Ælfwaru f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ælf "elf" and waru "guard, protection; care, watch" (compare weard and wær).
Ælfweald m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ælf "elf" and weald "leader, ruler".
Aelhaearn m Welsh
Derived from Welsh ael meaning "(eye)brow" and haearn "iron". This was the name of a 7th-century saint.
Aelhearn m Welsh
Variant of Aelhaearn.
Ælli m Anglo-Saxon
Sparse records tell of a King Ida of Bernicia and a King Ælli or Ælle of Deira in the middle of the 6th century.
Ælling m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the name Ælli, Ælla or Alla combined with the suffix ing.
Aello f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἄελλα (aella) "whirlwind, tempest". This was the name of a "storm-swift" harpy in Greek myth.
Aellopos f Greek Mythology
Variant of Aellopous. This was the form used by Homer (in his Iliad, as an epithet of the goddess Iris).
Aellopous f Greek Mythology
Means "swift as a whirlwind", literally "whirlwood-footed", from Greek ἄελλα (aella) meaning "a stormy wind, whirlwind" and πούς (pous) "foot". This was an epithet of the Greek goddess Iris, the swift messenger of the gods... [more]
Aelod m Medieval English
Variant of Adelold, possibly a form of Adalwald or Æthelwold.
Aelphaba f Literature
Variant of Elphaba. In the novel 'Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West' (1995), this was the name of a legendary saint, Elphaba's namesake, who disappeared behind a waterfall for hundreds of years to read a book.
Ælric m Medieval English
Variant of Æthelric or Ælfric; see also Elric.
Aenea f Literature
Possibly intended to be a feminine form of Aeneas, or possibly taken from the Latin word aēneus meaning "made of copper, made of bronze; brazen" (feminine aēnea), a derivative of aes "copper, bronze"... [more]
Aenete f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latin form of the Greek Αἰνήτη (Ainete), derived from Greek αἰνητός (ainetos) meaning "praiseworthy, deserving praise", from αἰνέω (aineo) "to praise". In Greek mythology Aenete was the wife of Aeneas, the legendary founder of the ancient Thracian city of Aenus.
Aénȯhea'eotse m Cheyenne
Means "attacking/charging hawk", from the Cheyenne aénohe 'hawk' and -a'eotse 'attack/charge'.
Aenon m Biblical
From a place name mentioned briefly in the New Testament, which may be the Greek form of Hebrew ay-yin "spring, natural fountain". The Gospel of John (3:23) identifies it as a place near Salem where John the Baptist performed baptisms.... [more]
Æon f Popular Culture
Used by animator Peter Chung for his character Æon Flux, from the name of a type of spirit being in Gnosticism, an emanation from the Godhead, ultimately from a Proto-Indo-European base meaning "vital force, life, long life, eternity".... [more]
Aeone f English (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Ione, borne by British singer-songwriter Aeone Victoria Watson (1959-).
Aequitas m & f Roman Mythology
Means "equity, equality, fairness" in Latin. During the Roman Empire, Aequitas as a divine personification was part of the religious propaganda of the emperor, under the name Aequitas Augusti, which also appeared on coins... [more]
Aeracura f Celtic Mythology
Of unclear origin. It has been connected with Latin aes, aeris "copper, bronze, money, wealth" as well as era "mistress" and the name of the Greek goddess Hera.... [more]
Aerfen f Welsh Mythology
Welsh form of Aerten, the name of a Brythonic goddess of fate. Aerten is derived from Proto-Celtic *agro- "carnage, slaughter" (cf. Agrona) and *tan-nu "to broaden, to spread" or *ten-n-d-o- "to break, to cut"... [more]
Aergia f Greek Mythology
Means "idleness" in Greek, derived from the negative prefix α (a) and ἔργον (ergon) "work". This was the name of the Greek personification of sloth and idleness.
Aerial f English (American, Modern)
Variant of Ariel. The spelling is apparently influenced by the English adjective aerial meaning "pertaining to the air; ethereal" (ultimately from Greek ἀήρ (aer) "air").
Aeriana f English (Modern)
Variant of Ariana, influenced by Greek aer "air".
Aericura f Celtic Mythology (Latinized)
The origins of this name are uncertain; probably a Latinized form of a Celtic name, although some Latin roots have been suggested (including aes, genitive aeris, "brass, copper, bronze, money, wealth"; and era, genitive erae, "mistress of a house")... [more]
Aerie f English (Modern, Rare)
Diminutive of names beginning with Aer, coinciding with the English word aerie, "a bird of prey's nest".
Aeriel m & f English (Modern)
Variant of Aerial.
Aeris f Popular Culture, English
Variant of Aerith, due to translation confusion. It may also be considered a variant of Eris.
Aerith f Popular Culture, English (American, Modern, Rare)
From a near-anagram of the English word earth. This is the name of a character in the 1997 videogame 'Final Fantasy VII'.
Aeriwentha f Obscure
This was the real name of American sprinter Mae Faggs (1932-2000).
Aero f Greek Mythology
Perhaps derived from the Greek verb ἀείρω (aeiro), αἴρω (airo) "to lift up, to raise". In Greek mythology, Aero (also called Haero, Aerope and Maerope) was a princess of the island of Chios, a daughter of Oenopion and Helice... [more]
Aero m English (American, Modern, Rare), Popular Culture
From the English combining form (aero-), ultimately from Greek ἀήρ (aer) "air" (originally "the lower air, the air that surrounds the earth" as opposed to αἰθήρ (aither) "the upper air"; compare Aither)... [more]
Aerope f Greek Mythology
Feminine form of Greek Ἀέροπος (Aeropos) (see Aeropus). In Greek myth Aerope was a daughter of King Catreus of Crete, granddaughter of Minos and wife of Atreus (to whom she was married after the death of his son and her first husband Pleisthenes)... [more]